Can You Mend My Broken Heart?

Chapter 190: That salt and sugar solution

190 That salt and sugar solution

Their car zoomed in the darkness amongst the streets of Brooklyn. They both sat tight-lipped as none of them had any courage to start the conversation. He thought of playing some music but then again he wasn't sure if that would sour her mood in some way for the Katherine that he knew, was edgy, moody and loaded with her own set of tantrums.

Then suddenly out of blue, he heard her voice.

"Shawn... I need something to drink. I am not feeling so good".

Katherine said and the car came to a screeching halt suddenly.

Shawn got so worried to hear her say that, that he brought the car to an instant standstill. Then he turned towards her and asked,

"What, why what happened?", he asked all fumbling amidst his own words.

"Nothing happened! I am just thirsty and my stomach doesn't feel so well. Is there a 7/11 nearby?"

"Where do you have pain?"

"My lower abdomen. Do something. I am completely nauseated", Katherine begged.

"Well, my house is just a couple of blocks behind just in case".

"Just hurry", Katherine said and started taking deep breaths.

Shawn took a sharp U-turn immediately and sped through the darkness.

Once they reached his place, he immediately opened the main door and Katherine rushed towards the powder room. She was all nauseated and belched everything that was inside her stomach, out.

Shawn heard her vomiting and grew all worried.

He immediately rushed to the kitchen to prepare a salt and sugar solution for her to restore her electrolytes. He was familiar with her bouts of vomiting like this since college days and it used to happen periodically every single month without a break. She used to be all irritated because of the pain and would miss many classes and he used to prepare notes for her and record the lectures so that she didn't stay behind.

She always used to carry a bottle of salt and sugar solution with her which was her mom's patented instant relief formula. After her mom passed away, she cried one whole night for not having that water with her, not because of the pain but because of her absence which was eating her up and he stayed up all night trying to mix salt and sugar in every possible ratio till he perfected it to be just like her mom's. Ever since that day till they parted their ways after graduation, he always made it for her.

All those old memories flooded his mind in that flash of a second as he stood there waiting for her outside the washroom.

She came out of after five minutes and saw him standing outside with a wet towel in his hands.


She said and wiped her face with it and instantly felt a bit better.

"Come and rest for sometime before we go back".

"No Shawn it's ok. You need a good sleep. Tomorrow is going to be hectic again for you. I will take an Uber from here. You rest".

"Are you mad", said Shawn and snatched the phone from her hands.

"Sit on the couch for some time. Then I will drop you".


"No ifs and buts Katherine. I know you need rest right now else it would be like..."

Shawn said and suddenly stopped, trying to retract his words unsuccessfully.

Katherine looked at him and she exactly remembered which incident he was talking about.



It was the time when she had gone on a holiday trip to Colorado with a couple of her college friends including Shawn. They had gone for a trail hiking to Emerald Lake. Shawn had specifically asked her not to go for this hiking and to take rest for he knew that her body won't be able to take the strain. But Katherine being Katherine didn't pay any heed and continued along with the group.

After reaching the lake they all rested and opened the food packets to have lunch. Shawn and Katherine also sat in one corner. He was opening the Tupperware carrying the lunch box while Katherine was just lying down trying to give rest to her worked up calf muscles. Then suddenly she felt a tight cramp rising in her lower abdomen and she got up immediately. Her face had turned all pale and before Shawn could even hold her or support her, she vomited.

Not only their lunch was spoiled, but Shawn's clothes and shoes were also all gone. But without even bothering to clean himself up, or getting disgusted, the first thing that he did was to hold her and help her out.

She remembered that incident and suddenly a smile etched on her face and she said,

"I should have listened to you".

Shawn smiled and said,

"You can do that now", he said and pointed towards the couch.

Katherine took a deep breath and went towards the couch in the living area and sat on it like a proper lady, with her legs crossed and all. Shawn came back with the glass of salt and sugar solution and gave it to her.

She took a sip and a smile etched on her face.

"You remembered?"

"The ratio is exactly the same and perfect, just like mom's", she said while taking another sip of it.

He sat on the couch exactly opposite to her and said,

"I remember everything exactly the way it was".

And then there was a pin drop silence that spread in the room. Wanting to avoid the conversation going in some random direction, she asked,

"Can I just take a quick nap?"

"Yeah sure. Come I will show you to the guest room", Shawn said and got up.

"I like couches better", she said and smiled and sprawled her body on the couch.

She tried to sleep by closing her eyes, but then opened them again a few seconds later just see if he was still looking at her, and yes he was, sitting there on the other side of the couch, he gave his unflinched attention to her.

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