Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 71 - The memory of his death

Chapter 71 - The memory of his death

Ren kept on swinging the branches around as if they were swords. Even though his main weapon was a scythe, Ren felt so enamored by the swordsmanship he saw in his visions that he couldn't help but wanting to practice it. The swordsmanship he saw felt so familiar, so he was able to copy it with memory alone.

The swordsmanship Ren used when he was a demon lord, focused solely on attacking and its defensive capabilities was abysmal. The reason why Ren created such a swordsmanship was because he thought it would only take him one hit to kill his opponent, and even if the opponent survives the first strike Ren decided that the best defense was a good offense. So Ren's style had little to no defensive moves.

The same couldn't be said with the swordsmanship Ren was trying to copy. This swordsmanship had perfect offensive and defensive capabilities, since the offense and defense were as one. As he swung the branches like swords, Ren's concentration increased. He no longer felt his surroundings, the only thing he could feel were the branches he used as swords, and how he swung them. He didn't even notice that the leaves that were falling in his area were actually being sliced in half, and he wasn't even using mana it was just his swordsmanship.

Silika who was watching since the beginning was amazed. Ren doesn't even seem to notice he has been moving and swinging the branches for a half a day now. Silika couldn't help it, but she felt that Ren was slowly becoming the person she so wished to meet once more.

'You might simply be a reincarnation of him and a different person altogether, but I just can't help it, I can only see him. You might not be Leo but I... I can't help it, I still...'

Silika who was no longer mortal and turned into a spirit felt like she could hear the beating of her heart, that has stopped long ago. Watching Ren she remembered the last time she saw Leo.


Leonard Tranor the strongest human of his era, the one hailed as the God of battle and victory. The only mortal who would strike fear to even the Gods themselves. He who seem to be the embodiment of victory itself. He had many companions on his journey to find the ultimate battle, but the first one to accompany him on his journey was a half vampire called Elizabeth, whom he called Eli and in turn called him Leo.

Leo and Eli started their adventure by themselves, and after a short while they were joined by numerous other companions. Most of them being girls and some guys, Eli didn't understand why but Leo seem to be easily attract girls because of his overwhelming strength. Still because he was so focused on battle, it seemed like he wasn't able to notice the feelings of the women traveling with him. Well that's what the girls thought, but in truth Leo knew of their feelings, he just didn't bother with them since he wanted to focus on finding the ultimate battle.

On one of their adventures Eli was killed in battle for protecting Leo. Her death caused Leo to lose himself but only for a moment. Leo being who he was charged into the underworld, and destroyed the God of Death, in which he took his title and became the new God of Death. With his new title and abilities, Leo revived Eli.

The newly resurrected Eli, after hearing what Leo had done for her, requested him to give her the title of God of Death. Leo relinquished the title to Eli who then professed her love for him. Leo hearing Eli's confession didn't answer, instead he promised her that he would return for her. Eli then promised to wait for him, no matter how long.

Years have passed and Eli as the new God of Death, has learned of Leo's amazing adventures. On how he conquered the forbidden lands, on how he defeated numerous War Gods. On how he declared war on the Dragons, and even fought the Dragon of beginning who fled from him. She even heard that Leo unintentionally created the strongest Kingdom led by his companions and his children.

Eli hearing that Leo had children felt happy at the same time sad. Since once upon a time she too dreamt of becoming one of his brides.

A few more years went by, and Leo finally found the opponent he was looking for. He then returned for Eli, who he asked if she could accompany him for one last adventure. The God of Death Elizabeth, handed her position to another and happily joined Leo.

In this final adventure, Eli saw some familiar faces as well as new ones. Everyone was with them, as they faced an enemy who claimed to be a part of the ORIGIN. This being was so strong that even with the combined might of Leo and his companions, they were still having a difficult battle.

The battle they had with this being was fought for days, until finally only Leo was the only one able to fight. He was badly injured but still he showed a fearless smile as he faced the enemy who he sought for all his life. He stepped forward even though he knew that this was going to be his last battle.

He fought with all his might, and as he fought he smiled a joyous smile. He who loved battle was rewarded, and in the end he killed the being that was part of the ORIGIN. It was a close battle, and Leo was slowly dying. Eli was able to crawl to his side, and she held him in her arms. Leo looked at Eli, and touched her face as he gently spoke to her.

"Heh, this time our situations are reversed. I remember you being in the same situation many years ago. As I was the one holding you, making the same face." Even as death was nearing him, Leo kept his smile.

"Idiot." Those were the only words Eli could say, as she felt the vitality of Leo slowly fading.

"Heheh, I guess I really am... Hey Eli, do you remember the promise we made when we first met?"

"Yeah, you promised to show me a place I could call home."

"Next I promised to return for you. How about we make a new promise."


"Eli the next time we meet I promise to marry you."

"Heh, sure I'll be waiting Leo." Eli who could feel Leo growing colder held his hands, as she stopped herself from crying and instead smiled.

"I... Love you Eli, you were the most important person to me. You were the one who made me become who I am now. I truly... did... lov...e yo..u E...Li..." As Leo talked his voice grew softer and softer, until finally he could no longer speak.


Silika who remembered that time, felt pained. She tried to bring him back but his soul wasn't part of the normal flow, and she wasn't even sure how Leo was able to resurrect her at that time. So she felt totally helpless. Yet now she finally met him again, even though he no longer resembled the him of the past, and was basically a totally different person. Silika who saw him practicing his swordsmanship, couldn't help but hope.

'Will he finally fulfill his final promise?'

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