Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 394 A Ridiculous Game Of The Wealthy

Ran Xueyi thought she hid her fears well. But Song Yu Han caught and noticed it. Towards this man, her perfect act and pretentious front was nothing. She was bare and raw.

"There's no need to do that... It's all in the past, I don't even know where that island is anymore." Ran Xueyi patted him on the back of his head.

"But still, we should report this to the government. How can these people avoid the law?"

"The government and the police ignored me when I reported it before. They said there's no way such an event like that could happen without alerting them and told me I must have been dreaming."

Ran Xueyi thought ridiculously of herself when she barged into the police station and tried to recount what she saw and witnessed only to be escorted back to her apartment after a trip to check if she was right in the head.

"Besides, we should focus and try to look for a hiding place for now." Ran Xueyi was worried that the 'game' had already started. "We should first collect as much food and water that we can get before looking for a hiding place."

She was worried that if the three of them went to hide in a place nobody would find them, they would starve themselves. Ran Xueyi didn't want to experience the hunger pangs she felt at that time.

She stood up to go and look for food and water in the kitchen. Since the game hasn't officially started, they could have their freedom to roam around the villa. They should take this chance to take everything they need since there's no camera.

Unfortunately, she didn't bring the phone she used to keep in contact with Lapis. If she had it in her hand, she could send a distress signal to him even without the signal.

As Ran Xueyi walked to the door and twisted the knob, Song Yu Han stopped her again. He wrapped his arm around her waist then carried her to his shoulder before sneakily patting her soft buttocks.

With a slight start, Ran Xueyi laid on her stomach on his shoulder and swayed around as he continued to walk back to the sofa.

Then, he brought her down only to place her in between his thighs as he sat behind her.

"There's no need to go out and hide."

He told her and locked her in his arms.

He added to explain before she could speak, "Guo Yun will notice something is wrong and will look for us if we don't return tonight."

Guo Yun was not his Special Assistant for nothing. He was trained in the military and also stayed with Song Yu Han for several years now. He wouldn't miss the slightest thing that concerned his boss.

Of course, Song Yu Han also planned to ruin this ridiculous game.


In another room. Men and women in different attires and colors gathered with their masks on. They had been waiting for hours now but the wait was worth it. The Harvest this year was great.

There were good-looking and beautiful actors and actresses, models with great figures, and idols who were fresh to their eyes. These people couldn't wait to do as they pleased with them.

The organizer who was at the hall earlier appeared in front of them and told them that after an hour, everyone could get out of that room.

"I will repeat the rules just in case you forgot. The harvest this year is all the top crop of the entertainment industry. No harm shall be done to the products. But... you can do whatever you want with them and their managers."

Some of the masked people inside the room expressed their dismay. They brought their hunting dogs and toy guns but it seems that they cannot use them this year. Well, they can still have fun without spilling blood.

After the announcement, the organizer stepped out of the room and met the vice director of CK show, Kavin Gong. The two shook their hands and walked together in the corridor.

"What did the masters think of this year's harvest?" Kavin asked.

The organizer smiled and answered, "They are pleased. It's all thanks to you that we're able to gather a feast that they can enjoy. But it's too bad that they'll only have fun for three days."

"I distracted that bastard, Xie Xing, and kept this a secret from him. I can only keep him away for a while," Kavin sighed helplessly. "That's why I hope you didn't forget why I agreed to do this in the first place. With the director position in my hands, I can arrange another Harvest next year and hold it for how long you want it. You only need to help me take Xie Xing down."

The organizer naturally didn't forget about their deal and said, "Kavin, who do you think I am? I am Qing Li, a director position is nothing to me. I can make the masters agree and pressure the CK show to force Xie Xing to step down."

Kavin was reassured and changed the topic, "There's another thing I wanted..."

"Oh? What is it?"

"I've been eyeing one person since this event started. Can I participate and take that person?"

Qing Li sneered inwardly but his face was still showing a friendly smile. He patted Kavin's shoulder and said, "Of course! You can take any one of the Harvest. Which one do you want?"

Kavin was relieved that Qing Li didn't refuse and then showed a licentious light in his eyes. He actually wanted two women from the group, but asking for two would probably irritate Qing Li.

So, Kavin decided to pick the best out of the two of his chosen girls and named them, "I want an actress with the name Ran Xueyi..."

"No." Qing Li surprisingly refused without hesitation. "She's the cream of the crop in the group. Although I agreed to cooperate with you, she's not for somebody in your position to take. Choose another one."

Ran Xueyi will be the star on top of a Christmas tree. How can someone like Kavin Gong dream of taking her? She should be chosen by someone who can give Qing Li more benefits.

Kavin was slightly dejected but knowing that he couldn't anger Qing Li, he could only say another actress' name.

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