Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 673

Chapter 673

"Do you know now? The younger generation can defeat you, not just Panmeng." Pan Hongji raised his hands and kept motivated. "A few young people today, if they want Kill you, you can do it in seconds! "

Spike! Both the young generation and the strong under the sanctification can kill in seconds! Ten young Hydra bloodline fighters were scorching hot again and again, their eyes followed Pan Hongji’s fingers, and the lines passed one by one, trying to find a person they could defeat.

Mu Nazhen policy? If the prince defeated, it doesn’t explain anything. forget it! Seeing the meaning just now, if he and Fen Tu Fange really play against each other, it is really hard to say who can win.

This young man you do n’t know? The Hydra bloodline warrior’s gaze fell on Chekforte’s face, and through his eyes he wanted to see through him.

A smile, a faint smile, appeared on Cheekflett’s face. It was a confident "easy, calm" or even a "expecting" smile looking forward to their attack.

The depth of the smile ... is endless killing!

Ten Hydra bloodline warriors instinctively fought a chill. Suddenly, this young man who was handsome and beautiful enough to make women jealous was probably the most terrible of these young people!

As for motivation? A long time ago, he killed Tianlian Lingguan! Not long ago, the sacred strongman Kanazawa Tensui was hit hard. This kind of force can be called ... pervert!

The Hydra bloodline fighters followed the position of Pan Hongji’s fingers and looked all the way down. "I have to admit that this group of people really can’t overturn themselves.

"As far as you are, you still want to win the top ten in the rookie king contest? Shame the top ten?" Pan Hongji’s mouth poisoned ten young Hydra bloodline warriors and elites, and he could not wait to find them. .

"Knowing that you’ve lost firewood?" Pan Hongji pointed at the broken wind. "You guys, just follow this boy." When can you overturn him, you can return to Panjia. Otherwise, just stay with him and learn from him, and see how people grow up! With so many resources in Panjia, I still can’t win a Hydra blood warrior who is not growing up in Panjia. Do you know how to write shame? I all shame on you. "

Those who walked into the yard with their heads and chests tall, a pair of Panhongji first, their second momentum completely disappeared. "Almost all their heads were lowered into their crotch.


Pan Mengcheng, who was still sitting on the ground and still vomiting blood, suddenly looked up. "I couldn’t believe looking at Pan Hongji, and asked the elite trained in these families to follow a fighter who was thrown out by the Pan family like a weed."

"Don’t be convinced?" Pan Hongji pointed at the broken wind and smiled. "You can go up and fight with him to win him. You don’t have to follow him."

With so many resources, it is better to exile young soldiers, don’t you think it is shameful? "

Pan Mengcheng buried his head again. "Although both sides are the peaks of fighting spirits, the gap between them is large." It is like the distance between the stars and the earth.

Mu Nazhence looked at Pan Hongji very deeply. This snake emperor does not seem to just want to train the younger generation of Pan family, but also wants to cultivate a certain powerful team for Fufeng Fuji. Is he more optimistic about breaking? Isn’t the wind? Not the Panmen God, which Panjia has been cultivating all these years?

The top ten fighting spirits of the ten young generations are always with them, and that kind of emotional communication will soon be formed gradually. This is a small group around Fufeng Fuer.

"Ha ha ..., it turned out" Pan Mengcheng’s discourse was full of helplessness: "We were eliminated."

Eliminated? Nine young Hydra bloodline fighters gathered together, and immediately understood what Pan Mengcheng’s words meant. The younger generation of the Pan family also had the strongest fighting spirit. I heard earlier that there were many followers Go to battle.

Panmeng, the first candidate for Panjia’s next generation! Following him, naturally is the most important person to be cultivated ...

"Interesting ... Interesting ...", Mu Nazhen’s hand held his chin: "Is this the competition mechanism? Every qualified heir will assign some members and watch their show."

