Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 1 (6)

Book 6: Chapter 1 (6)

Lolita and Bitch

Richard-san, are you satisfied?

What do you mean? 

I cant simply move past this exchange.

Are you saying you have an interest in her? 

Take it however you want, but please, never do anything like this again. If you refuse to listen to me, Ill have no choice but to dissolve my relationship with the FitzClarence faction. This has gone too far, Richard-san.

It would seem that you are close with her.

We were in the same party that defeated a dragon. We are friends that have fought side-by-side. 

I see. As long as you can keep yourself away from my daughter, I will avoid humiliating her further.

You have nothing to worry about concerning that.

Of course not, and I apologize for what happened here.

Richard stood from the sofa and gave us a deep bow despite being in front of his own servants. Seeing him do this made me realize he really will do anything for his daughter.

Shouldnt your apology be to Cyan-san, not me? 

Youre right. I will give her a formal apology later.

I dont know if hell follow through with that, but its good enough for now.

I suppose the reason for all of this is due to Richard being a doting father. Sophie-chan was forced to get naked for such a selfish reason. Honestly, this visit turned out better than I couldve hoped. I asked Richard to apologize when I should be thanking him. 

The real issue here is how strangely cute I find Sophie-chan. 

Sophie-chan was completely naked and still staring at me, doing nothing to hide her exposed breasts or pussy. I dont know what to feel. Id be perfectly happy spending all of my money to marry a girl as cute as her. Shes too beautiful and Im in love.

Is that all you wanted to say to me, Richard-san?

No, there was still the main issue I wanted to speak with you about.

Id like it if we could take a short break to forget what just happened before continuing any further discussions.

I need to leave quickly. 

I cant let Sophie-chan and Richard see that my son is quickly swelling up. If they knew how excited her naked body makes me, it would prove that Im still attracted to her and my excuse for refusing to marry her would go out the window.

I just want to run over to her and start gulping down her love nectar. Damn, damn it. I dont think I can control myself. I need to get out of here immediately and return to my dorm at the school to relish the memory of the second-hand hymen inspection I just experienced.

I stood from the sofa and turned to leave.

Just as I did so, I heard the door open before slamming shut.

The next sound that cut through the silent room was a girls voice.

Father, whats the meaning of this.

Its Ester-chan. 

Ester-chan is here.

Her eyes were filled with anger. Her voice was absent of its usual upbeat tone, in its place was a stern, demanding voice that was anything but calm. Her  voice was so cold and unlike anything Id heard come from her. I think I caught a glimpse once before.

Back in the dining hall of the Royal Academy. Back when Sophia-chan was being forced to put on a show by a group of nobles. This voice was reminiscent of that dignified yet terrifying voice Ester-chan used before attacking someone.


Even for her papa, this was completely unexpected. 


Ester-chan just burst into the room and interrupted my meeting with Richard.

After seeing Sophie-chan standing naked behind me, Ester-chan slowly closed the door and made her way to the centre of the room. She stood only a couple meters from the sofa Goggoru-chan and I were on while her father was still several meters away.

hey, Papa, I asked you what is the meaning of this? 

Her eyes flicked over to the naked Sophie-chan, then to her father, and finally to me. When her eyes met mine, they slowly started moving down until she was looking right at my son. There, clearly visible to anyone near me, was the outline of my frankfurter waiting to be eaten and growing larger by the second.


As if on reflex, Ester-chan took a few steps toward me.

Her eyes were glued to my frankfurter.

We were close enough now that we could reach out and touch each other. Actually, if she reached out, she could probably grab hold of my frankfurter. Maybe, if shes hungry, she might even bring her mouth to it.

Papa started to panic when he noticed where she was looking and shouted, 

Liz, I thought I told you to stay quiet in your room! 

He was trying to assert his position as her father while also trying to retain some dignity as a high ranking noble.

His voice was filled with emotion, completely unlike his normal tone when dealing with nobles like me.

Still, as a parent, he should understand his own daughter better than that.

Father, answer me. What is Cyan doing here and why does she look like that? 

She spoke in a commanding tone.

However, her eyes never left me. 

Im being watched.

Shes locked her sights on my frankfurter.

Liz, l-look at me when Im speaking to you! 

Im not focused on you right now!

Papa, A Strange Busamens Frankfurter , and I.

I can see the book title now.

Its all Edita Senseis fault. 

Hey, Papa, remember that Im the one asking questions, okay? Now, answer my question. 


I dont think Ive ever seen Ester-chan like this.

I wonder how much she heard before coming in.

