Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1951 - Garby City

Chapter 1951: Garby City

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

Garby City, the capital of Sterland Republic was a well-known magnificent city in the Western Continent. This magnificent city was even known as the capital of gold in the Western Continent. This city appeared to gather all the glory of the Sterland Republic.

The black limousine was running on the broad road with two flags of the Holy Light Empire on the nose. As a result, this vehicle looked such wild.

Drinking wine, Zhang Tie started to watch the scenery outside the vehicle through the dark one-way window. Being stimulated by the special liquid, many memories instantly became fresh. At this moment, Blackhot City, Kalur City and Brapei City in his memory appeared to be crumbed and turned into those building materials on the streets. Therefore, those buildings felt such intimate yet strange, fresh and solemn...

There were many vehicles on the roads, including steam vehicles and fiery-oil vehicles. Almost 1/3 of them were fiery-oil vehicles. Small flags were standing on the noses of many vehicles that represented different countries in the Western Continent.

There were also many military vehicles and soldiers on the roads. There were some camps outside the city. At some crossroads, Zhang Tie found that military policemen of allied human forces in white arm badges were paying special attention to those ordinary military vehicles and soldiers on the streets. Even armored vehicles were parking at some crossroads.

Perhaps because many big figures were gathering in this city at this moment, the streets were in good order. Although soldiers in different uniforms were mixing with so many ordinary people here, there was no chaos. Soldiers from different countries could even be seen at the gates of inns. Some boys were even circling around some armored vehicles jubilantly.

“Garby City has a high-quality gold ore which could rank among the top 10 in the Western Continent. Since the Catastrophe, the underground gold ore has been exploited for over 900 years. However, it was still not completely exploited yet. Being different than the gold ores in other places, the gold ore in Garby City has rich associated ores such as silver, copper, lead and zinc. The endless ores supported the prosperity of the entire Sterland Republic. The revenue of Garby City alone occupied half of the total financial revenue of the Sterland Republic as a whole. As a result, many countries mocked that there was only one city in the Sterland Republic!”

Finding that Zhang Tie was observing the streetscape outside the window with strong interest, Bordili the truncheon chief priest seized the opportunity to start the talk. To observe one’s behavior and speech was not exclusive to small figures.

“A small country owns a huge gold ore which is equal to a treasure bowl. I wonder how the Sterland Republic survive itself over these years?” Zhang Tie turned around and asked Bordili instead of pretending to be profound.

Zhang Tie controlled Ockham with the help of god’s baptism rune. Ockham controlled Bordili with the help of god’s baptism rune too. Therefore, the relationship between Zhang Tie and Bordili the truncheon chief priest of Holy Light Empire was established in this way.

Zhang Tie knew the relationship between Bordili and Ockham. However, Bordili didn’t know Zhang Tie’s relationship with Ockham; neither did he know Zhang Tie’s real identity. According to Ockham, Bordili must follow Zhang Tie’s order after meeting him.

Zhang Tie was crystal clear about Bordili; however, Bordili was just a prop and costar.

Zhang Tie knew that Bordili must be very curious about his identity. However, now that Ockham didn’t tell him about Zhang Tie’s identity, Bordili didn’t feel it was convenient to ask about it; instead, he wanted to judge Zhang Tie’s identity and purpose through communication. As a knight, who could serve as truncheon chief priest of Holy Light Empire, of course Bordili was not a fool. He was smart and had his own way of existence.

“At the beginning, the surrounding countries and forces indeed wanted to encroach Sterland Republic; especially the emperor of Aoto Empire, who craved for occupying Garby City at any time. However, Rhesa Republic was on the back of the Sterland Republic. Therefore, the emperor of Aoto Empire didn’t succeed. Finally Sterland Republic exploited the gold ore together with Golden Roc Bank. Golden Roc Bank took the greater part of gold coins and benefits that they acquired in Sterland Republic as long-term low-interest loan and investment for Aoto Empire and Rhesa Republic. Therefore, Starland Republic could survive on and Garby City could become the capital of gold.”

“Oh, I see!” Zhang Tie nodded as he indeed admired about Golden King Bank’s means.

