Castle of Black Iron

Chapter 1894 - The Domain of Battle Flames

Chapter 1894: The Domain of Battle Flames

Translator: WQL Editor: Aleem

According to Su Haimei and Ying Feiqiong, Zhang Tie had generally learned a lot of major events in Motian Realm over the past 7 years. When in cities like Dragonsea City and Incloud City, before killing Two Blackblood Sages, Yun Tianhao the grand owner of Yun Clan and those immortal generals of Five Elements Immortal Palace, Zhang Tie had acquired more information through the lackeys’ memories of these major forces. After combining these information, Zhang Tie had basically known the overall situation facing Motian Realm.

Like the current situation facing Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace, the overall situation facing mankind across Motian Realm were not positive either. Nine Heavens Big Domain had become the fiercest battlefield between humans and demons in Motian Realm.

Like what Zhang Tie had predicted before entering Infinite Immortal Prison, Versatile Demon Emperor must have its purpose by establishing Dark Emperor Immortal Palace, instigating the internal conflicts between human immortal palaces and taking big actions in Dark Valley.

At that time, Zhang Tie didn’t know the purpose of Versatile Demon Emperor. However, 7 years later, he finally knew that the target of Versatile Demon Emperor or all the demons was Nine Heavens Big Domain.

Versatile Demon Emperor raided Dragon Emperor City thrice, exposing the background of Zhang Tie and Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace and throwing out Dragon Emperor Big Domain to the other human forces like a piece of meat. All these actions were serving demons’ strategy in Nine Heavens Big Domain.

Dark Emperor Immortal Palace instigated humans’ civil strifes so that human immortal palaces and forces wouldn’t join hands with each other to fight demons. The chaos caused by the battle between supreme-level human immortal palaces and two emperor-level immortal palaces in Woods Medium-sized Domain and the fierce contradictions between immortal generals being affected by Golden-Soul Rune Virus and the other immortal generals who were not affected by Golden-Soul Rune Virus firstly collapsed the overall situation that human immortal palaces and forces joined hands with each other to fight demons.

When human immortal palaces and immortal generals were going against each other and taking precautions against each other, how could you expect them to unite with each other to confront with the surging demons?

Previously, whenever the contraditions between humans and demons were intensified in Nine Heavens Big Domain, all the human immortal palaces in Motian Realm would join hands with each other to defend demons’ strikes in Nine Heavens Big Domain. Additionally, thousands of immortal generals or clans participated in fighting demons with the purpose of making great contributions and accomplishing great tasks or various ambitions.

A few years ago, the contradictions between human immortal palaces instigated by Dark Emperor Immortal Palace collapsed the trust of human immortal palaces and deteriorated the relationship between human immortal palaces. Such intense and unreliable state definitely reduced the cooperation between human immortal palaces and forces in Nine Heavens Big Domain.

At this moment, Versatile Demon Emperor threw out the broken Dragon Emperor Big Domain and presented the weakness of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace to the other forces and human immortal palaces. Meanwhile, it ruined the dignity of Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace. The broken Dragon Emperor Big Domain which was going to lose its owner provided a good opportunity for many human forces and immortal generals to make meritorious deeds and accomplish great tasks, even found clans and new immortal palaces outside Nine Heavens Big Domain. As a result, power of resistance, will of resistance and battle force of humans across Nine Heavens Big Domain were further divided and collapsed.

According to the layout of Versatile Demon Emperor and the other demons, if Nine Heavens Big Domain was regarded as a city being besieged by demons, Dragon Emperor Big Domain became the only city gate that demons allowed to open after they launched a holistic attack towards humans in Nine Heavens Big Domain so that they could ambush the escaping humans in the preset region.

When people didn’t have a route of retreat, they would fight demons to death. If they could kill one demon at the cost of their own lives, their death was valuable. If they could kill two demons at the cost of their own lives, they won. However, when they had a route of retreat, many people would not have such a resolution and strong will anymore.

7 years ago, humans and demons drew a tie in Nine Heavens Big Domain. At that time, demons didn’t take any absolute advantage. However, in the short period of 7 years, the overall situation facing Nine Heavens Big Domain deteriorated greatly. Demon armies had occupied over 200 human cities and seized a large amount of population and materials in Nine Heavens Big Domain. Many humans clans and throne-level immortal palaces who once occupied an area in Nine Heavens Big Domain had been completely driven out of Nine Heavens Big Domain.