She challenged her father who, surprisingly, backed down. Back in the dining hall of the Royal Academy, she seemed more imposing than her loli figure might allow, but now her presence is overwhelming. Once she becomes fixated on something she becomes blind to everything else.

Like father, like daughter. 


Her gaze still remained locked on my frankfurter. She directed her words toward her father, but everything else was focused on me. The lolibitch was breathing hard and staring at my dick with bloodshot eyes. Her staring at me like that is just going to increase its size.

Cyan-chan was caught off guard by the lolibitchs interruption and lost her chance to get dressed. She moved to the corner of the room to hide but was still completely naked. Shes so adorable I could fall in love at any moment. The more misery shes in, the more attractive I find her. I want to creampie her.

Tanaka-san and I were having an adult discussion that doesnt concern you. Now, be quiet and return to your room. 

Then what is Cyan doing here? What adult discussion involves her? 

There was a hint of rage in her voice but she quickly swallowed it and remained calm. Her shoulders are trembling and her fists are clenched; Im wondering when she would lose control of her emotions. The lolibitch has a track record of suddenly shooting fireballs.


Papa seemed to have made up his mind.

Tell me. 

We were discussing the marriage of Tanaka-san and Cyan-san. 


I guess she didnt hear much before coming in. 

She doesnt know anything about why I came here, the marriage proposal from Sophie-chan or her dad supporting it, or the hymen inspection that took place moments ago. Im not sure if thats a good thing or not.

Papa, what is the meaning of this!? You never said anything to me! 

I thought it would be a good arrangement for both parties and Earl Bitch agreed. What more is there to discuss? 

Did Cyan have any say in the matter? 

Yes, she seemed quite happy to be married to Tanaka-san. 


Richards voice remained steady as he spoke. 

I glanced back over my shoulder at Ester-chan and saw a strange expression on her face, something like a mixture of betrayal, hatred, and sadness.

I understand why Richard said that. If I were him, Id want to keep my daughter away from someone like me at all costs. Its only natural as a parent. Id want to be the one to take my daughters virginity. 

That being said, that affection for his child was nowhere to be seen now. When Ester-chans gaze finally left my frankfurter they were filled with rage and she directed that rage at Sophie-chan.

Her memory of Allen being stolen in the past must be sharp in her mind.


Shes going to bypass her father and go straight to attacking the idol bitch.

The one Ester-chan was staring daggers at calmly returned her gaze. 

Is what he said true? 

As for me, I was still sitting on the sofa, watching the standoff between the two as if it were a movie. 

I should really be more concerned with myself. I need to get out of here without Sophie-chan or Richard seeing my excited son.

But thats not entirely true. 

I want Ester-chan to keep admiring my bulge. It feels so good to have a woman solely focused on it. Im gradually giving in to the pleasure and losing my reasoning. I know this isnt good, but I cant control myself.

As I was embracing this unique pleasure, I noticed a new gaze on me.

Beside me, Goggoru-chan was silently staring at me.

Since were sitting together on the same sofa, shes close enough to see my bulge. Likewise, Im within her ability range.

Shes just sitting there, staring at me. Staring at my face. 

Shes making me nervous.

And, in the corner of the room, a naked Sophie-chan is just waiting for me to take her.

This entire situation is pure chaos.

But its so exciting.

With Goggoru-chan here I have to control myself. I cant allow my delusions to get out of control. The strange thing about the human mind is that as soon as you know you shouldnt think of something, its all you can think about.

Ester-chan and Papa fucking until morning. Creampie after creampie on a dangerous day while I watch from nearby having a threesome with Sophie-chan and Goggoru-chan. I want to thrust deep into one while getting a deep kiss from the other.

are you really that desperate to mate? 

Im sorry, but youll need to stay quiet for now.


This white haired brown loli is a good tsukkomi. 

This is a dangerous situation for Goggoru-chan to be speaking.

Im sorry, but youll need to stay quiet for a while.

Perhaps its due to many of my fantasies involving her, but Goggoru-chans tsukkomi frequency has been increasing lately. 

I fantasize for my own enjoyment, but I may have inadvertently built Goggoru-chans tolerance to my sexual harassment. I guess Ill have no choice but to let her memorize the taste of my penis and turn her into my prisoner. Id be happy turning her into my own personal meat toilet.

are you in heat? 

Sorry, yes, but stay quiet.

Considering this is Goggoru-chan, I can guess why shes doing it.

Its the same reason shes here with me. She just wants to talk.

The reason shes playing the role of tsukkomi. 

She just wants to join the conversation.


Her eyebrow twitched slightly. 

My hunch was correct.

