Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 693

Chapter 693

Li Ba also looked suspiciously at Pan Hongji, but now the snake royal master’s face flashed with surprise, and then a proud smile appeared, as if he knew the secrets, and thought that this snake emperor’s favorite People asking about things and collecting all kinds of information.

"Little snake." Li Ba patted the back of the disk macro machine: "How to return to judgment"

"I’ve heard Ling Hún shake the name of this magic." Pan Hongji’s face smirked and lowered his voice, but this voice allowed everyone in the audience to hear clearly: "I heard that the elven bloodline family is the most The strong magic is the shock of spirit hún, but this magic is very troublesome and has been lost. Their family has rules that the ancestors uploaded it, as long as they are members of the elf bloodline, regardless of the awakening power, the text is provided by Leyou, please Remember Leyou. The one who will use this magic is the real homeowner, the others are the homeowners ... "

Energetic and completely speechless on the spot, he just said a magic casually, and happened to hit the first house of the Elven Bloodline Family, what is this called?

The other elven blood magicians looked curiously at Hongyun Linfeng and asked the master of the house for a positive answer.

"Meet the Lord!"

More than a dozen elven blood magicians, knelt on the ground, no longer proud, and for a long time, this is the master of the house! Then ask the master to return to the crap? She is the owner, and she is the owner everywhere!

Hongyun Linfeng suddenly wanted to understand Biluo’s current identity. For a while, I didn’t know if I should be happy or depressed. Now this is the owner. I just wanted to threaten the owner with the parents of the owner. Fortunately, I didn’t do such a stupid thing.

"Why doesn’t he pretend he doesn’t know?" Broke off his lips and said, "If I were, I pretended not to know."

Hongyun Linfeng secretly glared at the broken wind. The blood of the elves must have their own dignity. We are committed to the faith! Since ancestors have left such words, they must be followed as descendants!

Blue turned to drive for help, and how to deal with this situation, I have never encountered.

"Since you are the homeowner", do you want to take it back? "I looked at Hongyun Linfeng kneeling on the ground with a smile.

"No ... Master Owner has all the powers of Freedom ..."

Hongyun Linfeng knelt on the ground, shaking her head left and right like a rattle.

"Then what is still kneeling here?" Broken wind squatted in front of Hongyun Linfeng, looking at the elder blood before the owner who was so arrogant that even the emperor might not be in his eyes: "I said, you still kneel What are you doing here? Still not looking for your elders? Report this? "

Hongyun Linfeng froze and quickly got up and bowed: "Master, I’ll go find someone."

Hongyun Linfeng had just left, and Palluo’s body fell softly in her enthusiastic arms and said softly, "Head comes ..."

headache? Energized, isn’t that magic ...

"Boy, you don’t know what the spirit hún shock is, a woman who dares to pass it to you?" Pan Hongji raised his thumb: "I don’t know where you learned this magic" but I want to tell you.

This magic is very weird, it almost ignores any defenses. "It can directly attack the opponent’s spirit. The ultimate blood power is as if it can’t defend this magic. However, every time the person who casts this magic, the headache will last a whole number of days , And the power of magic will be reduced by 50%. "

Ignore defense? headache? Magic power reduced by 50%? Furiously listening to this series of answers and frowning, why is there such a weird thing?

"Of course, this magic is not invincible, don’t look at my magic power is not as good as Hongyun Linfeng, that magic may have a very weak effect on me." Pan Hongji shook his head gently: "Because I have the strongest will! This magic pair The magician is more effective, of course! It is not completely ineffective for warriors. "But the effect is very weak. "

"Headache ..." Energeticly examined the physical condition of Bilu, and quickly tapped his finger on his chin: "This ... It should be possible to formulate a medicine to suppress the headache, as for the power of magic ..."

After thinking about it, I still haven’t considered a solution. Maybe I can ask Teacher Olara next time. Mysterious potions are always useful in this regard.

"Alright! You are busy!" Pan Hongji raised his hand and took out the mysterious potion that was allocated on the day of the drive, turning it gently at his fingertips.

According to the enthusiasm regulations, Panhongji has been drinking for a long time, but it has not been taken.

Pan Hongji is waiting, waiting for the real text of his body provided by Leyou, please remember Leyou. At its peak, then use this mysterious potion to gamble.

Chances are only once! Pan Hongji especially treasured it, especially after the body ’s internal fighting hún was blocked by a seal and chain. “The more I felt the moment I broke the chain, the more I took the medicament by myself, and the shocking final awakening moment.

