Atelier Tanaka

Book 6: Chapter 1 (1)

Book 6: Chapter 1 (1)

Lolita and Bitch

A few uneventful days passed before we arrived in the capital of Kalis.

We entered through a smaller gate reserved for the nobility that was far more elegantly decorated than the main gate I had used every other time so far. We travelled through the streets of the city and arrived at the entrance to the FitzClarence familys mansion without ever having to set foot on the ground. As expected of one of the Great Nobles of the Penny Empire.

The slave sisters that Sophia-chan purchased and we rescued were sent on a separate carriage to a school in the capital. I told them they could rely on Richard if they needed anything while in the capital. Richard agreed without hesitating and told me not to worry.

We stepped out of the carriage and were greeted by two rows of maids and butlers, all bowing their heads to us. They were all bent forward at the waist and none of them were moving a muscle. Id expect nothing less from professionals like them.

Especially the former group made up of all young women. I want to fuck them all fromm behind while theyre wearing their maid uniforms.

It took us a while to walk down the long line and make it inside the mansion. We followed behind Richard as he guided us to the dining room I had visited before. This was the room where Allens affair had been exposed and where my own head was chopped off.

Not a trace of that horrific night was to be seen.

It was nearly dusk. A messenger had been sent ahead of us to inform the servants we would be arriving late in the day. A meal had been prepared for our arrival. It would have been a waste to refuse, so I decided to stay with the group.

However, with Goggoru-chan still with us, the seating arrangement was a rather sad sight. On the extremely long dining table, there are three of us seated on one side and one on the other. On one side Richard is sitting on the far end with a few empty chairs followed by me with a few more empty chairs before Goggoru-chan who is at the other end. Edita Sensei is sitting directly across from me.

Given how shy my Sensei is, her fear of Goggoru-chans ability, and her attitude toward Richard-san have decided her position for her. The strange atmosphere is making her feel uncomfortable and her nervousness is a joy to watch.

Still, Sensei is a great person for not getting angry at Goggoru-chan.

She calmly waited for Goggoru-chan to find a seat before deciding where shed go.

Im sure all of you feel that this seating is a bit uncomfortable. Shall I request for a change of table?

No, thats not necessary.

Are you certain?

Youve already gone through the trouble of preparing all of this, we cant cause you any further inconvenience.

I understand.

I want to keep watching my nervous Sensei.

My plump thighed, loli Sensei could stay locked inside her room all year round if left to her own devices. Thats why I need to treasure this precious scene. Thats how everyone should live their life. Treasure the important moments because youll never know if youll get the chance to experience them again.

Incidentally, Tanaka-san, do you have any plans for tomorrow?

Yes, I was actually planning on visiting the royal palace tomorrow.

Oh, the royal palace?

If there is something you need me for Ill give priority to that.

No, please, finish your business first. Im in no hurry and its not a time sensitive matter.

Youre sure?

Yes, its no problem at all.

I see. Im sorry and thank you.

Im surprised I havent seen Ester-chan yet.

Considering how desperate she was to be with me recently, Id expect her to come blasting through the walls with a fireball to get to me. No, I suppose her father has taken precautions to prevent just that. She caught him off guard with her attack at dinner, but I doubt that will happen again. I shouldnt be thinking about her anyway.

are you wondering where my daughter is?

Oh, Richards living up to his reputation as an overly obsessed parent.

He immediately knew what was on my mind.

No, I was wondering what happened with Allen-san.

As we agreed, I have had nothing to do with him since you left.


If you cant take me at my word, I can arrange a carriage to take you to him at the Order.

You dont need to go to that extent. Ill go visit him on my own time.

As you wish.

Richard is someone capable of reading the room. He didnt push any further after I offered up an acceptable excuse. That being said, the atmosphere in the room has still become tense and it might be better to leave quickly.

It would be bad if this tension were allowed to build any further.

Do you want to sleep here for the night?

See, this is his attempt at keeping me in check.

No, I think Ill go back to my dorm at the school.

I see. Well, at least allow me to arrange a carriage to bring you there.

Thank you.

As I ate the food laid out for me, my plans for my time in the capital were being decided. It seems Ill be staying here for a few days. That should be fine as I dont have any other urgent business to take care of elsewhere. I suppose I should just enjoy being back in the capital.

