Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 297 Trampled Under A Red Flame, Yet...

Skullius could only keep his eyes peeled, issuing no response to the Arch-Lich who inhabited the above legendary treasure, SoSei.

At this point, his anxiety had peaked. He couldn’t express anymore shock.

Unlike most people, he knew what would happen to him if he died as even now, he continued to take damage as his soul was near Somanda.

He was slowly edging towards 40% with Doom Factor 2 and he had a feeling that Somanda was aware of this.


Why was Somanda taking his time?

If he truly wanted to kill him, he could have done so already.

Skullius highly doubted that his sphere of darkness would hinder this monster if he truly wanted him, as even if it had safely guarded his body against that dark red flame, that definitely wasn’t the entirety of Somanda’s arsenal.

That much he was sure.

Then why…?

Somanda remained silent for a moment, as did Skullius who knew that running was impossible now.

“Hmmm. Even with flesh over your soul, I can tell what you’re thinking. Why haven’t I killed you yet. Chacha!” Somanda said as he sat over the floating mass of the dead.

“Seeing as you have tangled with my subjects in this world, I’m sure you have connected some of the glaring dots. It would be a shame to simply kill you and have you reunite with the rest of your soul. Why go through that when you can choose a third option?”

Skullius trembled.

“Serve under me once more. I will give you a recollection of your past on a silver platter and even label you as my Right Hand to the Eminence of Undeath himself.”



Serve Somanda again?!

Skullius felt rage built up like blocks within him and finally opened his mouth to speak.

“Serve..? Didn’t you say you could just rip out my soul and fill it with undeath?” he spoke, his Projected form quivering as the Discount Human was actually shocked he spat back a reply.

Growth. That’s what it was.

Somanda’s sockets flared wildly.

“That is indeed true, Skullius. But you see, you have inherited quite the interesting set of powers. From Lifelessness, to this legacy that I dare say is envied by the OTHER Deities and Arch-Liches. I did not expect you to have it. I would lose it if you fell by my hands and furthermore, infecting you with undeath would drive away the power of Lifelessness. There is simply no merit in killing you,” the Arch-Lich said.

Skullius processed this, however, he didn’t give himself the time to think much of it over as with the more he entertained Somanda, the more he accrued damage..

“I know you are in quite a bit of trouble. Your soul which is broken can sense its roots from me it seems. It wills to restore itself and being in my presence presents a challenge, is that not true? Come now, Skullius…”

The Discount Human wore a hard Projected face as he looked at Somanda.

The bastard was genuinely enjoying himself!

The flames said it all.

Skullius surmised that this sockethole may be lying about not willing to let Lifelessness and the Insurgent Magnus powers slip from him by killing Skullius.

Or maybe it was actually true but Somanda was having fun by having Skullius think he actually had a choice!

He could just capture Skullius anyway, but… it indeed was fairly debatable whether or not he could take the powers from him.

Perhaps that was truly why he was asking for Skullius’ cooperation.

The Discount Human grounded his teeth.

He looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar face of Somanda as he raged within.

If this was the end…

If this was how he would die… tossed either between eternal bondage in frost or eternal slavery by the one he hated the most, then he would rather give this whole thing one last shot.

Red Rage had showed courage for his sake!

Why not him, that golden sockethole’s master?!

He could have a last shot at fighting this bastard and deciding his fate even if he died!

Heck, dying could be the best part!

“What say you, my little undead?” Somanda’s flames danced playfully as he sat on his throne.


Skullius pulled on the sphere that carried his main body and Red Rage.

He had packed all the mana he had into producing a super mass of darkness that he compacted into this sphere.

This was all he had left.

The Discount Human opened his Projected mouth to utter what could possibly be some of his final words!

“Flesh you… Somanda. I’m not your little undead. And I’LL NEVER BE YOUR UNDEAD AGAIN!” Skullius roared as his Projected Form then went on to clasp its hands together, the [Evil Darkness] that made up the orb exploding to engulf him and the Arch-Lich who didn’t move a bone!

A perfect cube of darkness was formed, trapping only Somanda and his flying platform!

Cocoons of darkness appeared behind Skullius, housing his body and Red Rage’s protectively as he floated before them and glared at his enemy.

Said enemy, the Arch-Lich, appeared in the total darkness that seemed to want to devour him whole and rewrite his entire existence!

It was oppressive, but not to him, as he remained relaxed while watching what was happening all around, his socket flames being able to perfectly peer through the darkness!


Skullius felt the red gaze of Somanda over him and he was immensely perturbed.

Yet, he didn’t give up just like that!

He still needed to fight!

He raised his hands, the darkness around him following his mental will to turn into dozens of small orbs that began to spin at a rapid velocity!

These orbs then burst at a blinding speed that would have produced irritating whistles in the outside world towards Somanda who scoffed, clearly unimpressed!

The Arch-Lich breathed out what seemed like a dark red mass, a thick substance with a disgusting viscosity!

The substance rapidly formed a wall that received the speeding orbs and eagerly devoured them within its shifting whole that continued to wriggle nastily!

Skullius could only crease his Projected brow.


