Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 208: The game of flirting - 2

208 The game of flirting - 2

He stood there rooted on the terrace, still reeling and still feeling all vulnerable. She had definitely tricked him into this, but he didn't mind. I mean how could he, when it was her lips that touched his skin, like her whole intention was to brandish him with the mark of her love. She was playing with him and he liked that. He stood there all alone, smiling with his teeth wide open, his shirt still unbuttoned for he had no idea that she could play so well with him.

He let the wind soothe his mind for she had caused his hunger and thirst to rise. He took a couple of deep breaths and then buttoned his shirt back. He rested his palm on his chest again and smiled, remembering her subtle touch and then went downstairs.

He reached his seat and the first thing that he did was to open the communicator and then he pinged her.

"Hello" - [Raymond]

"Hi there !!!" - [Akira]

"Where are you right now?" - [Raymond]

"At my seat. Where else I will be? Are you ok?" - [Akira]

"Come to my house in the evening and tell MIke that you are going to stay at my place till GCG is over. Tell him that we need to work on a lot of things and so you need to stay at my place as we need to pull all-nighters". - [Raymond]

Akira saw the message and her breath got hitched.

"What does he mean by an all-nighter? Why is he asking me to lie to Mike? What is going on in his mind?", Akira wondered and then texted back.

"Do we?' - [Akira]

"Yes, we do. Why, you don't want to?" - [Raymond]

"Oh Boy !!! What does he want now?", Akira thought in her head and blushed all scarlet. Just the thought of being in the same room as him was enough to make her head go all berserk.

"Fine, will come down to your place. But I need to go home first". - [Akira]

"Ok, no issues. Get all the stuff that you need". - [Raymond]

Akira's mind was now racing.

"What will happen? How it will happen?" All these dirty thoughts started hounding her head.

Simon came and gave her a list of character designs to be completed by EOD but her head was completely off-track. She started rummaging through her wardrobe in her head for she wanted to wear something subtle yet kinky at the same time for him.

And then she heard Simon say,

"Akira chop chop !!! We really need those by EOD. GCG event is this weekend and I just hope that you are aware that winning here, is paramount for us.

"I am on it Simon", Akira said and then wiped away all the distracting thoughts which had occupied her head and started working on her system with her full attention.


After finishing texting her, Raymond opened his laptop and started working on augmentation part of the game which he had hidden from all his team mates, because somehow he wanted to make his game out of the box. And that was possible only when a few people knew about it.

He was busy coding the last leg when his phone rang.

"Hello Michael".

"Hi Ray".

"So you have landed?"

"Yes I have. I have a meeting with another client of mine in around 30 minutes and then I am all yours".

Raymond laughed listening to his joke and then said,

"Fine then I will be waiting !!!. You know how much this event means to me. So I really appreciate all your help out here".

"Oh c'mon don't worry. That's what friends do. They have each others back"

"Well not everyone does !!! Anyways, see you in the evening", Raymond said and then disconnected the call".


After finishing her work, Akira rushed home immediately. Throughout the time that she was sitting in the taxi, she could only think of his lips and his hands running all over her body and she couldn't help but giggle.

She rushed to the washroom first thing after reaching home and took a hot bath. She shaved her legs carefully, making sure that she covered every nook and corner.

She blow dried her hair and then applied her perfume before starting to rummage through her clothes physically. After thinking for a while, she picked up a grey lace see through slip on dress to wear and then added a beige trench coat to cover herself up.

As she tired the belt of the coat into a bow in front of the mirror, a smile spread on her face and she mumbled,

"I hope you will like this gift Mr. Raymond".

She then packed up a small duffel bag with a few stuff and essentials and then picked up her laptop bag and left her room.

"Are you guys going to work or you guys are going on a vacation?", Mike asked looking at the bags of her sister.

"Jeez Mike, can't even I pack my essentials? What if we have to pull 2-3 all nighters in a row?", Akira said wearing her shoes.

"Whatever", Mike said and rolled his eyes.

Akira picked up the car keys and drove off.

As she reached Raymond's place, she saw his car already parked outside and a huge grin spread on her face automatically.

She kept all her bags on the doorstep, and then loosened her trench coat a bit before ringing the bell. She wanted to keep the recipe on point for seducing her Mr. Perfect.

"Click ...."

A couple of seconds later, she heard the door knob click, and the door was flung open. There stood her man standing in front of her and she was all ready to seduce him.

She took a step in and said,

"I got you a present".

Raymond looked into her sultry seducing eyes and said,

"I don't see a gift wrap".

"You need to open the bow first", she said and pointed towards the knot on her trench coat.

Raymond smiled and pulled her close, tugging onto the knot and then pulled it open.

As the flaps of the coat opened apart, he saw his gift all wrapped in a grey see through dress.

He gulped his spit and then his hand went up and he touched his forehead all worried.

"What happened?", Akira asked all worried but before Raymond could speak up, she heard someone speak from behind.

"You told me she is a cute one, but she is a smoking hot seductress dude !!!".

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