Conquering His Cold Heart

Chapter 251

251 Doomed

The werewolf’s face turned pale upon hearing that blood-curdling threat from Hamilton.

However, he still tried to look tall in the face of danger and shouted back while trying his best not to tremble, “You think this is a mere hunting game? We are fighting for the honor of our King and you damned thing think this is a mere game?”

Hamilton felt a wave of rage hitting the center of his chest when he heard that werewolf mentioning its King.

“Hmm... So, it was indeed Everard who sent you loafers after us?” Hamilton grumbled while narrowing his eyes.

Alexander, who was standing still like a statue until now suddenly spoke up, “Everard was the one to send you all after us?” He furrowed his brows and glared at that grotesque creature and shouted until his eyes teared up, “Don’t you dare malign him in front of me! Everard would never stoop this low! And why would he even have any connection with people like you who clearly aren’t even humans?”

Hamilton stayed quiet and let that werewolf answer the provoked Crown Prince. Rather, he wished that it would give an answer so that he could freely warn the Queen’s brother that his best friend wasn’t the same person he used to be.

And to his utter relief, that fool of a werewolf did shout back at the Crown Prince. “Why would he have a connection with people like us? Because he is one of us! He is our future alpha!” That werewolf then pointed at Hamilton and continued in an accusing tone, “And these red-eyes dared to humiliate our King! So, on his behalf, we are here to kill all the vam-”

Slash! Thud!

“Alright, that’s enough!” Hamilton mumbled in a low growl while looking at the headless body that was still standing.


The headless body slowly fell forward, prompting Hamilton to take a few steps back so that his clothes wouldn’t be ruined by the splatters of blood.

Hamilton happened to lift his hands in the air and turn to his side as he stepped back. And for a split second, Alexander was able to see the complete form of Hamilton.

He felt a chill shiver running down his spine when he noticed how instead of some weapons like a dagger, Hamilton had sharp and long claws as his weapons. He would have brushed it off by thinking that those claws were fake ones that the lord had custom-made to suit his fighting technique. However, Alexander also saw Hamilton’s face. The terrifying look on his face, along with his sharp fangs.

“L-Lord Hamilton?” Alexander knitted his brows in confusion and stuttered. He wasn’t sure if he was in some sort of dream or if everything was real. And if they were INDEED real, he couldn’t make sense of the things that he just saw. “What are you?” he asked in a trembling voice.

Hamilton suddenly turned into a statue. The headless body fell right on his foot, ruining his expensive boots. He let out a disgruntled sigh and then pushed the body aside with his foot.

And since he had already displayed several feats that were unachievable by normal humans, he decided to come clean with the Crown Prince.

Hamilton retracted his fangs and slowly turned around to face Alexander.

Alexander subconsciously took a step back when he saw how Hamilton’s claws were still on full display. He feared that Hamilton would hurt him as well.

Hamilton half raised his hands in the air as if to say that he wasn’t going to attack Alexander. He then looked the Crown Prince right in the eyes.

Alexander immediately looked away, scared to even directly look into those very eyes that he had once called beautiful.

Hamilton took a deep breath to calm his residual anger and then spoke in a very polite voice, “Your Highness, I understand that all this might have come as a shock to you. And I understand that you might be scared of me at the moment. But I want to reassure you that I mean no harm to you. As I have said earlier, I am here to protect you.”

He slowly put his hands down and then said, “I also understand that you might have countless questions in your mind, which I will try to answer as truthfully as I can. So-”

“What are you?” Alexander instantly asked in a single breath, and finally looked at him again.

Hamilton cleared his throat and then gave a to-the-point answer, “We are vampires.”

Alexander suddenly felt as though something hard fell right on top of his head. He was so dumbfounded to hear the answer that he even forgot to breathe for a while.

Hamilton almost thought that the Crown Prince had fainted with his eyes open when he didn’t move for a good minute. He knitted his brows together and tried calling the shocked Prince, “Your Highness? Are you... Are you alright?”

Alexander suddenly drew in a sharp breath and took a couple of steps back, until his back was pressed against the cold wall. He looked as if he felt greatly betrayed by Hamilton. And he asked in a throaty whisper, “What do you mean by ‘we’?”

“Umm...” Hamilton nervously looked away and then heaved a deep breath. And he answered as softly as he could, “By ‘we’, I mean... most of the people with red eyes in our Kingdom.”

“Re-” Alexander held his head with both of his hands and crouched down. “Oh my god!” he exclaimed and instantly got back up on his feet. He accusingly looked at Hamilton again and mumbled, “You mean everyone from Sorvando?”

“Er... No, not everyone. We have humans as well.” Hamilton then braced himself for the other questions that were about to come at him.

And just as he expected, Alexander asked about Caspian, “The King also has red eyes! Does that mean...”

Hamilton gave a nod and answered, “Yes. He is also a vampire.”

The moment Alexander heard that, he dropped down to his knees again. He was in great shock. Why wouldn’t he be? He thought that his sister was in good hands. But he was discovering now that she was living with the blood-sucking monsters that he had only read about in fantasy books.

“My sister was sent to her doom, wasn’t she?” he mumbled, and slowly, the darkness engulfed him whole.

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