"Yes! You have been eliminated!" Pan Hongji’s face suddenly changed: "If it was before", you should be sent to the battlefield of humans and monsters,〗 〖Free exhibition. But you guys, now there is a new opportunity to follow him! If you can prove yourself, you don’t need to back out. "

"Snake Emperor, very optimistic about them?" Enthusiastically asked in Pan Hongji’s ear.

涣 A child of the Pan family ... "Pan Hongji smiled:" I treat them as fair as possible. Because everyone is a family ... "

family! The enthusiasm of the enthusiastic body is slightly shocked. If this is said from the words of Gan Zhanxuan, perhaps he does not have the strength today, but it does not mean that he is unhappy and happy today.

"Follow me?" Broke off the wind and looked at Pan Hongji: "Uncle Snake King, let me be your nanny for these offspring of waste wood. Are there any nanny fees?"

Pan Hongji just smiled and did not speak. "The ten Hydra bloodline soldiers looked ugly and looked down. Everyone was an elite, and now they have become the children in the eyes of the nanny.

"Fuji, since they are here, it is a gift for them to meet." Energetic looked to the presidents of the soldiers’ union: "Masters, you can see which soul soldier is suitable for you. I follow you Some of the fighting spirits were forged, and the chosen ones will come out. "

Holding the weird chopper in different hands, "Xing〗 〖Fen and embarrassment moved on his face, and the holy Xing〗 Fen, the chopper soul soldier made him a little awkward.

The eight ordinary soldiers at the peak of fighting spirits were holding eight soul soldiers, and the other ordinary soldier presidents who did not receive the soul soldiers were envious of the eight people standing in the center of the center.

"Uncle Snake King, please help us look around." Looking at Pan Hongji eagerly, "You stand here, and you won’t get any benefit ..."

Pan Hongji shrugged his shoulders and abandoned together with Chekforte and Mugui. The strong man after the sanctification will not gain much here.

Sanctified? The blood soldiers of the Pan family swallowed saliva again and again, my God! So many people here are sanctified at the same time? rumor! Ordinary warriors entering the Holy Spirit can bring vitality around them, can affect the surroundings of the Holy Warrior’s body, feelings, etc. Is this a gift?

"Eight", the enthusiast guides all around these eight ordinary soldiers fighting the peak of the soul: "You" can start. "

Eight huge fierce fighting spirits lift off at the same time, and eight precious and extremely fighting fighters are broken at the same time! The momentum of the eight sacred powers appeared from their body at the same time!

Eight different breaths of the Holy Spirit are intertwined and oscillated, creating a sexual situation that has never been seen before!

There is only one person who has ever been "sanctified", and sanctified in the case of one person.

Even the bloodline fighters did not gather into the saints. As for the ordinary soldiers, it is rarer than the dragon to show up. No one knows what it would be like for the eight ordinary soldiers at the peak of fighting spirits to enter the sanctity. Happening.

I don’t know the motivation, it is just an instinctual perception. If a group of ordinary soldiers fighting the peak of the soul is sanctified, then what weird qualitative changes may occur.

When the quantity reaches a horror situation, qualitative changes usually occur.

The eight breaths of sacredness are entangled, entangled, entangled! Forming a huge air stream of light straight into the sky, almost all the people in the city of God can see the vision in the courtyard of the soldiers’ union, as if it is to shake the stars Vision.

The rapid rotation of this stream of light beams directly involved all the young soldiers in the yard. Ten Hydra bloodline warriors made strange noises in the body, and a little black sweat leaked out of the body. At the same time, a force of domineering spirits turned high in different positions of their fighting skills, and their fighting spirits twisted and throbbed as if they were painful "and as if they were indescribably comfortable.

Impurities! Even in the fighting spirit of bloodline warriors, there are impurities! It’s just that such impurities are too little or too little on weekdays. "

Eight fighting spirit peak fighters go into sanctification at the same time, everything is different! The ten Hydra bloodline fighters were pleasantly surprised by the impurities of their anger and body, and now they are being discharged outwards, and at the same time! strength! Strength is constantly growing!

