Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 277 Prisma Avaris OverMould!

A golden light made the figure of a certain individual known as it rose from the ground to the sky!

Everyone momentarily had their eyes stolen by this image that refused to let them ignore its existence, yet the glimmering light that everyone except Skullius expected to hold a unique power they could feel, didn’t have anything of the sort.

Instead, it only served to show that Red Rage, had activated his skill…

[Incandescent Attire of the Omnipotent Pelvis-Hegemon]!

Quite the mouthful.

A large cape draped from behind Red Rage, fluttering as if it was blown by the wind.

It exceeded his height in length, and along with its appearance came two thick bracers and greaves that even with their semi-corporeal look, seemed heavy, a majestic chest plate resting over Red Rage’s chest.

The chest plate had two shoulder pads that formed the designs of creatures like hybrids of lions and foxes at the centre of the chest plate and not the ‘U’ and ‘T’ as it was when the skill was still [Pelvis Boar-Man Majestic Attire]!

Instead now there was a trident-like symbol that reached to the end of the chestplate, the same design being over the greaves and bracers.

All these parts, still forming an incomplete Attire that lacked a helm and other pieces to complete the set, held a beauty as if they were made by neatly arranged golden diamonds with bits of multiple colours swirling within each.

Particles like gold-coloured glitter constantly rose in droves from Red Rage, rising upwards as they appeared while a flare-like halo surrounded this profound hero.

(A/N: Really needed to make the design clear).

Gertreld and Tomin who were closest to Red Rage who floated at least ten meters above ground were stunned, especially Tomin who threw away his belittling of this new figure.

In the next moment, Red Rage looked down with his blue and black helm that was blasted on the sides with golden highlights from his new armament..

He pointed his finger at Tomin accusingly, a surprisingly authoritative voice leaking from behind the helm as it declared with power…!

With rebuke!

“Petty fool with no regard for honour or respect. Even in a battle against a female, you fail to hold back and maintain the sanctity of her figure even in her defeat! For shame, fellow male, for shame!”

‘The hell?’ Tomin raised his brow. His figure which had been shortened and altered by Gertreld’s attacks shrunk a little from the declaration.

He had already gotten into a stance preparing for a brutal fight but was met with poking words instead.

Gertreld cocked her head at Red Rage’s bold statement, confused.

“For the crime of failing to keep the sanctity of the breast and curve of my benefactor’s beloved, I, Prisma Avaris OverMould, shall deliver Magisterial Justice without pardon! I’llalsoaccountforyourevilschemeoverthisworldandpunishyouaccordingly RHAAAAA!” another declaration was made, the stellar light around Red Rage firing all around as he cocked back to charge!

Gertreld held her chest, feeling strangely touched by Red Rage’s words.

Tomin frowned as he held his hands up in claw like gestures, while in his mind, he sought justice for himself.

‘Seriously? This is a battle of ideals here. How can I not attack with the intent to kill even if its a woman? Wait, I don’t have to justify my actions!’ he thought.

Skullius who was a distance away, about to begin with his plan twitched as he heard Red Rage’s declaration.

This wasn’t his first time hearing the new name and the new personality that Red Rage would acquire when he used this skill, but he shuddered when he found this sockethole to truly be eerily like Tulnas.


A bright flare of gold shuttled down as Red Rage, no, Prisma shot towards Tomin below!

The Evenfall Middle Circle member roared as mana churned from him in droves, his Full Body Aura, much like everyone else’s which could only be used once a day, firing up with excessive strength!

The golden figure of Prisma which emitted flakes of gold was incredibly fast, reaching him with two outstretched fists that Tomin firmly held onto in a grapple!


A ringly shockwave blew out, the ground pounding inwards in perfect circle, then again and again and again as the two descended with their staggering force hammering against the hard crust!

Tomin opened his eyes wide!

‘This man… his physical strength is immense! Or is it his weight?!’ he thought as he actually found himself arching back, his figure being overpowered by the flying Prisma whose velocity seemed to support him in this situation!

