Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 341: AKIRA, the Slayer - 1

341 AKIRA, the Slayer - 1

"Ripping apart? Who? What are you talking about Akira?"

"Well, I guess I have found something really interesting."

"What is it? Don't throw riddles at me. Tell me what is it?"

"Patience David. It's something related to Raymond's current health condition, but I can't let him know about it right now, because God forbid I don't want to give him any false hopes."

"Ok, seriously Akira, you need to stop testing my patience right now. Can you just tell me what it is?"

"Ok Ok, hold on. I will send something to your phone. Read that as we talk."

Saying that Akira sent the publication report by Dr, Oshana to David.

"Why have you sent me a medical report or paper or I don't know what this thing is?"

Shaking her head in disappointment, Akira said,

"Check who is the author."

David scrolled up and muttered,

"Dr. Oshana Smeathe."

Akira smiled and then said,

"Now turn to the conclusion section of the report and read it carefully."


David read the conclusion section and then unable to understand what she wanted to imply, he asked.

"I read, but am I supposed to get something from that? To be honest, the only subject that I have studied seriously is business analysis. Apart from that nothing else. All this sounds like Latin or Arabic to me."

"Ok wait, wait, don't give up. Check the patient ID of Raymond. I have sent you another snippet from his medical records with his ID number highlighted in yellow", saying that Akira sent the sleep analysis report snippet to David.

David checked Raymond's highlighted ID and then checked Dr. Oshana's report for a while. He cross-checked them again for a second and then screamed at the top of his lungs,

"No freaking way."

"Does this mean what I am thinking?"

"I guess so."

"Looks like a mix up of reports to me. Looks like Dr. Oshana has given that amnesia patient's prediction analysis to Raymond. Jesus Christ, how can such a goof-up happen in the reports?"

"Maybe, or maybe someone has some ulterior motives other than just curing her patient."

Hearing her say that, David immediately recollected the footage from the hotel where he had seen Dr. Oshana getting a call from Sebastian and he immediately blurted out.

"I don't think it's just the ulterior motive of one single person."

"What do you mean David?"

Taking a deep breath, David narrated the whole video footage related incident to Akira.

"So you mean to say Sebastian is behind all this."

"Well, you never know. That man is capable of many things Akira. His reach and his capacity are beyond your imagination."

"But I don't understand why would he hate me to this extent that he would arrange for such fake medical reports for his own son?"

"Don't worry about it. I will dig and find out the root cause, meanwhile, we need to inform Raymond about this big news. You know because of these reports, he decided not to go back into your life. I mean had Raymond not seen these fake reports, then you guys could have been together, ever since he woke up."

"What has happened has happened David, I cannot change that. But I can attempt to make sure the mistake doesn't continue any further."

"What do you mean?"

"Before we jump into any conclusion. I think it will be better if I can get his sleep analysis and other tests performed again. Just to be double sure about it."

"Yes, that's a very valid thought."

"I had met a doctor at the medical conference and once that doctor is back in New York, I am going to take Raymond there and get all the testing done. Maybe once the projection results re out, I will tell everything to Raymond. Until then, keep this as a secret between us."

"Sounds logical to me Akira. Meanwhile, let me figure out this connection between Sebastiana and this doctor. The whole matter doesn't look that simple to me."

"I know, it's all interconnected somehow. We need to find the trail. I don't want Raymond to be emotionally drained anymore. So please help me out on this. I want her real face to be exposed as soon as possible. She is a stain on such a noble profession by being a sellable doctor."

"Was there anything else that you could sense Akira?", David asked all concerned because Akiras's voice had suddenly become very vengeful.

"Yes, I could sense that she wanted to demarcate her area. She acted all sweet and innocent in front of Raymond, but I could feel like she wanted to pounce on him."

"Don't worry Akira. I will pull her mask down. I will pull?Sebastian's mask down as well."

"But there is someone else as well whom I want to demolish to dust."

"And who would that unlucky person be?"


She said, taking a deep breath.

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