Not just fighting! At the same time, it is also the perception and cognition of the way of warriors ...

In the air flow composed of eight fighting spirits, "the illusion gradually appeared, or the image was more correct." It was the life-and-death battle that the eight soldiers had experienced. "Their fighting experience at this moment turned into sanctification "Next" directly sublimated into an image.

These images passed through the bodies of the people in one nose. Every time they penetrate, everyone has a feeling of personal experience. It is not just a feeling of fighting, but also an emotional shock.

The self-esteem of ordinary warriors, the glory of ordinary warriors, the souls of ordinary warriors screaming for life!

At this moment, ten young Hydra bloodline fighters stunned, forsaken their lives, and forgotten the battle of death. "Between life and death, the scene of standing up as a companion to block the knife. The shock shook their souls.

There was a long howl, and suddenly it soared up from the huge beam of light. The walls of the yard shook under this long howl, as if it were about to be at the feet of this long howl.

At this moment, the "long shout of the burning mad song suddenly burst" was not just the explosion of the long shout. His body even slowly rose into the air without anyone’s help, and his feet left the ground!

Holy! If there is no magical help to cover the sky, but the soldier can fly by himself, it is a sign of sanctification!

There is no holy weapon, and no Horcrux, among the burning fans!

The abandoned soul soldiers in the yard "all kinds of metal irons scattered on the ground are trembling ... It is as if the civilians saw the Supreme King.

Dazheng Jin’s fighting spirits emerged from the "Body" of the Burning Song, "the radiation wrapped all the surrounding metal, even the eight soul soldiers that were broken into pieces were also wrapped, and those eight ordinary soldiers remained in the holy The sacred soul soldier fragments of the time began to corrode ..., fast corrosion, in a blink of an eye, all the metal in the yard began to corrode, even the weapons carried by everyone, "weapons not put into the realm of fighting , Also began to corrode.

Dazheng Jin’s fighting spirit is like a starving undead, madly devouring all the metal breath in the yard, and accommodating them all into the body of the burning song.

The body with the golden metallic light swells continuously. 〖Body〗 The internal bones are rattling, and the body of the burning song is changing, high is changing!

At the moment when eight ordinary soldiers entered the sanctuary at the same time, the qualitative change caused by the airflow finally affected the body of the burning song, and Dazhenjin’s anger turned like crazy.

Bang bang bang bang ...

All the fighters and soul shards in the yard "and those destroyed soul fighters, as well as ordinary metal are all blown up!

The body of the burning song mad song was shocked again, and the vigorous eyebrows kept beating. This is ... the taste of the soul soldier!

That’s right! The smell of the soul soldiers was scattered on the burning path crazy song! The enthusiasm was so shocked that the chin almost fell to the ground. This great gold fight could actually make people’s bodies smell like soul soldiers? How hard is the body that burned the song of the madness now? The level of soul soldiers?


The fighting spirit burst inside the body of the Burning Mania song again, as if the spirit soldier’s smashed atmosphere was scattered in the courtyard. His body was flying up and down. "At the center of the center of the circle surrounded by eight ordinary soldiers, he slowly rose up. As if the emperor was guarded by countless warlords towards that supreme position.

"Sanctified" sanctified!

With no soul soldiers, no sacred artifacts, and no blood power turned on, Burning Road Crazy Song has bloomed into the sacred side of the sacred fighting technique of Dajinjinqi.

Ordinary warriors, can they be sanctified without anything? Don’t you even need blood power?

Pan Hongji’s slender snake eyebrows beating again and again, he thoughtfully focused all his energy on the energy. The source of this vindictive spirit was not from the burning family. The secret of this energy is too much. ?