Take Yun Clan and Five Elements Immortal Palace as an instance, they fixated onto Dragon Emperor Immortal Palace when they suffered great losses in Nine Heavens Big Domain. They wanted to compensate their losses from Dragon Emperor Big Domain. They had even shifted the focus of their clans to Dragon Emperor Big Domain from Nine Heavens Big Domain and determined to be the largest shareholders of Dragon Emperor Big Domain by establishing an immortal palace here...

The stalemate between humans and demons in Nine Heavens Big Domain was formed through tens of thousands of years’ wars and battles in Motian Realm. To a certain degree, Nine Heavens Big Domain was a pair of scales which was used to balance the battle forces between humans and demons. If this pair of scales tilted to one party, the other party couldn’t bear it. Now, due to the overwhelming tricks of Versatile Demon Emperor, this pair of scales had been tilting to the side that was disadvantageious to humans...

Once demons occupied Nine Heavens Big Domain completely, they would directly attack some big domains and many small and medium-sized domains in the hinterland of the scope of influence of humans. By then, demons could easily cut off the contacts between human domains through Nine Heavens Big Domain and humans as a whole in Motian Realm would be completely passive in the war between humans and demons. The strategic parity would tilt to demons.

This was the ultimate purpose of Versatile Demon Emperor’s layout among humans.

After figuring out the current situation facing the human race in Motian Realm, even Zhang Tie admired Versatile Demon Emperor’s means and tricks. Versatile Demon Emperor was really the demon of demons. He could make all the humans in Motian Realm restless alone.

However, facing the attack of demons in Nine Heavens Big Domain, Star Emperor Immortal Palace and Force Emperor Immortal Palace which shared the biggest benefits in Nine Heavens Big Domain had to join hands with each other and organize their armies of immortal generals and the other forces to offend demons in Deities Plain.

As of now, armies of humans and demons had already pitched their camps in Deities Plain and set formations. They had been confronting with each other for over one year.

When Zhang Tie read souls, he didn’t get the news that Star Emperor was in Deities Plain. It seemed that Star Emperor had just come to Deities Plain or was hiding somewhere near Deities Plain.

Now that Star Emperor was in Deities’ Plain, Force Emperor should be there too. If so, there should be at least 2 demon emperors on the battlefield. Perhaps Versatile Demon Emperor was also there.

Deities Plain was a good place for enhancing his prestige...

After fixing his goal, Zhang Tie instantly left Northdragon City for Nine Heavens Big Domain, leaving a rainbow in the sky...


Deities Plain covered 1 million square miles. Being located in the middle of Nine Heavens Big Domain, it was a prairie with lush grasses.

In the past, Deities Plain was always covered with bouquets of flowers and green grasses. Flocks of buffaloes were galloping everywhere. It was vigorous everywhere. However, this year, the entire Deities Plain was covered with battle flames and strong, fierce qi. Almost 200,000 immortal generals and demon generals were gathering and fighting here at the risk of their lives.

Due to collisions between battle formations, battle qi strikes, burning cities, prodigious black smoke, homeless people’s tears, blood and battle calls of immortal generals and demon generals, Deities Plain was destroyed and lost its previous beautiful look completely...

Their battlefield was in the middle of Deities Plain. The distance between their battle formations was less than 300 miles away. Now the ground within the 300 miles had been burned black. Over the past one more year, the soil in this region had been struck for many times, causing pits everywhere. Plainland could barely be seen. It was like the wilderness being hit by meteors. From the sky, only some shoots stood on the black ground stubbornly over hundreds of miles’ land, who were warning the humans and demons here that it was once a beautiful prairie.

There was once a beatiful lake covering 60 square miles called Maiden. But now, the beautiful lake had already disappeared in the collisions between the terrifying battle formations being composed of tens of thousands of immortal generals and demon generals. The terrain of the lake was completely changed, leaving some pools and mires, large or small, and fish skeletons in the wild.

At this moment, when Zhang Tie had just left Northdragon City, two heavenly knights were having a fierce battle above the dried Maiden on behalf of humans and demons respectively under the gaze of over 200,000 immortal generals and demon generals...

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