Li Ba smiled and looked at the motivation. "From time to time, he swept away the mysterious potion in Panji’s hand.

"Is the medicinal preparation ready?" With a friendly smile, "I’ll configure it for you."

As the sun rises, God has ushered in the third round of the Rookie King Contest.

Gan Gan just had breakfast. "Before leaving the war fortress, he received a piece of good news. His third round opponents abstained one by one!

That’s right! Abstain!

After the momentum continued for two rounds, the opponents in the third round chose to abstain, not only the players in the third round abstained, but also the fourth and fifth rounds. Except for the three Elven King Bloodline fighters who did not abstain, all the other contestants announced that even if they defeated their opponents, they abstained when they encountered motivation.

To some extent, before meeting Isael, the opponent only had three Elven King Bloodline fighters in the family. Although the other fighters were still participating, they would only meet when they met themselves. Abstain.

In other words, in the next fifteen days, you only need to fight four battles, and you won’t even encounter battles at other times.

"President, are you still going today?" The soldier who informed the message looked curiously.

Get up and let Gu Yuejiaying help to organize the clothes: "I want to see, other people. Especially the unknown, but also the dry."

"Qian Wuqing? That Elven King Bloodline Warrior who you knocked over a long time ago?" Broken Wind walked into the hall with bread in his mouth, his face awake: "How did you notice him?"

Motivating and thinking, he said, "He may be undead."


The bread in the broken wind fell from the net, his hand instinctively caught the falling bread, and his face suddenly swelled.

The enthusiasm team has fought many people along the way. The most unfortunate battle was the battle with the undead in the ancient desert sand and sea. If the sky is not so fatal, I am afraid that one can really die.

Six eyes in the sky ... The broken wind thought of that weird scene, and a chilling air flow will rise from behind.

"The undead must not be strong, is it?" Broken Wind comforted the drive: "You forgot, the last time we were in the ancient barren sands and seas, we also cut down and did not know how many undeads."

"He didn’t cast a bucket hún, and one-handed blow easily turned a bloodline soldier of bucket hún level 4 ..."

The smile that just piled up on Fufeng’s face disappeared completely. What this state means is that everyone is not a fool, and if you continue to comfort you, you will lie to yourself.

"Tonight, I’ll see him." Chekforte slowly said, "Help me check his place."

Broke the wind and groaned: "I am with you."

"I am enough."

"You are a fallen angel in blood, and you’re in trouble if he gets tangled."


"Just do what Fuji said." Motivated and said, "We are not afraid of anyone, but we try not to provoke things. If Zhu Tian finds out that he is really an undead, then just kill him directly! Kill him, Try to get some information back and figure out what he wants to do ... "

"What are you talking about? I’ll tell you something bad." Mu Nazhenze walked into the room in a prince’s uniform: "Last night, the palace was robbed! I trust! What is the world now? The palace! Newcomer! On the occasion of the king contest, he was snatched! "

The palace was robbed? Enthusiasm is also a shock. Normal thieves will never choose to steal or grab things at this time of the rookie king contest.

Unless it is a thief!

At the beginning of the rookie king contest, the palace seems to be more rigorous. In fact, this rigor is actually when the loopholes really appear, the more people care about what is, the easier it is to go wrong.

"What was lost?" Broke the wind and smiled heartlessly: "Is it a crown? Or was your inner stolen?"

"A useless bead." Mu Nazhenze shook his head: "I don’t understand, there is a holy artifact in the treasure house! What kind of thief is this? Stealing a night that can only be used for lighting Ming religion ... "

"Night Pearl? Wait a minute!" I have crossed over some information about the undead in my enthusiasm ~ ~ In these days, for the problem of Hai Qing’er, various undead inscriptions have indeed learned a lot.

"What kind of night pearl?"

"It’s ordinary, the size of a fist. Oh! If there is something strange about Zhetian, it’s that this bead is smoother than other beads, and it looks like it might become milk at any time ..."

"Yuehua Star Beads?" Energetic remembered what Enrack said, and Alex was beaten that year to make them even think they were dead. I can imagine how serious the injury was.

"Yuehua Xingchenzhu? What is it?" Mu Nazhence also came to wonder.

"I generally know the principle of the formation of undead. It is a kind of existence that is really difficult to die." Thinking seriously: "Simply speaking, badly injured undead need this kind of thing! However, this alone is not enough! The undead are really smart enough. Such moonlight star beads are very rare, and only the treasure house of the palace may store this kind of seemingly worthless material, but in fact it is a special material that can make holy vessels ... "

ps: Fifth more! !! !! !! Ask for a monthly pass! a.

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