Consumed countless metal breaths "absorbed part of the essence of Lucifer’s heart and experienced countless lives and deaths" Feeling the martial King Qiankun made the sacred king will kill the **** and the seal of the throne in the night, seek the demon, the world ’s ninth heaven, the strongest abandon the young Da Zhou Royal family Night Killing Gods Seal of the Throne Seeking Demon Awesome World Nine Heavens Strongest Abandoned Shaozhou Zhou Martial King Qiang Night Killing Gods Seal of the Great Emperor Nine Days Strongest Abandoning Daozhou Zhou Emperor God Make Night God After the strongest abandonment of Daozhou Zhou Royal family several times into the sacred atmosphere, the magical world of Jiu Zhongtian was like a phoenix reborn in Nirvana, and it turned into a beautiful Taobao women ’s clothing Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Black swan in net women winter coat m.

Soul Realm! The moment of burning the mad song Dazhenjinjinqiqi into the holy fighting spirit began the soul field that belongs to him alone! The soul field that has never been seen before is filled with the smell of metal in the air, as if a metal kingdom enveloped everyone. Around me.

"True Golden Soul Realm!"

The Burning Path Crazy Song named his soul realm like a king. "The air around him suddenly clenched his fists with his five fingers, and it suddenly solidified!

That is not solidification that becomes an entity, "but everyone feels like they have been poured into a metal block," all around is metal, or ice blocks completely trapped themselves. "

"True Gold Soul Realm might open it for me!"

The five fingers of Burning Path madly opened suddenly, and the solidified taste disappeared instantly. "The crowd only felt the body 〖inside the body in an instant, as if filled with the smell of metal armor once" and it was also the taste of top combatants and even soul soldiers!

Si Yuli, everyone’s defense force in an instant, do not know how many times the explosion.

Pan Mengcheng even surged into an impulse, and then the impulse to fight with Fen Tu Kuang Ge, to see if Fen Tu Kuang Ge just banged a while ago, "Can you break through your current defense?"

Powerful, no one actually feels the power of Burning Path Maniac after being sanctified "and the various abilities of that weird soul realm, which can impede the action of delaying others’ actions, and at the same time help the companion’s defense ...

"Dazhen Jinjian means!"

With a single finger in the air, the forefinger and the **** formed a gorgeous golden light that “immediately pierced the earth” and the countless metal atmospheres around it also entered the ground with this metal sword light.

With a near-physical volley, Fen Tu Feng Ge couldn’t help but laughed wildly in the sky, and his eyes were flashing with tears of almost heartbreaking.

How much have you paid today? Not only hard work, but also affection! Affection from the death of brother!

Suddenly, the sacred song of the burning path went into sanctification, and the large beam of airflow changed again. Everyone really felt that some metal breath entered into their own body, strengthening their bodies and strengthening their fighting spirit. This is A sanctification that is almost completely shared.

Feel the enthusiasm of martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The throne of the gods and the pride of the world are the strongest. Qiankun will kill the night of the gods and the seal of the gods and ask the demon to be proud of the world and nine strong days. Closer to Fengyun’s golden body, frowning slightly, wondering, do you really do n’t need any soul weapon to sanctify? "Feng Yun Jin Shen" is not inferior to Dazhenjin!

"I, Burning Road Crazy Song, sanctified again today!"

Suddenly in the sky, the burning enthusiastic song reached out and dragged a holy weapon directly from the fighting world!

Holy! Yes, it ’s a holy weapon!

The eyes of ten Hydra bloodline warriors immersed in the rapid ascension of pleasure really blew out of their eyes.

What’s this ...? Holy with a holy instrument? Is this kid crazy? The luxury is gone! Sacred artifact, it really uses one less one!

"Brother! Let’s go into the holy side by side!"

The sacred weapon of the sabre with a savage beast sounded suddenly a roaring shattering sound! Dazheng Jin’s vengeance also entered the remaining holy scroll into the body.

Holy! The second holiness! The burning song, the once weakest warrior in this team, at this moment became the strongest warrior.

