Dark Fantasy Paladin

Chapter 15

Dark Fantasy Paladin Chapter 15

Episode 15.

Except for Iden and Daryl, the entire special task force stood frozen.

It was fear. The demons that inhabit the Demon World stimulate the primal emotions of humans, and in Marticoras’ case, it was fear.

The ugly face was strangely distorted, giving me goosebumps. The huge wings covering the ceiling even covered Aiden’s halo.

The roaring sound that Marticoras let out paralyzed the eardrums and left tinnitus.

Euron covered his ears. The priest lost his Bible and the Sistine hung her sword. Sein’s pupils were trembling.

The surviving demons giggled and praised the manifestation of Marticoras.

The demon beast roared and soared into the air. Iden firmly held the iron sword between the guy’s eyes.

It reached the ceiling in an instant with a repulsive force that seemed to tear the air. When the demonic beast hit the wall, the tomb shook as if it would collapse.

Iden exploded a halo above the beast’s head. Then he looked down at the stiff members.


Euron was startled by the roar that rang out from the distant ceiling.

“yes yes!”

“Have you forgotten your duty?”

“Oh no!”

“Then take the sword!”

The special task force reacted with surprise to Iden’s halo and voice. I seemed to come back to my senses a little.

“Do what you have to do!”

The new soldier craves destruction. Knights protect the weak and priests provide hope.

There were a lot of demons in front of me. Children were still trapped in the iron cage, and misfortune was eating away at the tomb.

The special task force remembered their mission.

Sistine chewed her lips as if blaming herself. As soon as the auror was circulated, a low vibration sound was heard.

Euron began the construction in a haze of divine power. The priest recited the scripture again and the people chanted the magic.


Daryl quickly nodded and threw the chain at the demon beast.

Wedge! The lightning that flew through the air wrapped around Marticoras’ legs.

The demon beast glowed nervously as if it was trying to shake off the bugs on its body. The walls were torn down and cracks were spreading on the ceiling.

The demon beast’s eyes gathered between its eyebrows and glared at Aiden.

Marticoras’ snowball was much larger than Aiden’s.

Aiden held the iron sword with his left hand and slashed at the beast’s right eye with his other hand.

Wow! The thing cried out in terrible pain.

As the retina was torn and the pupil was dug out persistently, black blood spurted out in all directions.

Daryl, hanging on a shaking chain, crossed the line of fire several times in a split second. I had to climb up quickly.

On the other hand, Iden could not afford to look after Daryl’s situation. Because I had to kill him before the damage spreads.

‘Changyeom has no reaction.’

Aiden frowned and pulled his hand out of his eye socket. Bundles of optic nerves and blood vessels came out one after another.

The demon beast let out a violent roar and hit the ceiling. Cracks in the exterior wall spread out in all directions.

Dust and debris rained down on Aiden’s head. The rocks that made up the ceiling broke and fell to the floor.

“Sistine! “Take the children and escape from the tomb!”

A shock of this magnitude could have caused the tomb itself to collapse.

The number of detained children is so large that the previous scroll cannot be used.

The way to minimize damage was to get out of the burial mound as quickly as possible.

“All right!”

After checking the busy special task force, I turned my attention to the magic beast.

I had to focus on him from now on. The iron sword that had been left between the eyes and entrusted to the special task force was pulled out with both hands.

Black blood spattered on Iden’s face. At the same time, the iron sword was thrust into the demon beast’s remaining eye.


It completely blocked his vision. Even with Marticoras’ regenerative power, it will not be easy to shake off Aiden’s divine power.

The demon beast screamed and rushed towards the ceiling again. After a few collisions, the blunt part was shattered in an instant.

The ceiling was breached.

Daryl climbed hard, avoiding falling rocks.

Quaaaaaaaaa! Marticoras did not stop. It soared up with the same momentum that shattered the ceiling and pierced the ground.

The second floor also collapsed in an instant. Aiden didn’t stop cutting. By tearing his face and tearing open his wounds, he aroused the demonic beast.

Daryl managed to land on the beast’s leg.

He looked up at Aiden and was overcome with an eerie feeling. Because I’ve seen that kind of expression before. That was when Iden grabbed Daryl’s neck.

The cruel eyes were exactly the same.

Daryl shook off his thoughts and took out a vial containing poison from his pocket. After soaking the dagger in poison, he stabbed it into the beast’s leg.

Daryl moved again as his dark skin swelled to a bluish color. Climbed the beast’s body with a chain scythe. By frequently injecting poison.

Marticoras, whose entire body was destroyed, writhed in pain and advanced toward the final ceiling.

I no longer felt like the two on my body were bugs. As the monster slammed into the wall with all its might, the pile of sand covering the tomb poured down.

No heat was felt in the grains.

‘······The sun has already set?’

It would have been much more advantageous if it had been daytime, but it was unavoidable.

Immediately after, a vast expanse of sky was revealed. On a deep night with the moon shining brightly, stars were shining brightly.

It was spectacular, but due to the circumstances, I didn’t have the time to appreciate it.

Aiden stopped slashing at the beast’s face. It was already torn to pieces and no human face could be seen, but it did not cause any direct damage to life.

I had to be satisfied with the accomplishment of destroying one of my five senses.

Iden immediately jumped down and landed on the guy’s shoulders.

Cutting off the spine was effective.

The demon beast began to struggle, traversing the air. Aiden lowered his balance as much as possible, drove the iron sword into the guy’s trapezius muscle, and held on.

