Dawning Skye

Chapter 479

479 Special Kind Of Meeting


Skye laughed as Tidas gently pushed her from the room. She yelled back to Shasta that they would talk more at dinner, then let her overzealous husband take her away. She knew what he wanted, and was debating on going along with him, or giving him a bit of a challenge as they headed for their own quarters.

Tidas had a look about him this morning that Skye had recognized right away. Whenever he wanted to be intimate, he moved differently, albeit subtly. His eyes lingered, and he seemingly prowled whenever he came near. Like a lion enjoying his hunt.

Skye smiled to herself as the entry to their little hallway came into view.. ‘Male lions don’t do the huntin’, the lionesses do..’

As soon as they rounded the corner, Skye grabbed her husband, and pushed him against the wall. He trusted her completely, and didn’t resist her as his back hit the wall, and her lips took his in a tantalizing kiss. As their arms wrapped around each other, they slowly started to move towards their door..

As soon as they were inside, Tidas closed the door, then went back to stealing his wife’s breath. She could barely keep a straight thought as they started to touch and strip each other. Only when they had to handle the back of Skye’s dress did they stop.

When all Skye had left was her underwear on, Tidas scooped her up, and carried her over to the bed. He laid her down in the middle, leaving her legs hanging from the bedside. As she propped herself up on her elbows, Tidas stretched his body across hers to steal another kiss.

It was shorter than Skye wanted, but he made up for it by attaching his mouth to her left nipple. He flicked and teased at it as one hand held him steady, and the other began to play with the tuff of hair over her nether lips. A throaty moan escaped her as she ran hee fingers through his hair, and encouraged him to nip.

After a few moments, he paused to look at his beautiful wife, and say; “I’ve been looking forward to this all day..”


“Oh really? Well, I guess I better make sure that yer wait was worth it then,” Skye replied with a lusty tone.

Tidas’ smirk sent a shiver of anticipation from Skye’s head to her toes as he moved from her breasts, to lower, and lower. When he reached her most sensitive area, he paused a moment to admire his wife. She wasn’t just a beautiful woman to him; Skye ignited a passion within him that felt like it could consume him if he let it.

During their honeymoon, Tidas had seriously considered extending their stay, but it was a good thing that they hadn’t. Otherwise Magnus and Lawrence would’ve been killed by the assassin pretending to be from Sai. But that was back then..

Now they each had a pile of responsibilities, and hardly had time to sleep. Skye often had to use her powers to get them through the day. Tidas had barely figured out how to control his Shaman trait, and still required Skye to heal his fatigue and tiredness.

They had only been able to be together a couple of times since they’d returned from the Highlands. Both Skye and Tidas missed their intimate moments greatly, and wanted to show the other just how much..

Skye felt the world melting away as Tidas did everything that made her feel good. Rubbing, licking and thrusting his fingers until every inch of her body trembled with pleasure. As he readied himself to enter her, Skye put her hand on his chest, and said in between breaths; “Not yet, love.. I want to-”

“I would love for you to treat me, Skye,” Tidas interrupted with a gentle voice; “But it’s been days since I’ve had you. If I feel your mouth on me, then I fear our coupling will only last a few minutes afterwards.”

Skye grinned cheekily; “So that means yer extra sensitive right now, huh?”

Tidas looked at Skye as if he was begging while sliding his tip up and down against her opening. It was tempting, but Skye wanted to see him writhing in pleasure as well. Sitting up, Skye pulled on Tidas’ arm, prompting him to sit on the side of the bed next to her.

Slowly running her hand up and down the top of his thigh, Skye coaxed him; “That’s fine wit me. Ya already gave me plenty of pleasure, but now I wanna see you enjoyin’ yer self.. Believe it or not; a lotta women like that, too.”

Tidas forced back a chuckle as he said; “And you know this how? Do women hold secret meetings or something?”

Skye laughed out loud, then replied; “No more then ya men do, Ima sure, but yer changin’ the, umm...point, husband.”

As she had finished speaking, Skye wrapped her hand around her husband’s manhood, and started to move up and down in a massaging pressure. Tidas let a restrained grunt escape as his whole body tensed and melted at the same time. Any argument he had fizzled away as his mind became lost in bliss.

Placing her other hand on his chest, Skye got Tidas to lay back on the bed. Since she was on his side, she let her right hand slowly work his member as her other hand and mouth explored his body. He tensed a moment when she came close to his upper side, but relaxed as her kisses and nips moved lower.

