Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 282 Kill The Wolf! (3)


Absurdly fast!

This was all Skullius could think of as he looked at the impending doom that was coming for him!

How on earth could this sockethole he had seen to still be trapped in the remnants of his [Perfect Night Domain] be up here with him?!

What kind of speed was this?!

Skullius knew full well that the stats of those with blue mana cores had ten times more weight than those of white cored individuals but holy crap!

He could only watch as the five claws swiped down at him at a speed faster than his ability to call forth the darkness on the ground while at the same time, the blast of energy was ready to deal the finishing blow!


Five steel-like claws dug down as they held concentrated traces of mana within them, and…


They passed right through Skullius, failing to do him any harm at all!

That’s right!

Physical attacks, didn’t really work on him. Or rather, this was the first time Skullius had been attacked while in this form so he was also finding this out!

The Discount Human’s glee didn’t even register as right after the wolf discovered the futility of its first attack, it released the second as Skullius was starting to descend at his top speed!


Like a burst of artificially collected energy firing from a canon, a stream of highly concentrated red power beamed from the wolf’s mouth, aiming for Skullius without pause!

‘Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!’ Skullius screamed in his mind as sweat tried to appear over this Projected form of his!

The best that the Discount Human could do at this moment, was try to inch to the side to minimise damage!.

Physical attacks may not work, but this one seemed to be able to do him harm, as it had done to his domain, courtesy of the purple eye!


Before Skullius had gone and done what he set to in detail, the laser-like stream of energy razed through him!

The Discount Human actively felt something of his being blown away, disintegrated from existence without the pain he expected!

As this occurred, the Discount Human pulled his utmost concentration to try and draw himself towards his body which was thankfully, not in the line of direct fire after having landed just now!

Skullius was drawn back into his body, his dark form which was fragmenting as it barely had limbs and a head left, darting in!

The blast of energy slammed into the ground, causing a ripple of energy that pushed Skullius’ body away, flinging it with bits of damage into the distance as his dark Projected self swiftly got absorbed into it!


The moment Skullius’ Projected form sank in, his Discount Human form exploded with extreme damage from the chest to his abdomen, blood leaking everywhere as it stained his armour!


Skullius collapsed as he felt his flesh turn into mush, the only thing that remained being his right arm where his torso was concerned!

His legs detached from the rest of his body as he plummeted on the dirt and stared wide eyed into the air.

‘The hell happened?!’ he thought as he blinked, but his mind raced as the urgency of the situation still registered.


Now it made sense.

One thing that wasn’t related to his soul as he had thought before was probably his Insurgent Magnus powers. Or rather, the Fruit of World Myths!

The darn thing was in his body, attached to his Discount Human form in some way that wasn’t exactly physical.

It was now clear to Skullius why using Enriching gems boosted his ability to last longer with [Crude World Projection]!

Because it was tied to his physical body in one way channel where increased constitution allowed him to use the Fruit of World Myths more effectively!

‘Great. This revelation won’t help me though! I only have a few points of mana remaining anyway!’ Skullius bombed himself as he perused over his limited options.

It didn’t help that he also felt extremely heavy from using [Swindling Death Dance] and considering the state of his body, he highly doubted that Luminous Healing could handle this amount of damage especially with his limited mana.

With his hand which was mostly functional, he gripped [Demion’s Dance] and immediately used the skill that had the weird name.


[Skill: Irisa You Whore]

The remnants of the unfaithful Irisa shower the user with healing light meant for her side lovers each time they sustain an injury, bringing them to full health. This effect only occurs once a day.


The skill was meant to heal all physical damage he accumulated once a day, restoring him to perfect health.

The moment he thought of the skill, Skullius almost thought to cross his fingers and hope it worked as advertised.

Wait, what was crossing fingers?! GAH, dammit, this wasn’t the time!

With Skullius’ anticipation heavily factoring in, he eagerly waited for the results.



Skullius… found himself standing up.

“What the…” he wondered.

His body was fully intact, flesh and bone all healed up with traces of blood staining his Fleeting Ghoul’s Adornment.

Just like that?

It was as if he was an animated scene that had parts missing from when he was injured to when he was healed.


“My mana! It’s.. it’s all back! How?!” he exclaimed.

His tank was full again!

Didn’t the skill say it healed physical damage?

Was this some kind of hidden effect or was this what the skill meant by ‘back to full health’?

Skullius didn’t have the time to wonder more about this as before him, the menacing wolf appearing in all its all height and intimidating mass.

It drooled as it looked at him with all three eyes.

Skullius gulped.

He didn’t have a lot of options and if he didn’t play his cards right, he would be fleshed up again.



Skullius saw his arm fly away as the wolf vanished from sight!

“Dammit!” he cursed begrudgingly.

Fizzy blood leaked out as he sustained what would normally be a fatal injury for most.

The wolf appeared a distance from him, its mouth curling up as if smiling.

‘Even with Radiant Awakening, I’m not fast enough to attack this thing. Using [Perfect Night Domain]… probably won’t help as long it still has that eye…’ Skullius thought.


A leg flew off, leaving Skullius to fall to the ground.


Skullius had been thinking of ways to boost his mobility so as to dodge the attacks at least but now…

The Discount Human suddenly opened his eyes wide.

‘No… the answer is…’

He didn’t need something to boost his speed!

He just needed to stay still!

Just like…

That’s right!

An idea coiled in his mind as he looked at the wolf that was circling around him with a grin.

Bursts of darkness suddenly surrounded him and formed a closely packed stacks of floating bars like a fence!

These bars all exceeded him in height and right after making these, Skullius used something that had been frustratingly hard for him to grind all this time.

[Just light]!

Streams of golden white energy flowed from him in limited amounts, covering every single one of the bars of darkness in faint halos!

‘Now come on you flesh head. Come at me!’ Skullius thought as he looked provocatively at the wolf that growled in rage as a response.

Did this weakling think he could stop its charge with something like that?!


The creature’s purple eye gleamed as it lowered its body, vanishing from its spot as it burst forward with immense speed above what it had been using before!

This fool would know just how fast and strong it was!

Skullius gulped.

This was it.

The moment of truth.

If his plan failed…

Before all his thoughts could turn to turn to fueling his terror…


A blunt sound akin to something heavy bashing against an immovable wall sounded with the appearance of the wolf, a visible flash of blowing wind exploding outwards!

The large creature had rammed into the collection of closely arranged bars, coming at an extreme speed!

The result was that the wolf felt like it had smashed against all the iron the world, formed into a singular wall!

The force of collision had been so powerful that Skullius had been pushed back within his own encirclement!

The wolf staggered as it bled from its nose, its body shuddering as the recoil of force broke its bones and damaged its brain!

‘Yes!’ Skullius thought as he immediately formed a [Bead of Malevolence] and shot it towards the creature’s eye while it was still in a daze!

The bead seamlessly penetra the stunned creature’s forehead where the purple eye was, passing out the back with Skullius himself following with his [Demion’s Dance] as he slashed with all his might at its head, splitting the thing into two!

Blood splashed as the figure of the creature finally fell, Skullius only breathing out in relief and kneeling on the ground when he finally saw the notification…

[You have killed (V) LV76 Devouring Lantern Alpha Wolf. 2,347,890 Exp awarded]

[Your prey emits….]

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