Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 310 Daring Moves

"Awwww, she came back to rescue you, that's sweet" Alexia exclaimed her hands clamped together and brought underneath her chin.

"Shouldn't you be mad that I got betrayed, you instead seem to be rooting for her."

"Oh, I'm mad at her darling, but the truth is with my current situation I can't do much to her, but that's okay.

Despite betraying you, she came back for you didn't she, that makes up for some of her sins."

"Now tell me what's happening" Alexia excitedly asked.

"Well, she and the level 9 mortal have begun fighting."

"Who is winning?" Alexia asked but Seth stayed silent, his expression a little hard.

Alexis stayed silent for a few seconds and then spoke,

"Will you help her?"


Rapidly backpedaling, Irene moved out of the way of her enemy's sword, successfully dogging his strike, but just as she lifted her ice sword to strike at the man, she had to divert her weapon and instead make a block of the enemy's second sword.

After killing off Milli and her group, Irene had faced resistance in the form of a single level 9 mortal, and he was proving to perhaps be above her pay grade.

Dressed in plain brown clothes, with every part of his head other than his eyes wrapped in brown clothing, Irene couldn't read any expression from the man.

The man made use of two sabers and Irene had to say he was very good at it especially when he incorporated wind into his attacks, he made for a scary opponent

Engaging him in close combat was a situation that always left her tethering on the edge of death, and though she tried to avoid such a situation, well wishes weren't horses.

Though both of them made use of wind, whereas Irene used hers as an ingredient to create ice, he used his to as to bolster his speed and attack.

Now after having blocked the swing from his other sword, Irene let the force from the attack push her back, and then as she moved backward, she waved her sword upwards, making a linked chain of ice spikes began rising from the ground and speeding towards the brown-clothed man.

In response to Irene's attack, the man's qi spiked and then he began swinging his two sabers all around him, wind slashes blasting out of it and smashing apart the ice spikes that had boxed him and were trying to skewer him.

Though the man tried his best, Irene did not relent on her attack, readily burning a greater portion of her qi to continuously bombard the man, and then suddenly without warning, she shot towards the man, a dense mist of chill pouring out of her body.

Raising her single ice sword up, Irene cut down at the man when she was a few steps away from him, causing the temperature in the area to rapidly fall.

The phantom of a white sword appeared in the sky, and with its appearance, a massive quantity of qi began accumulating in the air with the phantom sword descending.

Though the phantom sword descent was somewhat slow, Irene trusted in her ice spikes to temporarily keep the man busy long enough for her attack to hit.

Irene knew that she needed to win this battle quickly so she could release Seth and they could both flee, they couldn't afford to encounter Minuha.

Sensing the danger and with Irene no longer actively powering her ice spikes the brown-clothed man roared, and accompanying his roar, his aura spiked to a new high and then he charged the attacks in his path.

With his swords at his sides, the man moved forwards using his body to smash into the ice spikes, and despite the film of wind and qi that surrounded his body, it quickly became riddles with slashes and holes, blood pouring out of these injuries, but the man knew what he was aiming for and charged on.

The next thing Irene knew he was in front of her, already within attacking range, his next strike very likely to take her life.

In her haste for a victory and her surprisingly still severe underestimation of her opponent, she had decided to perform a battle-ending attack, but unfortunately for her, her enemy had gotten to her before her attack could get to him.

Irene had the option of canceling her phantom attack, this move freeing her blade and letting it speed toward the brown-clothed man, but the problem was that even her sword could intercept him, it would only be able to stop one of his sabers, leaving the other to skewer her.

Now in a crunch and not having much time to debate, Irene quickly canceled her attack, and then instead of moving to intercept any of her opponent's swords, she instead began releasing qi from every part of her body, and by the time the man's attack hit, he found himself smashing apart an ice sculpture while Irene appeared to the side of her sculpture.

This move of hers was her ace, and though the last time she had used it, it hadn't ended well for her, compliments of Seth, the enemy she was currently fighting was not Seth.

Having just swung his full-on destructive sword at what he expected to be Irene's body, the brown clothed was not in a prime position to deal with a fit Irene suddenly appearing to the side and swinging her sword at him.

Following his natural instinct to survive, the man hastily jumped away from Irene's swing.

Initially, Irene's swig was going to cut him in half, but with his quick movement, he had mitigated the attack to just being a somewhat deep cut in his chest, yet before he could celebrate, he saw Irene's sword rapidly increase in length before his eyes, and the next thing he knew was uncontrollably flying in the air, his body spinning in the air without him able to do a thing.

A sigh left Irene's lips as she fell to her knees, watching the upper part of her opponent's body sail through the air while the lower art went about spurting blood some distance away.

They had both decided to make risky moves to end their opponents and were it not for Irene's last move which totally threw the man off his game, Irene knew the results of the battle might have been very different.


"That's incredible she won."


"Now she's coming to rescue you, what will you do."


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