Dawning Skye

Chapter 495

495 Grand Wedding(Part Three)

Lawrence couldn’t believe how beautiful Shasta looked as she walked towards him. She looked frazzled at first, but as soon as they locked eyes, her smile lit up the room. His heart hammered in his chest like a teenager again as she slipped her delicate hand into his..

“Beautiful,” Lawrence muttered as she placed her hand in his, and went up the couple of steps to stand in front of the alter with him.

The officiant was older, and not a fan of Fae/human marriages. But in that moment, even he thought Shasta and Lawrence looked made for each other. As they stood before their guests and the gods, the officiant began his long-winded speech.

Skye recalled the vows that she and Tidas had said to each other, and smiled as Shasta and Lawrence said similar things. It wasn’t a promise to always adore the other, but to love each other. It wasn’t a contract to protect their interests, it was a union of two lives.

As the officiant spoke, Tidas glanced at Skye, and grinned to see her obviously thinking the same thing he was. It had been almost two years since they’d married, and so much had happened..

Nearly marrying Jacob Fowler, Tidas’ return and hearing his tale on their honeymoon, the poisoning in Dragonhorn, meeting Zas, meeting Cu Sith, finding Zazzy, meeting the Fae of Warrick Forest, meeting Petrie, Skye’s Shaman trait manifesting.. And that was all before they had even gotten to the capital. Things only became more complicated once they had arrived.

Learning Tidas was the Commander of the RMC had shocked Skye, but not as much as her first time meeting Shasta. It was amusing to her now that they had fought right after, but it hadn’t been back then. However, she still wasn’t as troublesome as Marco. Dodging him had practically become mandatory for Skye, but that was back then.

After going through the Mage Trials, going to the Highlands, and facing Richard as a monster had made it hard for the Crowned Prince to seem so terrifying to Skye now. He was still dangerous, and she wouldn’t underestimate him if she could help it, but he wasn’t the boogeyman that she had built him up to be in her head any longer.

After fighting Highlanders, mages, monsters, crazy exes, and assassins: Marco was just another bad guy to her. One that she wouldn’t run away from anymore. She didn’t know if it was because she was the Catalyst or not, but Skye felt in her very soul that Marco was her polar opposite, and that they would clash one day.


Glancing as a smiling Magnus, Skye wished that he could live for fifty more years, but that was impossible. He still had the capacity to live another ten to twenty years, but the health of a King wasn’t stable; especially Magnus’. As she turned towards Shasta and Lawrence again, a terrible thought crossed her mind..

‘If Ima not here ta heal Magnus, will Marco keep pumpin’ him full of Dark and Either magic? I’ve looked into it, but there’s no way ta prove he’s doin’ anythin’.. Too little is known about Dark and Ether magic, and the one kingdom that’s got information is too far away fer me ta investigate me self..’

Images from books Skye had read popped into her mind. An ocean of sand, a nearly flat cliff face that stretched into the clouds, and a city with massive pillars bathed in a rainbow. The Fire Nation was said to be one of the most beautiful, and deadliest places in the world, and Skye wished that she could see it someday..

“My King will now give his blessing of this union,” the officiant said, pulling Skye from her thoughts.

Magnus walked unassisted to the podium, but his movements were stiff and jerky. Skye had done her best to flush his systems, but some of the damage done was too old to be repaired. Skye postulated that was the reason that Marco could basically pre-program his father to act certain ways when triggered to.

As he started to speak, Skye listened for any slurring in his speech, or fumble of words, but he was speaking just fine. As a touch of relief began to grow, it was shorted by the feeling of eyes burning a hole through her. Trying not to be obvious, Skye quickly looked around to try and figure out who was sending her negative intent.

As soon as her eyes landed in Marco, Skye saw him staring at her with a small smirk playing at his lips. It made her skin crawl, but she didn’t show any sign of being put off. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. With a placid expression, Skye turned back to the ceremony, and listened to the end of Magnus’ speech..

“I’ve always believed that family is the strongest bond a person can have with another, but I believe I may have mixed it up over the years. Brothers, sisters, parents and their children; these bonds are stronger than most, but not unbreakable.. That being said, I think there’s something special about choosing your family.”

“People are born into families, but they’re almost never the ones who are with you at the end. My parents, sibling, wives; they’ve all gone before me. My children, of course are my family, but so are Marie and Skye. Shasta is marrying my son Lawrence now, but she has been family for far longer than that!”

