Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 5 (9)

Book 5: Chapter 5 (9)


We finally caught up to them outside the inns public restrooms.

Incidentally, in the Penny Empire, restrooms are not separated by gender. The restrooms that exist are for single use and no urinals exist. Its because of this that I get an unusual feeling everytime I use one.

Ive heard that even in my world, restrooms were not separated by gender until the 18th century. And, more recently, there has been a push to go back to unisex restrooms due to concerns about sexual minorities.

I personally cant say which I support. Its a difficult subject, I suppose.

However, based on the number of times Ive been able to quickly get in and out of a mens restroom while the line for the womens restroom grows unending, I think it would be better to keep them separated. Or, maybe, a better proposition would be the introduction of urinals for women.

And then theres the need to accommodate sexual minorities. 

oi, over there.

Sensei said this while pointing over to the private restrooms.

Her finger pointed to the figure of a man lying on the floor. It was the husband. He was only a few steps away from a door to one of the restrooms. His chest and lower body were dyed red.


Beside him, Goggoru-chan stood silently.

She did tell us she needed the restroom.

Rocoroco-san, what happened?

This question was only natural.

There was a large knife lying on the ground between them. It would be at home in a kitchen or a barn, however, outside the restrooms of an expensive inn filled with the nobility seems unnatural. 

More importantly, the blade is covered in blood. Id assume the source of the blood would be the wound on the husbands stomach. The amount of blood suggests a grave injury, but the man doesnt appear to be in any pain.

It wasnt me.

Goggoru-chan stared into my eyes and spoke with no emotion as usual.

The husband tried to crawl away from her in a desperate manner. He turned to us and spoke with terror apparent in his voice.

T-That Goggoru tried to kill me and my wife with that knife.

Where is your wife?

I saw her covered in blood on the floor in the bathroom there.

Goggoru-chan is being accused of attempted murder.

The husband looked toward one of the restrooms. The door was partially closed, but I could see blood slowly flooding out from the crack. Clearly someone had been injured inside, and based on the amount of blood, the injury was serious.

I ignored Goggoru-chan and the husband and quickly rushed to the restroom.

Miss, are you okay!?

I threw open the door and spotted her inside.

She was on the floor leaning against the toilet. It was clear that she needed help and I didnt hesitate to ready my recovery magic on my hands. I thrust them out in front of me and shouted at the same time. The shout wasnt necessary but I did it without thinking.


A magic circle emerged and covered the area around the toilet.

A faint glow appeared before covering the wifes limp body and healing her injuries. I was worried it might all be in vain due to the severity of her injuries, but it looked like I got here in time.

Id be traumatized if she were to die here. Id never be able to fall in love again. Not that Ive ever been in love before.


Her husband was surprised when he saw her wounds slowly closing.

I could hear him gasp from behind me.

h-huh, whats.

Are you alright?

The wife slowly began to regain consciousness.

She started looking around but I was quickly shoved to the side as her husband came running in before falling to the floor, embracing his wife.

Oh, thank goodness! Youre safe!

Eh? Whawhat happened?

The wife was confused and I could see that the husband was whispering something to her that was unintelligible.


Her body trembled in response to his words.

I couldnt tell what he was saying even though I was close to them in this cramped restroom. Goggoru-chan, Edita Sensei, and Richard-san were much further away and I doubt any of them know that something was said at all.

Thank you so much! Thank you, Baron Tanaka!

No, I dont need any thanks as long as shes safe.

He turned to me with a big smile on his face and tears falling from his eyes.

I think Id lose my mind if I lose both my wife and daughter.

He seemed truly relieved as he spoke.

He kept bowing his head and expressing his gratitude. The desperation on his face was that of a good man worried about his family. His trustworthy face and the desperation in his voice would relieve almost all doubts about the situation anyone may have.

However, he made one crucial error.

If Goggoru-chan wanted to kill someone, she wouldnt need a knife. She could easily kill the two of them with her bare hands. Shed also be able to kill them in an instant without leaving any survivors. The use of a knife would actually make it more difficult for her as shed need to find a knife and then it would also be evidence.

So, who stabbed his wife?

There was only one answer.

By the way, about your injury.

I-Im fine. Its only a scratch.

Are you sure? We heard a scream before arriving.

Oh, right, its kind of embarrassing, but I was surprised by the whole ordeal. But you, you have some amazing recovery magic. Its like a miracle conjured by the Gods themselves. Thank you so much!


F-For now, I think it best if I get my wife back to our room so she can rest. Were staying at a different inn here in town. Once I get her back there, Ill return here immediately.

There was a strange distance he was putting between us now.

His daughter was still missing and I was the one he asked to help find her. He even used his wifes, now very questionable, chastity as an excuse for me to help them out.

But now hes trying to leave on his own with no further mention of his daughter.

Umm, Baron T-Tanaka.

His words made me come to a realization.

The key word there is Baron. A rank among the nobility. After all this time, I still dont appreciate the magnitude of that title. It puts me in a privileged class that I tend to forget about due to my time spent in Dragon City where such ranks are of little importance.

If the two of them werent married, I suppose it would be more understandable. But, to think Id be so stupid. To think Id encounter a badger game even in this world of swords and sorcery.


Goggoru-chan confirmed my suspicions.

Im glad I arrived at the correct answer eventually, but Im disappointed in myself for taking so long.

What a mess.

I glanced back at Richard. A smile flashed across his face when he noticed my gaze. He already knew. Was I the only person that didnt realize?

Maybe its because Im so exhausted.

W-Why are you smiling?

Edita Sensei turned to Richard.

No reason, really. Its just amusing is all.

W-W-What does that mean!?

At least I can call Sensei a companion.

Shes my salvation.


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