Convincing her (Jen and Lucas)

Chapter 330: Lea.

Chapter 330: Lea.

"What is it?" Lucas asked Jen, who came to sit on his lap. They had been interrupted by a phone call before, and since she had to plot to make things work, she hadn't gotten the chance to give a detailed explanation.

"You called Ethan?" Lucas asked as he lightly bit the skin on her neck. Even though they had been interrupted, he was still in the mood to fool around with her.

"I did, Leanna that girl" Jen trailed off as the things Lucas was doing were very distracting.

"What about her?" Lucas asked curiously.

"She's pregnant," Jen as she turned to look at Lucas' expression. She was very curious about how he would react to what she just said. Lucas raised his eyebrows in surprise at the news. They had been so reckless before, but it never happened to them. He didn't believe that Ethan could have been so irresponsible seeing as he was a doctor.

Lucas completely removed the open dress that was still draped over her shoulders. Jen did not resist and let him remove it so she was sitting on him with just her underwear and stockings. He couldn't help but be a bit envious of his friend. Jen looked at the determined look on his face and didn't know whether she should laugh or cry.

"Do you think it'll go well?" Jen asked as her fingers tangled in Lucas' hair. He was busy indulging himself, so he wasn't thinking about other people's dilemmas.

"Most probably, since Ethan has his life put together, the issue would probably be whether or not Leanna wants to keep the child," Lucas said honestly. He felt that there was a higher chance of the two keeping the child if there was one in the first place.

"Mmh," Jen said in agreement as she ended up getting carried away by what Lucas was doing to her. She wouldn't admit it out loud, but she has been craving these activities for a while since they hadn't been very active recently. She was not willing to cut things short for tonight, so she let herself get thoroughly played with by Lucas.

On the other side of things, Leanna felt like she had to explain the situation to Ethan, but she really didn't have much that she could say about what was going on. She could only bury her head into his chest as he was comforting her.

"How long have you known?" Ethan asked.

"Just a few hours ago," Leanna answered honestly. Ethan noticed just how nervous she was, so he walked out of the bathroom so that they can talk comfortably. It was a bit awkward that they were having this conversation while standing in the bathroom.

"Weren't you going to take a shower?" Leanna asked Ethan after getting pulled out of the bathroom by him. She was very nervous about the subject that they would be talking about so she wanted to stall for time for as long as possible so that she could gather her thoughts.

Ethan watched as she bit her lip nervously. He didn't push for them to talk, but instead patted her head before kissing her forehead.

"Okay, we'll talk about it after my shower," Ethan said to accommodate her. She looked like she wanted to collect herself before they talk and he didn't want to be the only pushing his own ideas without getting any input from her.

Ethan walked back into the shower and Leanna went to the living room so that she could get more time since Ethan would still need to get dressed afterwards.

Leanna paced to and fro in the living room while trying to calm herself down. She nervously bit on her nails as she was trying to predict Ethan's reaction after he got out of the shower. The hunger she was feeling earlier was completely gone and her half-eaten food was sitting on the coffee table.

She ended up wasting most of her time like this and before she could make up her mind on what further steps she was going to take, Ethan was already walking into the living room with pyjama pants and a towel on his head.

She made eye contact with him from the moment he walked out of her room, and she immediately avoided his gaze.

Ethan didn't go talk to her, but rather he went to heat up his food in the oven. After putting his food in the oven, he went to take her now cold plate of food and also placed it in the oven before sitting in the living room and watching her act nervously.

After another ten minutes of silence, Leanna's nerves had finally started calming down and Ethan's hair was almost completely dry.

"Come here," he called out when he saw she wasn't as frantic as she was earlier. Leanna paused in her pacing and nervously bit her lip as she looked at him. Ethan even started thinking about whether he had ever behaved in a way that would warrant how nervously she was behaving.

"Come here, Lea," Ethan said gently while using the pet name he had created for her. Leanna finally went to him and joined him on the couch he was sitting on but tried to keep a distance between them.

Ethan was not having it as he tugged on her arm and she ended up literally falling into his arms. Ethan chuckled as he helped her get comfortable but did not let her keep a distance between the two of them. Once he was sure she was comfortable, he pushed her hair away from her face before kissing her forehead, then her cheeks and tucking her into his arms. 

Leanna still was not sure about what she should say to him. She could only gauge from his reaction that he was not angry about the whole situation.

"Do you want to keep it?" Ethan asked after another fifteen minutes of silence. Leanna had not even been considering not keeping the child the whole time. She was just thinking about whether he would want to have the child and if he would use it as an excuse to break up with her.

"Yes," she said after thinking for a few minutes. She knew it was a big decision to make on her part, and at the moment she did not even want to think about how her parents would react to her current situation.

Ethan, on the other hand, was so happy he was struggling to keep a serious expression on his face. His situation was not like James whose mother was looking forward to him bringing someone home for him to marry.

He did not receive any pressure from his family to be with anyone. But after bulldozing his way into Leanna's life and coming this far, he felt that he did not want to leave her for someone else to come and snatch.

In fact, he felt that it was imperative that he take action as soon as possible so wouldn't regret it later.

"Lea," Ethan called as he rubbed her shoulder with his hand as if he was trying to warm her up.

"Hmm?" Leanna responded nervously.

"Let's get married," Ethan proposed, and Leanna choked on her own saliva. She felt that maybe she must have heard him wrong.


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