Even in this dangerous situation, all she wants to do is join the conversation. 

A-And what is that Goggoru girl doing here!? 

Ester-chan had taken notice of Goggoru-chan as well.

Shes also familiar with the Goggoru tribe.

Her tone changed from how she was speaking to her father which was kind of cute.

That made me happy.

Thank you for getting annoyed that another girl is close to me. Sophie-chan, the lolibitch, and every other female non-virgin of the Penny Empire seem to have an innate ability to play with a mans feelings. If this keeps up, Im worried that my dream may be in danger.

We have a relationship and are currently working together. She wont do anything to harm the FitzClarences, so, please, treat her as you would any other person.

As usual, Ill avoid mentioning Goggoru-chans real ability. Its annoying to explain every time and even harder to talk about given the current circumstances. Either way, Im sure Papa will tell her later.

W-W-What do you mean by relationship?' 

Just a conversation partner. Theres no further meaning.

But thats a G-Goggoru. 

One shouldnt discriminate against another due to their birth or appearance. Isnt that right, Ester-chan? 


Im sure this reminded her of how she initially acted toward me. The lolibitchs face went stiff. When we first met each other, she was all tsun without any of the dere. This got me even more excited as I recalled how she stared at me as if I were a piece of trash on the street.

I never expected things to change so much.

Y-Youre right.

Thank you for being so understanding, Ester-san.

I-I didnt do it so you would praise me!

Of course. Id expect nothing less of Richards daughter.

Oh no, Papa is getting angry.

I can see the fury in his eyes that hes desperately trying to hold back.

Its scary.

Tanaka-san, may I cut in? 

Ah, sure, what else did you wish to speak about? 

I still have other meetings scheduled for today so we should really hurry this along.

That was Papas way of telling me he doesnt want me speaking to his daughter any longer. I really wonder how important she must be to him.

I hope Allen can go on to live a long and happy life. However, seeing Richard so protective of his daughter, Im beginning to think that may be impossible.

What else was there?

Im planning on introducing you to the core faction members. 

I see. 

Richard was trying to quickly bring our meeting to an end, but before he could, Ester-chan cut him off.

Wait a minute! I still have something to say! 

Liz, I told you to go back to your room.

Absolutely not! Papa, you may be finished, but I still have a lot to say! 

Did you not hear what I said? 

I didnt hear anything! Im not leaving until I say what I need to say! 

If you wont leave on your own, I wont make it a choice anymore. 


Richard snapped his fingers which caused a sudden change in Ester-chan. She sank to the ground as if a large weight had suddenly been placed on her back. After looking a little closer, I noticed that she had a collar around her neck.

Is that similar to the collar the Dark Elf was wearing? Hes well-known for being a father that greatly cares for his daughter, so Im surprised he would do something like this. I guess the shock of learning his daughter was no longer a virgin must have pushed him to the edge. 

I think its a necessary measure considering Ester-chans bitch nature.

It pains me to have to resort to this, but if you refuse to listen to me, I really have no choice. I suppose I only have myself to blame for spoiling you for so many years.

Guhan-noI wont. 

The lolibitch was still fighting against it.

She was trying to stand but seemed unable to gather enough strength to do so.

Umm, Richard-san, what is this? 

Its a tool used for education that restricts the use of magic and limits the movement of the wearers body. Its a form of aid used by the nobility to educate young children. It is also used as punishment for children that refuse to listen to their parents, as you see now. Its also occasionally used on mentally ill adults.

I see.

This may be a necessary tool in a magical world.

This is a world where children can use magic freely. Its equivalent to allowing preschoolers to carry loaded guns. I know Richard called it a tool for education, but I see it as something necessary to protect the lives of his family. The same goes for the family members of someone mentally ill. 

And something of this level is necessary to control the lolibitch. Even in her current state, shes still desperately trying to reach her arm out towards me. It reminded me of a crippled zombie reaching out toward its prey.

Now, if youll please follow me, Tanaka-san and Rocoroco-san. 

is it fine to just leave?

I think it best to continue our discussion elsewhere. Or are you concerned about my daughter? 

To be honest, Im still not used to how the nobility  operate. 

I can understand that. But, if youll please move past it for now so we can continue where we left off.

Richard instructed me to get up and follow him.

I was unsure of what to do, but considering how poor of a mood he must be in, I decided to go along with him.

I understand.

I cant do anything about it if this is how this world works. I feel sorry for her, but I have no place getting involved in their family matters. Even more so when Im the source of the trouble. Richard wont accept any other answer.

Following after Papa, we moved to a new location.


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