Celestial Peak

Chapter 208: Bai Xue's might

Chapter 208: Bai Xue's might

Bai Xue had just arrived in the Thundegod Academy yesterday and she had already created a mess. After stepping inside the academy she went to find the student who held the hundredth rank and went to beat him up without any regard.

She had just come from the Beast Legion Sect and she had just been feeling bored after playing with the elders who had too much time on their hands. The Beast Legion Sect is currently still no under her full command and the only reason why she was here was that it was needed.

She needed to be a member of the representative who will step up to face the other forces in the Ten Year Bout. Her presence in the Ten Year Bout is something she wanted, the price in the Ten Year Bout was something too enticing after all.

Bai Xue stood in the middle of the stage with her head held high, she stared at the crowd with a smile on her face. She was smug and the students who saw this became insane and irritated.

A Grade-D suddenly stepped up and shouted, "For someone who is at the bottom of the board you sure have an irritating amount of pride in you. Little beast, do you even know the weight of your words do yo"

His words was suddenly cut off as Bai Xue asked, "Are you are a ranker? Answer me or else I'll rip your lounge out."

Bai Xue was serious and her eyes had no hint of hesitation. She was at the peak of Grand Saint Stage, but the arrogance she exuded was something that no one in the surrounding could topple.

The Grade-D ranker who stepped up to her smirked and abruptly balled up his fist and announced, "I am Cui Zedong, the 93rd ranked in the Raging Thunder Board. You beast, are you looking down upon me just because Wang Ling took my spot for a little bit? Who do you think you are, do you think you are Wang Ling!? Let me tell you who and what you are, you are nothing but garbage with too much confidence and arrogance."

Bai Xue was currently just half a meter large, and she was currently being looked down upon by Cui Zedong in a literal and metaphorical fashion. The anger of Cui Zedong was also present in the heart of the other rankers.

They had been looked down upon in the fast few months after Wang Ling came and swept the entire board. Stupid students who think too highly of themselves had been appearing one another, it was extremely irritating for them. Their feelings of pride were hurt, but they can't blame Wang Ling because the only thing he did was win.

Over the past few months, their fist had been itching to give Wang Ling a good clobbering. But it seems like their anger was suddenly directed at Bai Xue who deliberately acted like Wang Ling aggravates them and make them step forward.

Cui Zedong raised his fist and lightning burst out. The sparks of lightning lacerated the stage and made his hair stand up from one end to the other. He looked down upon Bai Xue and with a snort, he threw a punch without a warning.

"[Heavenly Lightning Fist]!]


A large explosion ensued, those who were watching with smirks on their faces expected Bai Xue who be taught a lesson in mere moments. But as they watched Cui Zedong's fist being stepped by a single tail, their mouth became agape as they lost the ability to speak.

They were in disbelief, but Cui Zedong was even more shocked, "Iimpossible, yyou what the hell are you"

His words was cut off once again as Bai Xue sighed, "Please don't like that, those expressions and words are being said at me for far too many times. It is exhausting listening to your idiotic realizations and disbelief, Cui Zhegong was it? Yeah, that's supposed to be right, I'll be taking your rank now."

Bai Xue waved her tail around and bounced Cur Zedong's fist. Her body was then covered in dense lightning, her fluffy white fur stood up and with a kick of the black floor, she disappeared.


Before Cui Zedong or anyone else could react, the much large body of Cui Zedong who was looking down upon by Bai Xue has experienced a powerful blow on the chest. The wind split the air as Cui Zedong was sent flying and as if he was a kite that had its string cut, he flew off and was blown away from the stage. He landed and skidded on the ground and with a groan, he felt his ribs cracking with every desperate move he made.

With uneven breathing, he found it hard to even remain conscious. But amidst the pain on his chest, the pain in his pride and the embarrassment he had was something that he could not take.

[I-I cannot lose like this. Not again, I have trained for months and almost died trying to master

Bai Xue's voice was heard, "Stay down! Move and I will make you lose the ability to get up from your bed for years. You are weaker than me, you have no chance of winning against me in this life unless you have a Grade-4 artifact you can't beat me! You have been beaten by this little beast you said is weak, now, live with that embarrassment for the rest of your life."

Upon hearing those words, Cui Zedong's pride crumbled.

It was just the beginning, but Bai Xue had already incapacitated one of the rankers. Another incident was about to begin, and Lu Tao was already enjoying such a thing unfolding before him.

He was surprised to see someone of Bai Xue's caliber being obscured for such a long time. But he remembered something, he knew that he had met this little white fox before.

He rocked his mind and after a few seconds, he remembered her. With a wry smile, he mumbled to himself, "Just how many monsters are there in the Wang Family? Good thing I am not on any bad terms with Wang Shu Qing or that woman.

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