Dawning Skye

Chapter 490

490 Finally! Some Fun

The party turned stagnant after Marco had arrived. The harsh comments about Shasta spiked with the Crowned Prince there to excuse their behavior. Magnus shot a few dirty looks their way whenever they got too loud, but he didn’t do anything other than that.

Skye wanted to go say something to them all, but Tidas stopped her. He advised that if his father wasn’t going to do anything about it, then Marco could play it off as her over-stepping her rank. With his unbelievable attitude towards his wife being exiled, Tidas felt like his brother was more unpredictable than usual at that moment..

“I understand how you feel, and tomorrow you’ll have every right as her Maid of Honor to put them in their place. But my Father is obviously...not himself right now. You ken?”

Skye hesitated, but nodded her understanding to Tidas, then continued with her meal. She knew her husband had a point, but every moral bone in her body was screaming at her to put them in their places. It was supposed to be Shasta and Lawrence’s rehearsal dinner, and it had turned into a feast for the contemptuous court sycophants.

Tidas wanted to run across the room and punch his oldest brother in his face. Marco had abandoned his wife, and was now glancing at Skye every chance he got. As angry as he was, Tidas could only imagine how pissed off his other brother was..

Lawrence’s temper was building fast as his children looked on in confusion. They didn’t understand the unjust prejudices of adults, and found the group of people surrounding their Uncle Marco to be ‘big dumb meanies’. They didn’t fully understand what was being said, but could tell from Shasta’s face that their words were making her sad.

She was trying to hide it, but Shasta’s deflated ears were a dead giveaway for her growing melancholy. The obvious reason for it were the people talking, so Anna gave them a piece of her mind. They all looked ready to scream, but Magnus applauded his granddaughter for her rebuking them.

Standing up, he looked directly at Marco and his group and said; “This is a celebration of love, and happiness.. So if you can’t keep your mouths shut, then Leave. The only reason you are here is because of my son, and your families, but I will kick you All out of my palace if you show such disrespect to an allied King and the Vice Commander of the RMC again!”

Everyone in the room froze in shock until a lone pair of clapping hands triggered an outpour of applause. Right as the cascade of praise for the King’s reprimand was set off, Marco looked over at the person who had started clapping first. Without surprise; he saw Skye standing and clapping before anyone else.


Tidas, Lawrence, and Shasta followed after before the room was echoing with applause. The others mainly didn’t want to offend the current Alconian and Ruscovic Kings, but they also found the manners of the supposed-nobles greatly lacking. As the applause died down, a familiar deep voice rang out; “I’d be happy ta throw the wee bawbags out for ya, King Magnus..”

Everyone’s attention fell on the Highlander King as he strutted forward with Amara, Wallace, and Petrie in tow. They had all been invited to the wedding, and had recently arrived back from visiting Alcon’s outer towns and cities, like Dragonhorn. All four grinned at Skye and Tidas as they walked to the front of the room, and stopped at the main table.

Lawrence and Shasta were on Magnus’ left, while Marco and his group were to his right. Zas sat between Shasta and Tidas, followed by Skye, Genie, Alfred, then several RMC members. The Highlanders had chosen a table towards the back, so they could watch the room, and see how the others moved and operated.

Marco had his usual apathetic expression when Murdoc stopped and stared at him. The two clearly didn’t like each other, but there was something else between them. Right as Skye had picked up on it, Murdoc confirmed it by out-right asking; “Were ye the one responsible fer takin’ out those trolls and goblins?”

Marco kept a stony face as he replied; “Not me, but my men did. I was unaware you were in the area.. If I had known, I would’ve invited you to go hunting.”

Murdoc smirked; “I doubt that ya coulda kept up wit me, laddie.”

A faint smile touched Marco’s lips as he replied; “I don’t know about that..”

Murdoc had caught his grin as he’d spoken, but couldn’t comment back before Lawrence was calling out; “How about they just leave? Neither I nor Shasta invited them, and as Father said: today is about the love I share with Shasta, and the happiness we bring each other. Since they prefer to mock us instead of celebrate with us and everyone else, then they can just leave....Now.”

The group of nobles looked between Marco and Magnus for their verdict, then began to stammer and protest when the King said; “You heard the groom: get out.”

They practically wailed to Marco about being excluded, but he raised his arms, and announced; “You heard my Father. You all must leave, but I will go with you. I have more stories to tell from my trip, and I don’t wish to cause my little brother grief before his big day. Let us go to my quarters, and celebrate in my brother’s honor.”

The group cheered and clapped, as well as several of the dignitaries and diplomats. Even if they didn’t really like or approve of Marco, he was Alcon’s next King. And with Magnus already in his seventies, the guests knew to at least seem supportive to him for ‘defusing the situation’.