The huge fighting spirit of the image of Burning Road Rush is hovering behind Burning Road Rush, and the boundless fighting spirit slowly disperses. "Many people〗 There is an impulsive desire to be crazy and bloodthirsty.

"The mad soul realm of the stars?" Pan Hongji sucked in the cold air, and that cold air went straight into the lungs along the teeth. Is the soul realm of these people so envious? This is a special soul realm similar to magic, except that the magician’s crazy magic will hurt the soldier’s body.

A warrior who has been insane magic "After losing the insanity, his body will leave a lot of dark injuries, and even a drop in strength is possible. The worst thing will be completely lost in the insanity" until he died of exhaustion .

On the other hand, the mad soul realm of the stars is a special mad soul realm with almost no side effects. After being cast, the person is physically exhausted for only a day or a few days, not to mention the realm of power, and not lost in madness. In.

Usually, this kind of soul realm does not appear on the warrior, but may appear on the top magician. When the magician is sanctified and becomes a holy magician, the possessed realm is similar to the realm of the soul realm. A holy magician who specializes in crazy magic may also appear in a similar crazy domain.

One Double Saint!

"Pan Hongji laughed." I really didn’t expect that after the Great Demon King, the Emperor Zhence also appeared as a double holy one, and he was not a bloodline warrior.

Even more unexpected, the great devil needs to constantly change blood to exert power, but this ordinary soldier does not have this problem, he can directly exert the full power of the dual saints.

"Nine people" ten into the Holy!

All powerful warriors of the entire **** "at this moment set their sights on the huge pillar of fighting spirit of the soldiers’ union.

"Warriors General Union?"

The quiet courtyard, fresh h1a wins everywhere, and many fresh h1a that do not belong to this season are blooming. "It is also the moment when life is the most beautiful." .

Jiuyang Fenghua held the scroll quietly and looked at the vindictive beams of light in the sky. The soul realm shrouded every corner of the yard, urging various h1a blossoms to bloom, and the seeds were sprinkled on the ground. "The bud then" twigs "to open h1a ...

"It takes a long time to complete" this moment is quickly completed in her soul.

"So many people are sanctified at the same time? This is the ability to motivate? What does he want to tell others? Or is he just building momentum for himself?"

Jiuyang Fenghua smiled and looked down at the yellowish scroll, no longer paying attention to the sky’s vindictive beams of light: "It is so good to be born in such an era, and it is more proof of how domineering the family of God of War is and how I am Jiuyang Fenghua Peerless power. "

Manors full of domineering buildings everywhere, Gan Zhanxuan slowly walked out of the room with his hands behind his back. The eyes of a beast-like king like a lion flickered to the light: "Very well, I really helped the dynasty to have so many warriors, It’s only been a few years since the Great Destruction was completed. "

"It’s just a pity ..." Gan Zhanxuan shook his head and sighed: "If an excellent blacksmith like this is able to do his homework honestly, I can also give him a good status, what should I do? Warrior. This way Hulai, then those who do not have the power of awakening in the future will also be warriors? How does the Gan family show up? This bad mouth cannot be opened! That would shake the foundations of the Gan family for years.

"As long as he is defeated and told him with absolute strength, ordinary soldiers will never be able to defeat bloodline soldiers." If he treats Cheng Cheng well, he will return obediently. "Qian Wushuang’s expression was calm, as if he had entered a new realm:" Therefore, the master does not need to sigh for such a thing, but should be happy. When he returns to my housework, all the forces in his hands will become my housework. "

"Ordinary fighters can’t defeat bloodline fighters? Young people" You are too full of words. It may be difficult to achieve this, but the backbone of ordinary soldiers will not be interrupted. This is our glory. "

The old voice showed a slight pride, and suddenly came from above the roof. Gan Wushuang’s body suddenly raised his head, his eyes flickered with a slight surprise and alert. He didn’t have any existing people around him? Who is this old white man?

[... Six, seven, three, one family, two saints [two in one] text update is the fastest ...] a! !!

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