CEO's Sudden Proposal

Chapter 196

Qin Yiyue drove to the place where she met Ye Wei six years ago after work.

The development of Qincheng in recent years can be described as rapid and unusual. After several circles around it, she determined a general orientation.

It was a road six years ago, and now it's a street park nearby.

At this time, there are many aunts and uncles enjoying the cool and walking there after supper.

Qin Yiyue found an old man who seemed to be relatively talkative and walked over.

"Hello, sir."

I'm wary of her greeting.

Qin Yiyue takes out the press card that can be taken from Cheng jiangxue and says: "don't be afraid, sir. This is my work permit. I'm a reporter of the newspaper. In the near future, the newspaper intends to make a special topic about the memory of Qincheng. Here is the old city with a relatively long history. There should be many stories. I come here to collect wind. Do you have any special stories or have you heard anything? "

Looking at her work permit, I let go and said with a smile: "that's a lot. I am from Qincheng. I have lived here all my life. I see the changes in Qincheng. "

"Then wait. I'll buy something to eat, and we'll talk while we eat. " Qin Yiyue said, and got up to go to a small supermarket ten meters away to buy a few big bags of things.

The Lord also called many neighbors and surrounded the small stone table in the park in the middle of the street.

Qin Yiyue put all the things on the table. "Thank you for your help. I bought these things in the small supermarket now. You can eat them at ease. If they are not enough, I will buy them. "

"You are so kind, little girl. What are you going to know?"

Take some food from the bag and eat slowly.

Qin Yiyue took out his mobile phone from his bag, switched to the recording function, and said: "uncle and aunt, can I record? Sometimes I listen to too many stories, and I'm confused. It doesn't mean anything else. "

"Nothing. My granddaughter recorded in class. It's normal for you to write and record. When we can't talk, it's too wasteful for you to remember. "

"Yes. Record it. I can't remember it. I can turn it over and listen. "

"Yes, yes."

They said it with all their tongues.

"Thank you first, aunts and uncles. My theme this time is morning. What impressed you most about what happened in the morning in ten years? "

"In the morning? It's hard to say. "

"Yes. The time in the morning is too hurried. I'm either sending my grandchildren to school or buying vegetables. I'm not impressed. "

An aunt thought for a while and said, "not without it. When we didn't build the street center park, we had to take care of our children. We were afraid that the child would be hit by a car when crossing the road. "

"Yes, I think of a car accident a few years ago. It seems that a young couple died in the accident. After a while, the city decided to build a street park here. There are fewer cars."

"What does the accident have to do with the park in the middle of the street?" Qin Yiyue did not understand.

"You don't understand. If it's just an ordinary car accident, we can't remember that long. There are many strange places in that accident. I don't think it's right now. "

Qin Yiyue can confirm that what she said was the accident between he qiaonian and ye Wei, and said: "Auntie, please talk about it quickly. I have the feeling of hearing super gossip. "

"Oh, it's not gossip. The old people who have lived here for a long time know that. As soon as you say what happened in the morning, I think of it. "

"What do you think is strange?"

"There are many strange places." An uncle said, "when I saw that car, it was more than six o'clock in the morning, and I stopped at the side of the road. The car's head had been damaged. At that time, there was no one in the street and it was dark, so I didn't go to see it. "

"I saw it, too. I thought the traffic police would come and pull the car after they went to work, but no one paid any attention to it. Thanks for not having a car that day. "

"Is there a lot of traffic on that road?"

"That road is usually very disordered, and the cars are parked disorderly. There are often small car accidents, and children are killed on that road. But there was no car on that day, and the road was very quiet. "

A man thought for a moment and said, "it's not right to say that nobody is right. I came back from morning exercise that day and saw a girl carrying a child out of the car with blood all over her body. After she left with her baby, we dared to look at the people in the car and found that there were two seriously injured people in it. "

"And then did you call the police?" Asked Qin Yiyue.

"Yes, but the police didn't come."

"Didn't come?"

"Yes, it has been reported several times. The police said that they had been on duty."

"Why didn't the police come when they called the police?"

"We don't know. In a word, the accident was really bad. One or two months after the accident, the urban construction department has incorporated it into the reconstruction project. "

"It seems that it's not urban construction. I heard that it's a charity project that he family and ye family do for their sons and daughters."Qin Yiyue's heart jumped, "uncle, are you sure?"

"OK. My son belongs to the urban construction department, he said at home

"Is that the he family or the Ye family?" Asked Qin Yiyue.

"I don't know. Aren't they family members? It should be together. "

An aunt robbed the white and said: "Lao Li, what are you saying. The rules and regulations of the big family are much more complicated than those of our small citizens. Neither we nor our family can pay for them, and they are even more impossible. "

"Yes. Little girl, if you are interested in this story, I'll call my son and ask him. He must know which family did it. "

"Please, uncle."

"No trouble, no trouble." Uncle said he took out his cell phone and called his son, feeling the pleasure of being noticed by all.

After he hung up, he said, "it was Ye's money. At that time, it seemed that they were still in a hurry. They said that they were in a hurry to do projects nearby, for fear of traffic jams affecting other projects of their company."


Qin Yiyue talks with a group of aunts and uncles until 9:30, and they don't leave until the aunts who are dancing in the square are gone.

She simply cleaned up the rubbish on the stone table and opened the door to go home.

After being intimate with Xiaobao for a while, I went back to the room to wash.

After washing, she didn't see Joe go back to his room.

So she put on a thin shawl and went downstairs to take two bottles of milk into her study.

When he Qiao saw her come in, he made a silent gesture.

Qin Yiyue immediately relaxed his steps and sat opposite to He Qiao's banquet. He looked at He Qiao's banquet and talked with each other in a fluent foreign language.

She can speak English. It's OK to travel to Europe and America in English.

In other languages, she is really confused.

He Qiaoyan finished his recent work and ended the video call.

Qin Yiyue pushes the milk to the front of He Qiao's banquet.

He Qiao had a sip of milk at the banquet. "Today, overtime?"

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