Prisma’s eyes which flared with a blue light from behind the helm twinkled with a confident light and when Tomin noticed this, he couldn’t help but feel belittled.

This being was still a white core existence!

How could be overpowered so casually?!

‘Infinite Instance…!’ Tomin thought as he used his blessing to turn the grapple contest on its head!

While his blessing could be said to be overpowered, it was very limited when it came to situations where he tried to create complex instances that broke basic universal laws.

For example, right now!

Tomin’s figure blurred as shockingly, he instantly overpowered Prisma, pushing the golden-caped figure into the dirt underneath with a staggering amount of force!

Tomin had created multiple instances when he used the full burst of his strength to push back against Prisma!

The effect was akin to multiplying his strength in an instant, or when one used the combination of a quick downward force and full burst of strength at once to win in a game of arm wrestling!

The thing was, he could only perform less than ten instances at once with things like this, as it was vastly different from creating multiple instances where he just punched like before.

Tomin scoffed at Prisma’s figure he had locked in an arm grapple under him, and prepared to finish this fight when…

“Petty fool. You think the star of a play would die in the first act? Think again!” Prisma said with a voice that utterly irritated Tomin who ground his teeth.

Yet, Prisma’s words were not baseless.

The lengthy and beautifully designed trident on his chestplate which emitted endless golden flakes shone with splendour, lighting up Tomin’s face!

No sound came, but a gush of blinding white light poured from the trident, maintaining its shape as it proceeded to blast Tomin up at breakneck speed!

The body of Prisma sank further into the ground while Tomin flew up, his clothes being ignited by the bright light of this attack!

Prisma squinted the socket flames behind his helm as when Tomin smashed into the ceiling of this cavernous space, he found that the man’s body had not taken any damage to fulfill the requirement for his flashy skill, [Foolmaker]!

‘A shame… It seems his strength is a bit more than I thought…’ Prisma thought.

This was to be expected from a Peak Advancement Stage Form User.

Only Tomin’s clothes had been completed burnt away, his figure left naked as the man didn’t seem fazed at all, pushing against the tough ceiling and landing on the ground where Prisma also floated from the hole the two had made and stood a short distance away from this opponent.

Gertreld couldn’t help but size up Tomin’s body and proportions silently, comparing them to Tulnas’.

She silently snickered as she gushed over Tulnas being far better than this man but then shook her head, her mind turning to plan over how she could exploit the current situation.

Prisma on the other hand didn’t keep his opinion to himself.

“Hmph! Petty fool! You are so foolish that all your brawn goes to your muscle and none to your feeble mortal serpent? Your lack respect for your third leg as well?! I shall add that to your punishment!”

Tomin got really annoyed at these words.

As someone who had little sense of purpose other than to be a follower, he didn’t care for much else other than getting important things done.

Tomin’s body flared with a milky white light as he dashed forward with a hook punch prepared, the ground exploding from his self-launch!

Prisma bolted ahead, using a short burst of flight to accelerate his movement towards his enemy, a hook also prepared at his right hand!


Even though it was clear that Tomin had a massive advantage in strength, anyone watching the scene would be shocked to find that the golden figure emitting ever-rising flakes of the same hue seemed equally powerful!

A shockwave of raw power exploded right before the exchange of two full power hook punches ensued!

Suddenly, Prisma changed his posture at the last second switching from his offensive posture to using his cape which seemed to influence his flight heavily, to barely dodge the cataclysmic fist coming his way as he stepped to the side!


Tomin frowned.

Prisma then turned, grabbing Tomin’s hand from the shoulder while simultaneously kicking up his right leg to throw him off balance!

Tomin found himself in the air from these two short moves that were executed with expert precision, his body being slammed into the ground thereafter!

‘That’s…a genuine technique…!’ he thought, but his thoughts were interrupted by a heavy knee that sat over his arm, a weighty punch descending on his face with strange glint of power.

A skill!


The punch rocked the ground underneath as Tomin’s face sank further in, a golden pulse of energy glowing over the ground!

Hero’s Fist!

[Author’s Note]

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