A violent wind struck Aiden. I couldn’t open my eyes properly because of the howling wind.

Daryl was narrowly avoiding the magic beast’s touch.

“I’ll get better!”

If it goes higher than that, the range of motion in which the magician can swing his arms becomes narrower. You can’t avoid it. Daryl threw the chain at Iden.

Iden immediately snatched it up and pulled Daryl towards him.

Buuuuung! Daryl’s body formed a semicircle in the air. And then it flew right into the demonic beast’s shoulder.

Although Daryl has fought countless demons, he has never experienced a battle like this.

My mind became a little distant.

“Come to your senses!”

Aiden’s voice was heard through the gust of wind.

“Yes… Yes!”

“Bind me with chains!”

Daryl noticed right away.

After driving a stake into Marticoras’ strong muscles, they tied Aiden’s waist with a chain.

Then Daryl pressed down on the stake with his body weight.

“It’s fixed!”

Aiden stood up and slowly moved forward. Accordingly, Daryl loosened the chain one span at a time.

Aiden withstood the storm and struck away the arm of the attacking beast with all his might.

Aiden’s shoulder muscles also screamed. I really don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t weakened it and summoned it.

I took one step at a time while keeping my balance. It was as if the divine power within the body was being squeezed out.

A radiance brighter than moonlight covered the night sky.

The iron sword sparkled white like a holy sword. When they almost reached the neck of the demon beast, Iden shouted loudly.

“Release it!”

The moment Daryl let go of the chain, Iden instantly jumped into his neck.

He stabbed the iron sword he was holding back into the back of the neck and fell, grazing the demon beast’s spine.

The blade cut into my back muscles and made contact with my spine, making a dull sound. Aiden put all his strength into his arms.

De-de-de-de-deuk! He cut a straight line all the way to the buttocks of Marticoras, creating a long sword path.

Aiden was hanging on a chain.

Marticoras screamed and swung his huge tail.

Bah! It hit Aiden right in the face. Red blood burst from the nose.

The nasal bone may have sunk.

‘It’s a failure.’

The spine could not be completely severed. If it had been a holy sword, it could have definitely been finished, but the cutting power of an iron sword was so poor.

I felt like I should have brought the holy sword, even if it was too much trouble.

Iden’s beaten body floated up. Before it could reach its highest point, the tail flew out like a whip once again. It hit me directly in the abdomen.

Wow! Blood spurted out from the mouth. I think I broke a few ribs, but as long as I didn’t puncture my lung, I could have fought.

Aiden’s body flew through the night sky. Due to the great repulsion force, it rose much higher than the beast’s head.

Daryl pulled on the chain with all his might and placed Iden back on his shoulder.

He looked at Aiden with a very urgent expression.

“I’ll get better!” Look over there. Isn’t it Serengal?”

Iden immediately turned his head and saw the city of Serengal.

It seemed like the demon beast smelled a human and changed direction.

Marticoras was a demon who sought recovery by devouring humans.

That much had to be prevented.

“You have to cut your wings.”

“I checked.”

The demon beast laid its body horizontally and began flying at high speed towards Serengal.

As if he would no longer be swayed by Aiden, he picked up his full speed without even struggling.

Iden and Daryl crawled to the ridge of its left wing.

When I glanced back, Serengal was already approaching.

Aiden frowned.

“I can’t keep track of time.”


“You cut off the wings. No, at least reduce the repulsion force. “Either make a hole in the wing or something.”

Even if the wings were cut off, it was obvious that the crash site would be Serengal. In that case, you should at least reduce your speed.

Iden looked down. The city began to take shape in detail.

Iden crawled back to its face and braced for impact.


There was quite a crowd gathered in the square where the fountain in the city of Serengal was located.

It was to make a wish on a shooting star twinkling at the end of the night sky.

People believed that shooting stars were the footsteps of God’s messenger passing by, and that if you earnestly wished for them, you would definitely reach God.

However, the messenger of God did not pass by. It was approaching, burning the night sky white.

someone shouted.

“It’s coming…!”

The crowd was buzzing. Some people put their hands together and prayed, and some even knelt down.

But under someone else’s screams, people had to face reality.


A monster the size of a house was roaring viciously and descending with its huge maw wide open.

Ironically, the light radiating from the monster’s mouth was very pure.

It was a strange contrast. Someone’s shout was heard from the distant sky.

“Spread out from the fountain!”

The demon got lost and was spinning and falling.

People who witnessed the disaster began to run away. Screams echoed from everywhere like a frenzy.

As the monster got closer, people realized it too.

The brilliance they believed to be a shooting star was radiating from a man.

A man holding his sword between the monster’s mouth. The scene passed by in a flash.

Kwaaaaaaaa! The water from the fountain shot into the sky. The massive recoil shook the earth and the ground cracked apart.

Dust and spray combined to obscure my son-in-law.

People’s expressions were distorted in astonishment. Everyone was so shocked that they couldn’t even speak.

The silence settled down quietly. When my vision finally opened, a monster was howling.

The man was nowhere to be seen. However, the beast’s belly trembled strangely.

A tearing and popping sound was heard. The demon beast howled even louder.

Soon, a crack opened in the belly skin, and a huge hand came out through the gap.

Ahhhhh! The outer shell split to the left and right, and pure white brilliance erupted.

There was a man. He was covered in black blood and walked out with a somewhat refreshed expression.

He was burning more naturally than moonlight.

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