Bamboo Forest Manager

Chapter 123: Responsible Pleasure

Chapter 123: Responsible Pleasure

Bringing the carts down from Building B has become so familiar that it wasn’t particularly difficult anymore.

Even though the numbers were a bit high as the manager said, it was something I had done several times before anyway.

However, right now, work wasn’t the problem for me.

“You bastard, I can feel your gaze on me.”

“…It’s a man’s instinct.”

Today, my eyes naturally went to Yu Arin’s butt, which was twitching unusually in front of me.

Yu Arin, feeling burdened by my gaze, blushed and grumbled, but she didn’t seem to completely dislike it.

“It feels empty, somehow.”

Seeing her feeling embarrassed and saying that it felt empty below, I felt something jabbing in my chest.

Should I say my heart was pounding?

‘It feels strangely different.’

A simple fluttering of the heart, but Yu Arin’s gestures stimulate something else.

There was no one else around but me, yet her light actions, like subtly covering her butt with her hand, were resonating intensely with me at this moment.

‘Shh, these two together…’

They say that friends resemble each other.

Seo Yerin and Yu Arin.

There were no other enchantresses that could arouse my awareness out of boredom.

After roughly moving all the carts, on the way back with Yu Arin.

“Ugh, damn it, I can’t do this.”

Yu Arin, who needed both hands to pull the cart and thus couldn’t cover her butt with her hand, looked at me and said,

“Give it back, I’ll go put it on.”


“Cover it and give it to me. It’ll look weird if someone sees.”

Seriously, this is driving me crazy.

Yu Arin, looking around quickly and asking me to hurry, was definitely awakening something in my chest.

“I don’t want to.”

Maybe that’s why.


Such a response came from me.

“I said, I don’t want to.”


Seeing Yu Arin staring at me as if she couldn’t believe what she heard, a slight smile crept up on my face.

“Stop joking around.”

Yu Arin glared at me, her expression stern.

Her intensity was so fierce that I felt an urge to empty my pockets immediately.

But I held the reins here anyway.

“Let’s go.”

“Hey! Hey!”

As I pulled the cart and moved away, Yu Arin called out in a panic.

Ignoring her, I continued straight to the office.

When I arrived with the cart, Lee Se-ah and Han Bom, who were waiting, took over.

They saw Yu Arin trailing behind me and were startled, expressing concern.

“Was it hard? We should have helped you.”

“Kim Woojin! Did you make our Arin do too much?”

“You said there was a lot to do, Chief. That’s why it was a bit tough.”

Yu Arin glared at me as I responded nonchalantly. Her face had turned bright red, looking as though she might explode from embarrassment at any moment.

In the end, she couldn’t say anything and just continued working while suppressing her frustration, as she was the one who had handed me her underwear.


A faint groan escaped from Yu Arin, who was organizing the cart she had brought.

When I looked over to see why, she bit her lip and responded.

“It’s windy…”

“But we’re in the basement.”

“There’s a vent, isn’t there?”

That’s true.

When I suggested she sit and rest for a bit, she quickly agreed and went to a chair.


Still frowning, she seemed displeased with the unusual sensation.

Yu Arin was deliberately rubbing her thigh with her hand and acting strangely.

The usually tough girl was oddly obedient, and it gave me a sinister sense of satisfaction.

Though it wasn’t intentional, it felt like the power dynamic between the Bamboo Forest’s Admin and assistant had finally been established.

  • Admin: Successfully subdued the assistant.

In that sense, I left a pointless post in the Bamboo Forest.

Surprisingly, everyone seemed to check the Bamboo Forest often, as replies came quickly.

↳ Anonymous198: Are you spanking the assistant? Making her cry out?

↳ Anonymous69: Wanna have sx?

↳ Anonymous90: Wanna have sx!

↳ Anonymous243: Admin, did you watch “Rampage Season 2” that I mentioned before? I’d like to hear your thoughts.

↳ Anonymous11: Crazy bastard. Sending that kind of stuff to the Admin.

↳ Anonymous247: Isn’t 198 going to end up in the news later? They sure have a firm preference.

↳ Anonymous307: Aren’t they going to get sued for sexual harassment by the Admin?

↳ Anonymous198: I don’t understand why everyone pretends not to be turned on.

‘Everyone’s having a blast.’

Recently, the Bamboo Forest has been filled with posts from Anonymous69, occasional religious club invitations, or part-time job offers and promotions, so it seems they were bored.

Just thinking about how the Bamboo Forest will explode once vacation ends already gives me a headache.

Feeling a piercing gaze, I slowly turn my eyes.

Yu Arin, who is looking at her phone angrily, glares at me.

  • Anonymous59 (Manager No. 1): Kill the Admin.

The moment I saw the chilling warning message, I felt a shiver run down my spine.

Anonymous friends in the Bamboo Forest began to directly watch the fight between the assistant and the administrator.

↳ Anonymous11: I support Number 1. I don’t really like that guy.

↳ Anonymous309: Why are they suddenly fighting? Explain, please.

↳ Anonymous291: The Admin failed to discipline the Admin help.

↳ Anonymous198: Admin, I support you. Seriously. Please tie up Number 1 and take a picture of you spanking them.

↳ Anonymous198: Just the sound is fine. That’s enough. I’m willing to pay.

↳ Anonymous247: Can we ban 198 already?

↳ Anonymous59 (Manager No.1): Already did.

198 has already been banned for a day.

He probably knew he would get banned someday, given how he kept provoking the Admin.