These orbs were faster than the [Beads of Malevolence]!

“Is this all you can do with all this power? Have you still not replaced those thousand years of stagnancy with something worthwhile? If you intend to fight me, then DO SO properly!” Somanda called!


Skullius suddenly heard explosions outside the [Perfect Night Domain]!


It wasn’t explosions!

It was the thousands of undead outside throwing themselves at the Domain, trying to break into it!

The reverberation that sounded as the many creatures sought to enter crushed Skullius’ will!

The noise!

Even in his Domain where he was supposed to control all sounds and sensations, this rumble that made the Domain tremble still peered through without consequence!

This noise!

Skullius’ Projected form looked this way and that, his mind spinning as he felt… trapped.

Soon, the heads and bodies of the undead started piercing through the Domain their burning eyes lighting up with heavily subdued saturation the interior of the Domain that began to look like the inside of some treasure, with thousands of red spots in every direction!


Skullius emitted a sigh of exasperation even in his thoughts.

He had spent all his mana earlier to conjure darkness and then ended up using it for this dense Domain.

Yet, it was all for naught.

He was outmatched and outclassed.

With his Projected Form, all he could do was manipulate darkness that already existed and this, was the extent of his capabilities.

‘This is as far as I go…’ Skullius thought as he looked ahead where Somanda sat on his throne.

He could think of no other whom he hated the beyond this Arch-Lich.

This being that seemed to want to take everything from him!

All he worked for and gained.

All he didn’t even remember.

Skullius turned behind him where the figures of his body and Red Rage were encased in dark cocoons.

‘At least let me die by my terms!’ Skullius thought as he unwrapped the cocoon to his main body, using the darkness to unsheathe [Demion’s Dance]!

If he was to lose anyway, he might as well die by his own hand and go to where he could finally reunite with the rest of himself!

With that girl who constantly appeared in his mind!

It was far better than this.

Skullius flung the sword at his body with all his speed and might, his mind aching with pain!

“Ah… Intriguing…”



Skullius suddenly found himself and his body before Somanda’s throne over the flying platform!

The Projected Discount Human gritted his teeth as he looked with hatred towards Somanda!

Somehow, the Arch-Lich had stolen him from his position dozens of meters away and stopped his suicide mission!

“I can read you like a book, Skullius. There’s nothing you can think of that escapes my sight. Trying to kill yourself so that you can re-join with your lost self? How brave…”

Somanda motioned with his index bone finger to draw the two bodies towards him, his hand going over to Skullius’ flesh body and sinking into it as if it was ethereal!

The green skeleton’s hand squirmed within Skullius eerily, making the Projected Discount Human gnash his teeth!

The Arch-Lich didn’t touch Skullius’ body, but his soul!

Skullius’ soul trembled and shuddered as if struck by lightning, its exterior rippling as if it would fall apart anytime!

“There it is… Just as I remember,” Somanda said as he looked at Skullius’ Projected form with malice that only one who had been an undead before could detect.

“Instead of letting you ride your own Direction. I’ll forge one for you again. That favour that follows you… it will lead you to other fruitful paths that I can reap with time, as it did with Lifelessness. As it did with that marvellous art of chaotic power. Until then, I’ll wipe your slate clean and watch you start all over again with your fellow bottom-of-the barrel-undead! CHACHACHACHACHA!” Somanda cackled as his eyes flared with excitement.



Starring all over again?!

Back in Deadmanland?!

With all that he knew now?!

‘Again…’ Skullius thought.


He was barely afforded it!

It was afforded for him!


Why him?!

The Projected Discount bellowed with rage as he tried to struggle!

This was eerily similar to back then…

Back then when his CHOICE was challenged in that depth, by THAT individual!

“Not back there again!” he yelled in frustration!

He had escaped for a reason!

He had started to recollect details of the past for a reason!

“CHACHACHACHACHA! Gnash your teeth well, Skullius!” Somanda called, utterly gleeful from seeing Skullius’ expression.

The Discount Human felt once more, his soul taking damage while Somanda went on to grip it and begin to pull it out!

His Projected Form shuddered as it started to glitch.

“NO!” Skullius roared in pain as he glared at Somanda.

Somanda merely cackled.

This couldn’t be!

In the next moment… Skullius’ soul started inch out of his body!

A rather short glowing white figure appeared, its distinct appearance shocking Skullius himself as it looked nothing like what he expected his soul to look like!

Not like Discount Human form or any other!

It looked heavily crackled like glass, some parts of it missing with spots of gold and large patches of purple that seemed to cover it from crumbling visible all over!

“COME!” Somanda called!

‘NO…’ Skullius called in his mind, his strength to struggle fleeing.

Why wouldn’t this bastard just him alone?!

Skullius felt his Projected Form rush towards his body as his soul almost wholly protruded from his body!


He uttered words of extreme sorrow and hate as he looked at Somanda who cackled without a care.

“Why… won’t you just….” he said with a broken voice, his Discount Human body opening its mouth as a tear leaked from it with a rage-filled and sorrow-ridden face.

As did his glowing soul…


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