Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 5 (5)

Book 5: Chapter 5 (5)


It didnt take long for Team FitzClarence to get going.

Our first objective was to locate the bandits hideout.

We decided to head into town and collect all the information we could. Our destination was the local government office in charge of managing the surrounding area. Richard suggested we start here as they would be the most likely to have any information.

I thought wed do something more like a quest in a fantasy game; question the local townspeople or listen for rumours at a nearby inn. The reality was much more bureaucratic and mundane than I hoped.

We visited the town hall and used our privilege as nobles to ask for a meeting with the local official.

A nobleman belonging to a family I didnt recognize came out to greet us. He was in charge of the town and its surrounding lands and, according to Richard, he had been moved from the capital to this post after repeated poor performances.

Putting it in terms of rank, hes a baron of lesser power than me that serves under another baron who serves under a viscount that serves under the count who serves a marquis that is a member of the FitzClarence faction. It reminds me of subcontracting. Which, as a former wage slave, hurt my heart.

W-W-What have I done to deserve a visit from Duke FitzClarence himself!?

He deeply bowed when he saw the Duke.

He looked like he was seconds away from dropping down into a dogeza.

I guess Richard never informed the local nobility that he was visiting. I dont think hes necessarily in the wrong for doing that, but I can say from personal experience that having your boss suddenly visit you can be annoying.

I never expected someone of your standing to visit this little town in the middle of nowhere! Im so very sorry for my delay in offering you a proper greeting! Ill get a room ready for you immediately! I offer my condolences to your companion as well!

No, that wont be necessary. We have something we wish to ask you.

W-Whatever you need!

We were standing in the entrance of the rather packed town hall.

I could feel the eyes of everyone focused on us. The feeling of being watched by everyone was unsettling for someone like me whos not used to being the centre of attention. The blonde, plump thighed loli at my side seemed to be feeling the same way as she was fidgeting in place.

Goggoru-chan was standing off in the corner, acting like she wasnt part of our group.

We want information concerning the bandits in the area.

B-Bandits, you say?

And quickly if you could.

W-Well there are one or two things that come to mind.

The local noble began to quickly rattle off information concerning the bandits.

The fact that he was able to speak in such detail about the bandits without referring to any documents showed that he was playing an active role in investigating them. Im sure he was nervous, but he was still able to give us detailed information.

Most other nobles of the Penny Empire gave me the impression that they leave more involved work to their subordinates. I wonder if this just isnt the case with this particular noble or if he is the end of the line. Richard himself seemed to be impressed and intently listened.

That will do. Thank you for the information.

I-Im merely doing my job!

How did you come across all of this?

Thats because, t-this is an important inn town. I thought that rumours of bandits in the area would damage its reputation. Ive always been careful about accurately taking note of any reported sightings.

I understand.

I-Im sorry if this has cost unnecessary money or resources, but the damages caused by the bandits is devastating to the town. I beg you forgiveness.

Could you tell me your name?


The nobles face turned blue when he heard this.

my name is M-Mallory.

Mallory, I see.


As soon as the name Mallory left the nobles lips, he turned white and looked like he may pass out.

It was so pitiful it almost hurt to look at.

That will be all. I apologize for taking up so much of your time.

Richard turned to leave as he said this.

The other party members and I quickly followed after the party leader and left Mallory, who I could see out of the corner of my eye still looking dejected, behind.

He managed to choke out a brief farewell as we left.

I managed to glean one key piece of information from that exchange, Tanaka-san.

We walked a short distance away from the town hall before Richard spoke.

Out of everything that noble told us, Richard managed to pick out the one piece of important information. No matter how much of a stupid busamen I may be, even I can understand how impressive that is.

Thats good to hear.

Im more concerned with how the cuckold couple is fairing.

After hearing the name FitzClarence the pair of them have begun to atrophy. This isnt due to their interaction with Baron Mallory either. Im of a similar rank to him and they saw how he reacted to Richard, so they must understand how high of a rank Richard must be.