It was amusing to Skye that he didn’t like her going near his arm pits. She assumed that it was due to a tickle fight that they’d gotten into in the Highlands, since that was when she’d discovered his ‘greatest weakness’. She didn’t want to ruin the moment, so Skye immediately moved lower and away from his tickle spot.

Tidas felt a surging tingling sensation as Skye’s mouth moved closer to his manhood. She shifted her hands so that one moved on his shaft, and the other gently cupped and fondled his sack. He could feel himself become rock-hard, and a slight dampness as Skye ran her hand over his tip.

Hearing his breathing becoming more labored, Skye took just the tip into her mouth, and ran her tongue over it in a circular motion. Tidas gripped the bedding as he attempted to stifle a grunt, but it turned into a deep moan as she plunged him into her throat. Out of lustful instinct, he grabbed her by the hair, and wrapped his fingers in it as she moved.

Skye fought back a smile as she twisted her head, and dragged her tongue against Tidas’ hardness as she did it. The hushed noises coming from her husband only encouraged her creativity as she mixed pressure from her lips in, and gently rotated and squeezed his sack.

He bucked his hips in time with her mouth until he stood at the edge of an abyss of euphoria. He yanked Skye back by her hair so he wouldn’t finish yet, then apologized for his roughness as she climbed on top of him. She chuckled breathily, then spoke as she slid down on top of him; “I kinda liked the hair pullin’..”

Tidas smirked as he tilted his head back on instinct from feeling his wife’s warmth. She moaned lightly as she slowly started to move on him, then grabbed his hand, and placed it on her breast. As his grin widened, he brought up his other hand, and lightly pinched at her nipples as she road him.

Only a handful of minutes had passed before they were both teetering on the peaks again. Tidas had moved his hands to her hips, to help press her against him as she grinded on him. The bed creaked and shook as Tidas thrust upwards, and held himself there until they were screaming each other’s names.

As soon as Tidas’ hips dropped, Skye collapsed on top of him. She tried to move off of Tidas, but he wrapped his arms around her, and held her against him with a loving touch. Sighing in contentment, Skye listened to her love’s heartbeat slow into a steady pace.

Before either of them knew it: Skye and Tidas had fallen asleep holding each other. They were sleeping so deeply that they didn’t even wake up to Peggy banging on the door half an hour later. Tidas had warned her to make herself scarce for the couple hours before dinner, so she’d been in the kitchens helping out.

The door creaked open loudly, but Skye and Tidas didn’t move. Peggy didn’t see them right away; she was more focused on the trail of dirty clothes on the floor. While muttering about their lack of respect, she didn’t notice the naked bodies on the bed until she straightened up about three feet from the bed.

“Fer the love of the gods, why?! Are ya Tryin’ ta scar me?! At least put some bloody clothes on afterwards!”

Skye had shot up in bed as soon as she’d heard Peggy’s voice, and sleepily said; “I didna take the cookie-what? What are ya doin’ in here, Peg? What time is it?”

Peggy huffed as she dropped the dirty clothes into a pile on the floor; “Me job! Which apparently hasna changed in twenty years! The King will expect ya two in the banquet hall fer dinner. Best not ta be late, so I was makin’ sure that ye two were at least dressin’.. Got that one wrong.”

“Only half. We just haven’t gotten to the re-dressing part yet,” Tidas replied with a mischievous grin.

“...I knew why ya told me not ta come around in the afternoon, but ya also knew I’d be back! How hard is it ta put some pants on?!”

Peggy was more flustered than angry, and was soothed easily with an apology. They understood that she saw Skye as a daughter, and felt bad for making her uncomfortable. After she lectured them about what sleepwear was, and what it was for; Peggy helped them get clothes.

Skye wore the dark green dress that Marie had made for her, so Tidas wore a matching vest over his undershirt. His eyes looked light a bright green in contrast to the other color, which Skye loved. After switching out the choker necklace that her shard of the Celestial Key was on, they quickly made their way towards the banquet room..


Shasta stood by the entrance to the banquet room with Lawrence, greeting people and accepting well-wishes on their upcoming wedding. Everything was going well until the members of Marco’s inner circle started to trickle in. They made snide remarks disguised as compliments, which infuriated Shasta.

When they saw Karena and Draco heading their way, Lawrence silently prayed to the gods that Karena would keep her mouth shut. As she sauntered up to them with a cocky grin, Lawrence inhaled deeply, and tried his best to keep a non-hostile expression on his face..

Stopping in front of the couple, Karena sneered as she said; “Hello, Lawrence dear. You might want to put her on a leash. You can be held liable if your pet attacks someone..”

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