Celestial Peak

Chapter 248: "Truth"

Chapter 248: "Truth"

"I do not know much but I have once heard him speak of a simple story. He was once attacked and lost an arm and got devilish qi flowing in his blood. But from deep within his blood essence lays a kind of bloodline that made his qi and blood mutate, this bloodline would be a bloodline out of this world and realm. It is the bloodline that had become a forgotten relic known as the Holy Lord Bloodline, and the other was the presence of devilish qi flowing in his body, Wang Ling's blood began to experience change and from the depths of chaos came the bloodline that existed in the time of the Holy Lords, that bloodline would be"

"The True Devil Bloodline." Xiao Fei'er said with a knowing nod.

Bai Xue nodded her head before continuing, "That is correct. With these two bloodlines existing in his body, Wang Ling needed to find a way in order to stabilize his blood essence as the bloodlines he possessed was something so old that no one can help him stabilize it. He went ahead and made his Human Blood Essence that can adapt to almost anything as the border that separates the two. And in the wake of this border, two kinds of qi entered his body as he formed a connection to the deepest layers of Heaven and Hell letting the purest form of qi descend from the higher realms. Those qis would be the qi of the Holy Lords that let them control the world by conquering themselves, the Angelic Qi. And the qi of the Devils that let them control their bodies to its limits by conquering Hell itself, the Hellish Qi.

"In all truthfulness, he should have died long ago, but for some reason, the two qi and blood managed to create an ambiance in the presence of one another making coexistence possible. He had once said that these two bloodlines are conflicting but is actually one and the same. Right now, he is in the middle of treading a path that is leading to the unknown. That is everything I know about Wang Ling's current conditions." Bai Xue finished her little tale and heaved a sigh of relief as Xiao Fei'er reluctantly accepted her words as the truth.

What she had just said were no lies as she had just altered it to make it look like a different story. Her words were truthful in a way but she could never say what's the actual truth to Xiao Fei'er without Wang Ling's permission. She can't very well just announce that Wang Ling's identity is the person they call Wang Wudi of the past.

She can't do that, [Now I only have to let Wang Ling know of the story I told Xiao Fei'er. He should be smart enough to know what I am trying to say.]

After a while of silence, Xiao Fei'er broke her trance and then turned to Bai Xue to ask, "Xue, dear, if what you said is true then does that mean the one they call the Bloodbath Devil is also Ling'er?"

Bai Xue froze upon this question but in the end, she reluctantly nodded her head as she confirmed it. She began to sweat, albeit slightly, but Xiao Fei'er never dug any deeper than what she had already asked.

However, the questions are yet to stop, "Then why is my son destroying sect after sect? He has no need to do such a thing and he is creating chaos in the realm. What is he doing?"

Bai Xue sighed and then mumbled, "Sorry Ling." Before turning to Xiao Fei'er and saying, "It is to ensure the existence of the Wang Family will never falter."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Fei'er was obviously confused and had the right to be so. She had no idea what Bai Xue was speaking of. So, Bai Xue began to explain.

"The Wang Family is a family built upon a foundation of different small factions banding together underneath the banner of Wang Shu Qing. But that banner is weak and is threatening the rule of the elders of the realm.

"The existence of the Wang Family is a liability in more ways than one. It is a kind of parasite that had appeared out of nowhere and is trying to infect everything with its virus. The growth it had experienced over the years is already making it effectively terrifying to many forces. So, at the moment the Wang Family is in a precarious situation. There are two possibilities we are trying not to end up in. First would be attracting the eyes of too many envious gazes and having too much jealousy pour onto us and end trapped with enemies on all sides before ultimately being destroyed. The second one would be rather simple, and that is becoming the progenitor of an all-out war and have chaos spread all over the world because the force that will be annihilated would be us. And this end would arrive if the Wang Family shows weakness and let them see our potential for growth. With that in mind, the conflict will slowly arise and lead to war. What I and Wang Ling are trying to achieve is the third path."

"The Third path? From the two things you have said, the Wang Family will end up destroyed in the form of envy and jealousy one way or the other. Then, what is the third path you and Ling'er is trying to achieve?" Xiao Fei'er asked intrigued by their plans.

She was well aware of the Wang Family's conditions and years before she went to seclusion she already knew of the issues of the family and where it may lead to. And surprisingly enough, Bai Xue's words were no farfetched nor was it far from the truth.

Bai Xue smiled as she said, "The third oath would be World Domination."


In some place of the Red Lands, many Spirit Beasts were beginning to disappear and in one particular mountain, a black figure was slowly cooking the giant meat he had hunted before and in front of him. was an almond-shaped black tear on the air.

"It is almost time."


Inside Wang Ling's head, there were three figures, one was wearing, black, was wearing white, while the last one was grey.

Wang Ling looked at them and said, "Who are you?"

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