Magnus smiled at the bride as he spoke; “You have been my son’s best friend, and an advisor to me for years. We chose you long before today, my dear. But I am ecstatic to finally Officially, welcome you as a MacArthur. I pray that you and Lawrence will have decades of happiness together.”

Shasta couldn’t hold the tears back, prompting Lawrence to give her the yellow handkerchief square from his pocket. As she carefully wiped under her eyes so as not to mess up her makeup, Shasta replied; “Thank you, my King. I cannot tell you what your words mean to me..”

Breaking tradition, Magnus walked over to Shasta, and hugged her. The guests awed at the familial display, and started to clap until the officiant flashed a disapproving look. The King was the King, but he felt that the crowd needed to maintain a sense of ‘proper decorum’.

After Magnus retook his seat, the officiant wrapped up the ceremony quickly. The wedding had started at twelve-thirty, and it was past one-thirty already. As the guests started to become antsy with hunger, Shasta and Lawrence finished their personal vows, then looked to the officiant for the final part..

“By the power vested in me by King Magnus MacArthur, and the blessed Gods of Creation: I pronounce you two as Husband and Wife! You may seal your union.”

As the officiant finished speaking, Lawrence grabbed Shasta, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her passionately. Shasta molded to him like they had been made for each other as the screaming cheers and clapping became almost deafening. As Shasta’s tail swayed with a swagger to it, they broke their kiss, and waved to their guests.

Everyone stood as they shared their happiness with the newlyweds. Shasta felt a touch embarrassed, but stood proudly next to her husband.. ‘I can’t let what happened last night happen again.. I Will be a good Queen and wife: no matter what..’

“Let’s go, my lovely wife,” Lawrence said is a playful tone as he gently pulled Shasta towards the throne room door.

They would go and take a short, private break while waiting for the guests to transfer from the throne room to the banquet hall. Shasta wanted to get out of her oversized dress, but since it was the only day she would ever wear it; she didn’t mind it that much.. ‘Kinda gives me the fairytale look to go with this feeling..’

Shasta waved and smiled at the guests as they left, but she kept glancing at Lawrence as well. The yellow was very complimentary to his skin tone, and it made his eyes look brighter. After they had exited the throne room and made their way through the throngs of well-wishers in the halls, the newlyweds finally found themselves alone.

As soon as Lawrence had shut the door, he immediately went to Shasta, and kissed her until she was gasping for air. When she started to ask why, he hadn’t even let her finish the question before he was replying; “Because you are too irresistible to me right now, Wife.”

The word sent a pleasant shiver up Shasta’s spine as she said; “I love the way that sounds..”

Lawrence smirked playfully; “And I love the sounds You make when I-”

“Daddy! Shasta! She’s our momma now!” Victor yelled as he entered the room.

“Ooo! Can we call her that now?!” Anna added as she followed after her brother.

Shasta chuckled as the children came rushing at them. Victor tried to jump on Shasta, but Anna yanked him back by his suit jacket as she said; “Stop! You’ll get Momma’s dress all wrinkly!”

“No I won’t! And Momma likes it when I jump on her! She told me so!” Victor yelled as he pushed his sister’s hand away.

“You dummy! That’s a Wedding Dress! They’re special!” Anna screamed back.

“Now kids, please don’t argue today, okay? For me? Your...Momma?”

The words felt strange to Shasta, but the joy reflected back at her from the children had instantly washed it away. She was afraid that them calling her their momma would somehow take away something from Anastasia, but Lawrence had put her at ease over it. He explained that they knew who their Mother was, and that they would always love her, but that they also understood that they wanted a mother figure, and that the two were not necessarily the same.

They adored Shasta, and were overly excited to finally have her to snuggle and play with at home. Both Victor and Anna understood that she still had to stay in Alcon for a bit longer, but that she would be going home with them in the next couple of years. And she would be able to go to Ruscovic for at least a month every summer.

It would be a test of patience for them, but with having Shasta as their momma for the prize: Victor and Anna were determined. As the four of them chatted about their happy future lives together, a guard knocked on the door, and announced that they were ready for them in the banquet room. As the went to walk out, Lawrence yanked Shasta into his arms, and kissed her with twice the passion as earlier.

“What was that for?” Shasta asked as they slowly moved towards the door.

Lawrence smiled brightly at her as he replied; “Nothing, just showing you how much I love you.. And how much I’m looking forward to our honeymoon..”

Shasta chuckled as they walked out into the now-cleared out hallway, and said; “That makes two of us, then..”

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