Since it’s vacation time, a one-day ban won’t be much of an issue.

↳ Anonymous69: Sex?

↳ Anonymous90: Seems like you have something to say?

From earlier, Anonymous69’s reaction had been somewhat annoying, and Yu Arin, who was glaring at me as if she might kill me any moment, was also frightening, so I thought about wrapping things up here.

↳ Anonymous75: Did Number 1 eat you up? lol

↳ Anonymous17: From now on, Number 1 takes over here.

↳ Anonymous117: The admin’s level lol I knew it since they banned someone for posting that futa-furry pic last time.

↳ Anonymous11: Please, ban this bastard permanently.

↳ Anonymous154: Seeing this, the admin seems to be doing a good job.

↳ Anonymous98: Post it just one more time.

Seeing the people trying to push me out started to annoy me a little.

But then, looking at Yu Arin, who was pressing her thighs together and rubbing her legs due to the emptiness, somewhat eased my mind.

“Damn it…!”

Watching me, Yu Arin breathes roughly. I never had such a preference, but seeing those flinching movements makes a sadistic urge rise in me.

‘It’s all because of Anonymous198.’

Ever since they kept telling me to spank the Admin No.1’s butt or tie them up and torment them, I’ve ended up like this.

Anyway, the feeling of subduing the usually strong Yu Arin isn’t so bad.

As if she read my mood, Yu Arin discreetly raised her middle finger at me, making sure no one else saw.

What a brazen girl.

You never back down, do you.

As I sat quietly next to her, Yu Arin flinched momentarily, as if expecting something, but when I did nothing.

“You, lecherous bastard.”

She gives off the nuance that she doesn’t like it either, and I don’t know what to do.

“You…are seriously going to die later.”

Gritting my teeth and clenching my fists tightly, I thought that if I made even a slight mistake today, I might get beaten up till just on the verge of death after work.

At first, I felt like a man training a woman in an adult video.

Now, it just feels like putting a muzzle on a lion outside the cage.

‘This is a bit scary.’

I seriously considered handing it over now, thinking it might be better, while the manager, who had been smiling brightly the whole time, checked his watch.

“Let’s call it a day.”

Suddenly, he ordered us to finish for the day.


There’s still about 30 minutes left in our working hours, so it’s a bit awkward to leave now.

Moreover, we can’t just leave whenever we want because the clock-out time gets recorded on the reader, so we can’t leave just because there’s no work.

“Just go to the break room and rest, or if it’s too early, have some dinner.”

Since it was my first time in such a situation, I just stood there awkwardly, and the manager reassured me, saying it was fine.

“Other department part-timers have probably experienced this once or twice. It’s just 30 minutes, so don’t feel pressured and go quickly.”

With him saying this much, refusing would only make things awkward.

So, I thanked him and said I’d take the opportunity. Then, a suggestion came up to look around the hotel shops before the end of the shift.

“We don’t have to wear our uniforms, right?”

“Right, let’s change and meet out front.”

We wrapped up the conversation and headed to change clothes.

“Yah, hey!”

Yu Arin called me urgently in a small voice. Before I could ask what was wrong, she came up close to me.

“Underwear! You have to give it back!”

Yu Arin whispers as if whining, looking around with a tearful expression. Seeing her like this for the first time makes my shoulders swell slightly.

“Do you want to get it back?”

“It’s not that I want it, it’s mine!”

“You gave it to me.”

“You son of a…!”

She raises her voice to curse, but looks around and barely holds back.

Then she taps her forehead, regretting her previous actions.

“Wh-what…do you want?”

The rapid progression of the conversation was pleasant to see.

As a girl without underwear, changing clothes in front of friends would look strange.

Even if that wasn’t the case, if she missed this chance, she would likely have to remain without panties, so Yu Arin absolutely needed to get them back now.

“Maybe you’ve been underestimating the Admin too much?”

“Damn it…”

The whining Yu Arin, who had been grumbling, eventually typed something into her phone and subtly showed it to me.

  • Anonymous59 (Admin No. 1): I have surrendered to the Admin. I apologize.


“Is this good enough? Give it to me!”

The comments flowing underneath were indeed the sweet fruits of victory, but the panties in my pocket showed no intention of coming out.

“Could you ask more politely?”

Tilting my head playfully, I said to Yu Arin, whose trembling fists seemed ready to hit my chest at any moment.

With a tearful face and slightly puffed cheeks, she huffed and puffed.


She gritted her teeth and spoke.

“Please give them to me.”


“My, my panties, please.”

I barely suppressed a laugh that was about to escape, covering my mouth with my hand.

“If I give these to you, you won’t hit me, right?”


“Hey? You’re not answering?”

As I sneakily put my hand into my pocket and turn my body, Yu Arin grabs me urgently with both hands.

“Ah, I won’t hit you! R-really, I won’t hit you!”

“Haa, just saying it isn’t very convincing.”

“It’s true! I really won’t hit you! Please! G-give me back my panties!”

Yu Arin clings desperately to me.

Since Lee Se-ah and Han Bom started calling for Yu Arin, I eventually pretended to be generous and extended my hand.


The black panties went back to Yu Arin, and seeing the hatred and anger quickly staining her eyes, burning fiercely.

“Kim Woojin, you son of a…!”

“They, they’re calling you!”

I quickly pointed to Lee Se-ah and Han Bom and then slipped into the men’s changing room.


‘I had fun, but…’

What do I do now?

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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