After Marco went and bid farewell to several other guests, he headed over to the left side of the main table. He barely nodded at Tidas, but lingered when he kissed Skye’s hand, then said; “Looks like I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to dance with you, dear Skye.”

After swallowing back the bile tickling the back of her throat, Skye replied; “If time permits, Prince Marco. Goodnight.”

While releasing her hand, Marco glanced at his youngest brother, who was openly glaring at him. He couldn’t resist the small laugh that escaped him as they locked eyes.. ‘This idiot is only making it easier for me..’

After straightening back up, Marco nodded at Tidas a final time as he walked passed, and whispered; “If you make your animosity any more obvious, people will start to believe the rumors..”

Tidas had to restrain himself from jumping up, and punching his brother right in his arrogant face. Marco walked over and congratulated Lawrence on his upcoming nuptials, but he barely glanced at Shasta. As he went to walk away, Lawrence grabbed his arm, and said; “That’s the second time that you’ve ignored my bride, and the Vice Commander..”

Lawrence narrowed his eyes on his oldest brother; “If you ever show my Queen such disrespect again: it will be the last.”

Marco nodded at his brother, but also spoke in a low voice before walking away; “If you say so, Brother..”

As soon as the doors had closed, the room erupted with gossip. Magnus sat in his throne with a weary expression as the room grew louder and louder. As criticisms and opinions grew from outrageous to insulting, Skye slammed her cup down on the table..

Tidas looked at her with surprise as he said; “Calm down, love. As much as I would love to see it, you can’t beat up the diplomats. This is something that Shasta will have to learn to deal with, like we did.”

Skye shook her head; “Not today, she’s not..”

Getting up and finding a servant; Skye whispered in their ear for a moment before they took off. They were only gone a few minutes, and returned with a violin in hand for the princess. As soon as Shasta saw Skye holding it, a wide smile stretched across her face.

Getting up and going over to her, Shasta called out to Skye; “Can we have some actual fun now?!”

“Damn straight! Let’s get this party started!” Skye yelled back, then looked over at the musicians for confirmation.

Seeing her violin, the bassist started to strum his cords. The other musicians followed suit, and soon after, the mood in the entire banquet room had changed. Instead of speculations about Shasta or Marco and Skye, laughter and easy-going conversations sprung up everywhere.

When the dancing started, Lawrence got up with Shasta and danced with her, as well as with his children. They all held hands and spun around to the beautiful melody filling the room. Skye played for around an hour before the children were escorted from the banquet hall for bed.

Victor was rubbing his eyes, and Anna had passed out in a chair by the time that Lawrence’s Nanny had come to take them. Shasta stopped her dancing just to hug and kiss them goodnight, then went back to Skye’s side afterwards. Lawrence had stepped off of the dance floor, and was standing next to his youngest brother with a smile.

“Remind me to send your wife a massive gift when you two return from Sai! I didn’t think Shasta was going to smile for the rest of the night!” Lawrence yelled over the noise from the happy crowds.

Tidas chuckled lightly; “It was only a matter of time. Skye wants Shasta’s experience to be a happy one, and will do what she feels is necessary to accomplish that. Tomorrow, she’ll be like a mother wolf to make sure your two’s special day is just that.”

Lawrence smiled softly at his little brother before his voice dripped with sarcasm; “I’m sure it’ll just be Skye acting that way..”

Tidas shrugged; “Well, she is scarier than me. I’m just the backup muscle, although Murdoc seems to think that’s his job.”

Lawrence chuckled; “He does seem a bit overly fond of your wife. Jealous?”

Tidas shook his head; “Na.. Skye loves me. She may care for everyone, but she loves few. I’m her favorite person, and she’s mine.”

“That’s so sweet, it’s a bit sickening,” Lawrence quipped before their women were calling out to them.

The two brothers smiled at each other, then joined their women on the dance floor, followed by the rest of their friends. The Highlanders, Genie, Zas; even Magnus himself joined in a group dance. Alfred did something the Highlanders referred to as ‘break dancing’, while Marie and Murdoc impressed all with their salsa-type dancing.

When Skye was ready for a break, Shasta came up from behind her, and hugged her tight enough to make her squeak. After releasing her death-grip, Shasta spun her around, and hugged her again as she thanked Skye over and over again. She was tipsy, but more sober than Skye had expected for the level of affection she was showing.

“You saved tonight, you know that right? Did you see that bastard’s face when he saw you clapping?! Priceless!” Shasta said over the music and crowds.

Skye grinned mischievously as she sipped on her milkshake, then replied; “Just wait til tomorrow! If ANYONE tries ta ruin yer day: I’ll show No Mercy!”

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