Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 279 Play After Play!

A light blue Aura rose from Natalika as she knelt.

She seemed at peace as she took steady breaths while the wavy energy around her mimicked the rhythm of her breaths.

Her Aura was vastly different from that of others, not having a violent appearance that expressed extravagant power. Instead it possessed a silent and serene flow that was the personification of her as an individual.

The Summoner looked apprehensively at this woman and frowned.

‘She has some peculiar abilities that seem to not even involve her sword. I should be careful, heh,’ he thought as he caressed the area before his chest. ‘My Moonlight Apparition exposed itself for far too long. I don’t think I can summon it again. Ah! To think I’d lose it so soon!’

Summoners had quite the unique ability when it came to their summoning.

They would go into a deep sleep and be transported into some kind of hyperdream that led into different dimensions where they would see a variety of monsters.

It was said that a Summoner could only ever visit one dimension, once, and thus never be able to return there again.

While they were there, they possessed only a consciousness wandering through the endless different lands , the process of which took some time to master how to prolong one’s stay in said places.

The next step would be to sent one’s consciousness into the mind of the creature one wanted to summon and once successful, the Summoner class allowed one to have a chance at having a discussion with the beast to form a contract based on mutual benefit..

The creature had the right to refuse and expel the consciousness of the Summoner as well as make demands that the Summoner would have to abide by otherwise, when they left the dimension, they would never get the chance again.

On top of this, a time frame had to be established for the contract and once it was signed, the Summoner could call upon the creature at any time through a portal, a construct which required immense knowledge on how to form one’s energy into the appropriate gateway for the summon.

While these conditions did seem tedious, the best thing about being a Summoner was that they did NOT have a cap on the amount of contracts they could make, which was an advantage over Tamers.

A hefty advantage indeed.

‘Still! If I keep my distance and have my Devouring Lantern Wolves keep her distracted while the alpha deals her a fatal blow, I’ll be fine, heh!’

Behind the Summoner, nine wolves that stood on their hind feet growled.

They had the same coloured fur as the large alpha wolf which had led the way out of the red portal, short horns growing on their shoulders as they howled and intimidatingly walked forward.

Natalika was between the large wolf that scaled up to 2.4 meters and these nine that spread to not give her chance to escape.

The blind swordswoman still didn’t seem fazed as her enemies approached.

In fact, her next action surprised the Summoner and his beasts!

Her Full Body Aura expanded immensely, reaching a diameter of nearly two meters as it still maintained its serene and silent image with a sky blue hue tinting the ground.


The wolves grew vigilant and took steps back, their snouts creasing up in rage and anxiety.

Even the alpha took a few steps back as it sensed danger while the Summoner frowned.

‘What kind of Aura is this? It seems too…calm!’

At the moment when all the focus had returned to Natalika, a dark sphere bolted at breakneck speed towards the large wolf which had also been dazed!

It shot from above, its barely perceptible speed showing nothing but the intent to kill!

The moment the sphere reached within an inch of the giant wolf…


A soft breeze blew, dust being the only thing that remained as the creature vanished in its entirely, appearing a distance from the dark sphere which landed with a timid shockwave!

Skullius who had prompted the attack furrowed his brow as he moved his hands to direct the another one of the [Beads of Malevolence] he had summoned to shoot towards the wolf which once again vanished as if teleporting, evading the attack!

The Summoner saw this and sneered.

‘He thinks he can act as some kind of support by taking out my Devouring Lantern Alpha Wolf? Heh, fat chance!’ the Summoner thought as he willed the wolf to quickly kill off Skullius.

‘He’s careless. He was a threat before I summoned my wolves, but now, he should have hidden and waited for me to lose track of his presence while fighting the blind girl! Foolish!’

The alpha wolf’s gleaming red eyes turned to Skullius who gave all his focus as he madly swung his arms and fingers.

The dark orbs rapidly spun in the air as they darted towards the alpha wolf which vanished and reappeared each time it was about to struck by the orbs!

‘It’s fast… Too fast even for my beads…’ Skullius thought as he swung his arms viciously while a layer of [Evil Darkness] coated him.

Unfortunately, Skullius couldn’t control the [Beads of Malevolence] without using his hands when it came to complicated routes that included complex patterns.

He had to actively cause the orbs to manoeuvre in said paths, especially when it came to tricky opponents like this.

The Devouring Lantern Alpha Wolf suddenly bolted towards Skullius, its body vanishing as it moved at an immense speed that was beyond Skullius’ comprehension!

The Discount Human only expected this.

It was obvious that he would retain its aggro.

The problem was that he didn’t have a sure-fire countermeasure because after seeing its stats, he knew that even his next move wasn’t 100% guaranteed to work.

A vicious breeze blew from behind Skullius as he was in the middle of trying to figure out where this creature would pop up and…


Fizzy blood flew as Skullius found himself and his armour torn with thick claws having literally cut through his body like sharp swords!

Ginie who had sensed the precarious situation occurring behind her panicked as she turned, seeing the large wolf appear with its claws sticking in the Discount Human after clawing him halfway through his abdomen!

There was no small amount of blood leaking from Skullius’ torso, and even though his limbs were intact, he wasn’t in a state one would call, fine.

Ginie held herself back from helping as she had been told she would be as good as dead if she tried but…

She gritted her teeth and focused on the task that she herself needed to take care of which laid beyond the invisible barrier where the hooded figures were huddled.

Skullius bled as the large wolf stood on its hind legs while its powerful front leg’s claws slowly sawed through him!

It looked to relish in this cruel act as it drooled, its maw opening unnaturally wide to reveal not the conventional tongue and gums, but an unnaturally dark space where three profound lights of different colours flashed like torches, illuminating Skullius’ face.

Skullius who had seemed to grow limb suddenly looked up at the wolf’s face with an unbothered grin as he clapped his bloody hands together loudly!

“You’re about to get the fleshing of your miserable life! Perfect Night Domain!” he crazily yelled as an abundant storm of [Evil Darkness] flooded from the his torn body and created an expansive cube that perfectly hid the two…!

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