The information we managed to collect at the town hall told us that there were two active groups of bandits in the area.

One of these groups had been more active than the other recently which is the one we decided to focus our efforts on. The exact location of their hideout was unknown, but the noble seemed to possess a rough idea of where it may be.

Richard provided us with a carriage for the trip.

This entire scenario reminds me of the Orc extermination with Team Orgy.

We were currently travelling to the destination in that carriage. We were travelling using only a single carriage to save money. The arrangements on the carriage had Goggoru-chan and I sitting across from the cuckold couple.

The final two, Richard and Edita Sensei, were sitting together at the coachmans seat. 

This was Richards suggestion. He must have decided this based on Goggoru-chan being with us. It was also nice seeing Edita Senseis cute reaction every time the horses tail moved.

As we were swaying side-to-side in the cabin, a sudden thought crossed my mind.

may I ask you a question?

I asked this of the husband who sat across from me.

Eh? Ah, s-sure. What can I do for you?

By any chance, have we met before?

I had plenty of time to examine the husbands face now that were sitting in such close quarters and I couldnt help but get the feeling that weve met somewhere before. At the same time, I was certain that we hadnt, but this uncomfortable feeling wouldnt leave me.

N-No, Im certain we havent.


Im nothing more than a humble merchant as I told you!

really? Sorry, it mustve been a mistake.

Well, even if we have met somewhere, it must not have been a big deal otherwise I would remember it. Perhaps hes worked in the capital and Ive passed him on occasion.


is something wrong, Rocoroco-san?


If you say so.

I wonder whats on her mind.

Did she read something from him? However, Ive already told myself I wont force her to reveal anything shes learned from someones mind. Ill just enjoy this carriage ride by sexually harassing her in my mind. Goggoru-chans mind pussy is mine.

maybe something more appropriate.

Dont be absurd.

I cant help it. I still feel empty and this may be the one thing I can do to fill that hole.

The fact that the cuckold couple is right across from me is also making me more excited. 



Im not sure how long its been since our journey began, but we must be getting close.

After a few more minutes passed, Richard called out to us.

Tanaka-san, were surrounded.


The sound of his voice made me more nervous than usual.

The carriage came to a sudden stop.

There was no need to ask Richard who or what was surrounding us. I quickly opened the door and jumped down from the carriage. Goggoru-chan followed close behind me. We stood together alongside Richard and Edita Sensei who had already climbed down from the coachmans seat.

There was a group of rugged looking men blocking the path ahead of us.

There were more men standing further back in the treeline to either side of the carriage as well.

All of them held a weapon in their hands. Some wore robes and held staves. These men all looked tougher and more intimidating than anyone Ive seen at the adventurers guild.

Still, knowing my own strength, I dont think Ill lose. Not to mention we have the human bullet Goggoru-chan on our side. I wasnt contemplating any complex strategy, rushing in head-on should be more than enough to take care of a group of bandits.

The only thing I really need to worry about is controlling my flames near the carriage.

What reason would a group of nobles have for travelling all the way out here with no escort?

The man that spoke had long, bandana wrapped dreads with a chiseled face and sunbrowned skin. The machete-like sword that he held looked dangerous. Naturally, he wasnt someone I recognized.

Our party leader, Richard stepped forward to confront him.

Even with a bandit being his opponent, he retained his normal smile as he walked forward. Im sure hes confident in his abilities. If I recall correctly, he was talking to the noble mage on equal terms.

Id like to ask you just one question: do you and your men belong to the bandits harassing the nearby town?

If we are, what the hell are you going to do about.

Maybe he was growing suspicious of Richards unwavering smile, but he suddenly fell silent and glanced over toward us. First to Edita, then Goggoru-chan, and finally onto me.

Our eyes met for a brief moment.

It didnt take long for a look of recognition to flash through his eyes.

Oi, you, I thought I recognized you! Tanaka-san, right!?

Apparently he recognizes me.

How is that possible?

What are you doing with a bunch of aristocrats!?

Whats going on now?


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