Bro, I'm not an Undead!

Chapter 181 Champion In The Isise

Feinheath was the second largest continent. It fell behind Edagon, with Opungale, which was both a nation and a continent being the third.

From an aerial view, taking into account the natural boundaries used to demarcate where one country began and ended, Emeradis was to the north, being the largest out of the three nations in Feinheath.

Maqi was to the West and Pelian to the East, both having similar sizes as the overall shape of Feinheath looked like a three leaf clover.

The structures of the temples were also made in this way, with making their likeness akin to Feinheath being one of the less important reasons such a design structure was chosen.

When it came to pure self-taught devotion to the Deities, none of the cities in Pelian came close to the Isise where a certain Paladin Champion was going on a call to duty.

The Isise were three small cities in the East which had established a grand connection both economically and politically because of their collective respect and reverence towards the Deities..

In these three cities along with the villages and towns between, one would find the most welcoming and kind hearted people with smiles that bordered on comical.

The temples in these cities, which were relatively close, were always crowded, not by those seeking to serve as mercenaries, but by those that simply wished to hear the profound message and will that the priests bore from Suzamete, Quintess and Listafelle.

It was quite the interesting arrangement as even extremely efficient trade routes and communication lines had been secured to ensure that sharing of resources and knowledge was never impeded between the three cities.

Within the carriage which carried a golden white hue along with the symbol of the Purity, the three point star, the figure of Revia could be seen.

She sat near the window, her hand under her chin as she displayed how utterly bored she was.

A breeze flowed in from outside, rustling her hair but failing to make her bat the eyelids over her beautiful grey eyes.


She wasn’t at all looking forward to the duties that were waiting for her as on top of a Grand Priest, a High Order Priest had settled in the central city within the Isise.

Due to the pleas of the many devotees, the Purity had sent a Priest one stage higher than a Grand Priest in order to head the ever growing congregation of true believers in this place. Preserving such devoted folk was extremely important to the Purity as many had strayed from what they called the truth.

There was also another reason such an individual was sent though.

In terms of hierarchy and duty, the Priests were at lowest level, followed by the Grand Priest and then the High Order Priest.

A High Order Priest oversaw an Order, a channel through which specific instruments of divine power passed on the will and strength afforded by the Deities. It was a lineage of sorts, one ordained not by flesh and blood, dictating the will of a certain Deity or so the Purity believed.

Divine power was kept in specific natural treasures of high grades that carried with them Divine Blessings. These would be used as conduits through which an established Order would grow.

All those who were seen to be fitting could be initiated into an Order and become Priests, with the common Priest being the recipient with the least connection to the Divine Blessing and the High Order Priest being the individual with the strongest connection in an Order. They also bore the duty of overseeing these conduits of Divine Blessings.

The Grand Priest whose connection to the Order was much greater than that of a Priest, had the duty of overseeing the activity headed by Priests.

They made sure a Priest’s connection to the Order had not been severed either through malpractice or other ills stemming from external causes as the Order was the channel through which Directions to the masses were passed down.

The clopping of hooves on rough ground seized as the carriage in which Revia was in finally entered the paved road of the central city in the Isise, Evic.

Just the appearance of the white coloured carriage caused merry cheer to bloom among the masses as they honoured the coming of a Paladin Champion into their city.

‘No wonder these folks are being targeted by the Evenfall so much. They show too much zeal over the simplest of things. Ah~. I wish I’d stayed with Sister Elita for a bit longer,’ Revia thought as she saw the scenes going on outside.

She hated the attention of these fanatics that almost felt forced as opposed to simple gestures of kindness and of course… courteous, hot men.

The men, women and children leaping lightly as they waved, whistles and the flowers thrown towards the carriage in bundles as well as the many sweet words about blessing her and her devotion all served to make her mood sour.

Even the Guilds in the Isise that constantly fought off the emerging Clusters didn’t receive this much praise or welcome.

This was one of the things that reminded Revia what she hated about the Purity. How strict and rigid they were in terms of their duty. Refusing to deal with problems that were supposedly only meant to be taken care of by the nation and not them, yet they desired the praise from the masses.

Several Knights in distinct silver armours belonging to the Purity stood on either side of the road in which the carriage moved.

It was a gesture of respect that was noticeably different from the reception that Elita had gotten. The only difference between these Knights and those that went with Elita though, was simply their point of origin.

‘To think I’d become someone worth this much. From ‘that’?’ Revia thought as she felt the carriage come to a halt.

Her memory spun backward as it dipped into parts of her past that she preferred to keep hidden under the thick blanket of loss but Revia quickly shook her head before exiting the carriage.

‘That’s not all there is about me. Yeah. There’s more. So much more…’

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