“Over the past hundreds of years, almost all the golden ores 15,000 m under the earth of Garby City have been emptied. In the process of exploiting those golden ores, they discovered towers of time in an underground karst cave!” Bordili said as he made a glass of wine for Zhang Tie, “That karst cave is called the crown of gold. It contains four towers of time. The most precious one could enable people to cultivate 20 years inside; the inferior one could enable people to cultivate 10 years inside. The rest two towers of time could enable people to cultivate 5 years inside respectively. All the towers of time that were discovered across the Western Continent had been taken over by the headquarters of the allied human forces of the Western Continent two decades ago. Of course, the so-called “take over” is just for small countries, small forces and those common clans. As for the towers of time that were discovered in the territories of big countries or big forces like Rhesa Republic or Barbarian Alliance are actually still distributed to knights in Rhesa Republic and Barbarian Alliance; so are those in Holy Light Empire; although they were taken over by the headquarters of allied human forces and distributed to people according to their meritorious deeds nominally!”

Zhang Tie implied Bordili to continue as he drank his wine. Of course, Fred, as a cannon fodder, was not qualified to use tower of time. If “Fred” wanted to use a tower of time, he could only rely on someone else. Additionally, there was an easier solution——Zhang Tie directly turned into Bordili. However, if he disguised as Bordili, he couldn’t read one’s memory. Additionally, once he touched someone being familiar with Bordili, he probably expose his loopholes. Additionally, the knight was too eye-catching. By contrast, the identity of “Fred” was much more proper than the identity of “Bordili”.

“I killed a knight of the Sacred Alliance Empire in Fengzi City a couple of months ago by good fortune. Plus my trivial meritorious deeds and the help of two holy light chief priests, I could have a chance to cultivate in the crown of gold. Even though, I could only cultivate 5 years in one tower of time, during which period, I could only form about 20 scales. It’s my great honor to solve problems for His Honor Ockham!” Bordili started to ask about Zhang Tie’s identity indirectly. “How do I call you, Your Excellency?”

“Just call me Fred!” Zhang Tie replied with a smile, “Don’t worry! I guarantee that you will get greater compensation than your payment. You won’t regret. Actually, it’s a good job that Ockham has found for you!”

After hearing Zhang Tie directly calling Ockham’s name without any respect, Bordili’s heart raced once. On this occasion, he could never guess the relationship between Ockham and Zhang Tie.

“I only hope to not let down His Honor Ockham!” Bordili said meticulously.

“Oh, when did they arrange you to enter the crown of gold?”

“August 12!”

“8 days left!”

“Right, that tower of time will be available on August 12. We only need to stay in Garby City for a few days. By then, you can enter Crown of Gold with me as my personal guard. After that, you can enter the tower of time!”

“If someone finds that it’s me who enters the tower of time instead of you, will it bring any trouble to you outside the tower of time?”

“Your Majesty, don’t worry. Only the user of tower of time and two personal guards are allowed to enter Crown of Gold each time. When we enter it, there would be nobody else in the Crown of Gold. All the other three towers of time are still not available. Even if someone finds out, it doesn’t matter; because I have the right to use that tower of time; I could dispose of it at my will. Some knights who have the right to use towers of time would even auction or transfer their right through some channels in order to acquire something else that they needed such as element crystals or secret items. It’s normal!”

“Well, wish us a smooth cooperation...” Zhang Tie said as he raised his glass.

Bordili raised his glass too.

After clinking their glasses, the two people then bottomed up.


Only after a short while, the black limousine had parked outside the gate of a super five-star grand hotel called Moonlight Hotel in Garby City.

After the vehicle parked, Zhang Tie got off the vehicle first. Closely after that, he walked to the side of Bordili and opened the door for Bordili.

This grand hotel in the downtown area of Garby City had already become the residence of some senior personnel of Holy Light Empire. All the people inside the hotel were reliable ones from Holy Light Empire including guards, cooks, waiters, florists and handymen. Over these days, Bordili just lived here. It was said that the name of this hotel catered to the taste of Holy Light Empire; therefore, they chose this hotel as their residence.

Ockham and the other two holy light chief priests were also in Garby City. However, they didn’t live in this hotel; instead, they lived in the luxurious mansions that Sterland Republic especially built for people above earth knights in Garby City. Of course, the residence of shadow knights should be more luxurious and safer...

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