My dream of creating the Elixir of Youth is gone and all of the troubles Ive encountered since becoming a noble are all cleared up. Its at the point where Ive lost all purpose.

Nguhn, guhagu~, hagu.

Edita Sensei was making cute noises as she ate with all her heart. Due to her position at the centre of the table, everyones eyes naturally passed over her. She was devouring her food in order to escape the awkward position she was in.

Her eyes never left her plate as she remained looking down the entire time. She was solely focused on her meal. Her focus on her food made it apparent to everyone else that she had no interest in conversation.


Ah, shes choking on something.

There are tears in her eyes and shes starting to hit her chest.

A maid rushed to her side.

Edita Sensei grabbed a cup of tea with both hands and started chugging it down as if she were going to die.

She drank the entire cup in one gulp. After a couple moments, she finally calmed down. This relief was shortly lived as she glanced to her left, then her right, and finally across the table at me. She was clearly embarrassed.

She bent forward and placed her hands on her stomach before unintentionally letting out a cute sound.

Her head sank to the table and her shoulders collapsed. She seemed to almost shrink in size.



Even Richard couldnt help but smile at this.

What am I going to do with this elf?

Like this, our dinner passed by without note.


We finished up dinner at Ester-chans house and I left on my own in a carriage provided by Richard so I could return to the dormitory. Its been a few weeks since Ive been there.

Edita Sensei also returned home to her atelier on a separate carriage.

I couldnt ask her to stay with me as she has her own home in the city. Im a student living in a dormitory that was unable to ask a girl back to his place and Im not even sure if I left a good impression on her.

Which is why, when I arrived back at the dorm, it was just me and Goggoru-chan.

Please, make yourself at home.

I offered Goggoru-chan the greeting I wanted to say to Edita Sensei.

I wanted to spend a night alone with my Sensei but I instead ended up with a chocololi. Oh, thats too bad. Im still very excited. Its got me in a lewd mood. I have the chance to spend the night with a girl that I could possibly have sex with.

I want to push her down now.



Dont worry.

I can restrain myself.

Ive done it before.

I suppose it doesnt matter anyway. Theres no chance Goggoru-chan is a virgin. A beautiful girl like her that has gone to such efforts to avoid contact with other people must have a traumatic past. She may have been gang raped once or twice in the back alley of the big city. They must have filled up all of her holes.

While this went on for hours, she couldnt stop herself from giving in to the pleasures and asking for more and more. It wouldnt take long for her to start hitting the usual phrases, My mind is going blank, and constantly asking for a creampie.

I just want to talk normally.

Yes, of course. Lets do just that.

It was an earnest plea from the chocololi.

Goggoru-chan is both so cute and erotic that I couldnt stop my own fantasies.

I need to calm down. Sorry, Goggoru-chan.

Ill go prepare some tea. Take a seat on the sofa and wait for me.


Its been a while since Ive had to make tea myself.

Sophia-chan would usually make it for me and Id never really thought about how I never really need to anymore. Im going to try my hardest to make the best cup of tea to make Goggoru-chan happy. Im not the most experienced tea maker, but I believe putting in a sincere effort is whats most important.

With this thought in mind, I made my way toward the kitchen. But, after only a few steps, someone suddenly knocked on the door of my room. The dull sound made its way down the hall and into the living room.

Who could be here this late at night?

Maybe its Edita Sensei.

That would make me happy.

Ah, yes, Ill be there shortly.

I yelled toward the front door as I left the kitchen.

I opened the door to welcome whomever it may be.

And, it was someone I never expected.

Oh, Sophie-san?

good evening.

R-Right, good evening. Is something wrong? Coming to my place at this time of night.

I really wasnt expecting the princess bitch.

I was hoping for Edita Sensei, while fully expecting Ester-chan who had escaped from home, or Allen who was coming to see me after that last incident. It was the secondary hole of Team Orgy. What could No. 2 want with me?

I wanted to talk if thats okay with you.

With me?


Well, I should invite her in for now.

Talking out in the hallway is bothersome to the other students.

Proper manners is important for everyone living in an apartment building.

Of course. Would you like to come in?

thank you.

Ive invited the princess bitch into my room.

I now need to make tea for one more. I quickly boiled the water using my fireball and prepared three cups. When the pot was filled with steaming colored water, I got out a tray and cups and carried them out to the living room.

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