Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 5 (11)

Book 5: Chapter 5 (11)


We all left and headed to my room together.

The only exception being the husband who was being restrained a bit further away from the group by the knight acting as Richards escort. If the husband was allowed to be choked by Goggoru-chan this entire time, I wouldve become too jealous. His position was enviable.

With everyone waiting behind me, I slowly opened the door to my room.

And what was waiting behind the door was

Amelia! Emily!

The husband was the first to cry out.

Two girls were quietly sleeping in my bed; their blonde hair covering the white sheets. This picturesque scene reminded me of a childrens picture book.

Theres two of them.



The husbands loud shout was enough to wake them from their slumber.

They started to wake up before slowly sitting up.

My virgin heart started pounding as the hem of their white dresses slightly pulled up and exposed their plump thighs. Their healthy looking skin was so white that I couldnt help but wonder if it was the same colour all the way up.



The sleepy atmosphere surrounding them quickly disappeared once they noticed us.

Their eyes widened in surprise and so did mine.


I was more familiar with the husbands daughters than I realized.

Or rather, I was close to owning them at one point.

The blonde loli meat toilet slave sisters that Sophia-chan purchased.

I also recognize the dresses theyre wearing. They were high-quality items that Oman-san gave to my maid. I owe him a thank you gift for allowing me to witness something so beautiful.

I remember hearing something about them leaving Dragon City in order to attend school in the capital. Sophia-chan wanted them to receive a proper education. I also wrote a letter to the school trying to find out how they were doing.

I never imagined they wouldve been kidnapped on the way there.



The husband wasnt lying about trying to find his daughters. Their reaction after seeing him tells me everything I need to know. They rushed from the bed and embraced their father. There were no signs of fear or hesitation as they embraced him. They were all happily smiling together.

Aah, thank goodness! Youre both okay, right!? Amelia, Emily!

The husband spoke to his daughters while still being restrained by the knight.


Doing great!

His daughters nodded with big smiles on their faces.

They both turned to me as their father questioned them. I was wondering what they were doing when the blonde loli meat toilet slave sisters suddenly started fluttering their dresses and laughing.

That Oji-sans maid bought them for us.

We also got to eat delicious food!

They flashed me two big smiles.

Maybe they could tell their father was suspicious of me.

Im grateful to them for helping clear my name.


The husband was left dumbstruck and unsure of how to react. He kept glancing back and forth between me and his daughters. He remained silent for several seconds and an indescribable atmosphere settled between us.

I am the focal point between all of us so I should try to do something.

I never expected their father to be you.

you bought them?

I wanted to buy them.

I was desperate to buy them.

It wasnt me.

W-What do you mean?

An acquaintance of mine took pity on them. My maid used her own money to purchase them rather than allow them to be sold off to a noble with sinister intentions. In terms of interactions with me, I believe Ive only ever interacted with them when I used my magic to heal them.


The husband was left speechless.

Thanks to his own daughters testifying on my behalf, my claim of memory loss may seem more credible. With this new information, I can understand why I claimed to know the girl captured by the bandits. Thats why I wanted to save them.

Incidentally, these two are now completely free of slavery. Theyre not wearing any collars which Sophia-chan took off the same day she purchased them. Too bad.

This has also helped me come to understand you better.

The way he was shedding tears of joy for the safe return of his daughters. I cant believe hes a bad person.

He simply became desperate due to the situation he found himself in.

Are you sure about this, Tanaka-san?

What do you mean, Richard-san?

He tried to kill that woman. No matter the reason for it, is that something you can allow?

Hes talking about the blood covered bathroom we stumbled upon not long ago. Blood still covered the clothes the husband wore. Even in front of this mans daughters he can be so relentless, as expected of the head of the FitzClarence family.

However, thats not exactly what happened.

Youre wrong about that, Richard-san.

Wrong? About what exactly?

The Duke spoke in a commanding tone.

That knife isnt his; it belongs to the woman acting as his wife. It may have been the wife who attempted to harm herself or even attack the husband. Either way, it ended with the wife being the one hurt. We stumbled upon the scene after everything had unfolded.

I spoke every word while looking directly at the wife standing next to her husband.

With each word that left my mouth, she became visibly more upset. Her eyes started to widen as they darted back and forth between Richard, myself, her husband and the knight that restrained him.

The knight started to look at her as well.

She probably thought nobody noticed. 

how could you know that?

It would be strange for even a merchant to carry multiple large knives on his person. Even if they were for self-defense.

I thought back to the knife that the husband held against Richards neck. It was completely different from the one outside the bathroom. The one used to hurt the wife was similar to a kitchen knife while the one the husband used had a large blade used for stabbing and an expertly designed hilt that would cost a sizable amount.

To be honest, I suppose my theory is based entirely on assumptions.

What do you mean?

I got the sense from our interactions over the last day that this man truly cared for his daughters and wanted nothing more than to see them returned safely to him. This desire to reunite with his daughters at any cost is what led him to making such drastic decisions.

When I healed his wife in the bathroom, the reason he rushed to her so quickly and whispered something to her was to keep his ruse going for as long as possible. He believed this to be the only chance he had of saving his daughters.

Am I on the right track, Rocoroco-san?


If it came out that the wife tried to harm herself or her husband, questions would be asked and everything he had done so far would be for naught. The only out he saw was to try to blame Rocoroco-san who happened to be there. It was a risk that he had to take.

I see.

The yells we heard were most likely all just an act.

In the end, it didnt matter as his wife told us everything. Still, he wasnt ready to give up on his daughters. He threatened you knowing that it would end with him either dead or in prison as he believed it the only chance he had of saving his daughters.


A merchant like him wouldnt be able to survive a life on the run while hiding from the FitzClarence family. Nevertheless, he made the decision to sacrifice his life for the lives of his daughters. Personally, I find that commendable.

I understand the point youre making, Tanaka-san.

Its true that I should take the inconveniences caused to Rocoroco-san into account. Of course, I never believed the accusations anyway.

I honestly feel like Im partially to blame for that anyway. Shes always been left on her own away from the group. She even ate her meals on the floor. Basically, I treated her like a slave.

I think the husband felt I thought of her as one.

That couldnt be further from the truth. I care more for her than I do Richard-san. Her brown skin and loli body captured my virgin heart the moment I saw her.


Yes, really.


I accidentally let my real feelings slip.

Thats why girls qualified for reverse rape are so dangerous. When they show you their thick thighs, you have no choice but to want to be raped. I want her to hold me down. The slight muscular tone she has will never fail to stimulate my masochist heart.


Im sure you agree.

You are a one-of-a-kind reverse rapist.

Things couldve been resolved quicker and simpler if you had been honest with us from the start.

I turned to face the husband.

And he turned back to me with a look of disgust.

How could I do that? Im penniless. I could never offer a reward for a skilled adventurer to help.

What do you mean?

I was held prisoner in Kalis. I managed to get out, but what was I left with? What hope did I have of living a decent life? My daughter, wife, home, and my work was all taken by nobles! Nobles like you!

I feel like Ive heard this before.

But you were able to hire that woman?

Its funny, isnt it? She was cheaper than hiring an adventurer to get rid of a few bandits.

I can understand that.


All of this was an unfortunate misunderstanding caused by the desperation of a father. I would personally prefer to act like this never happened and depart for the capital as quickly as possible. Im not sure what else to do.

I think I understand the situation.

But Im still not sure what to make of it.

There was a moment of silence before Richard-san spoke.

As the Duke began to speak, everyone else in the room remained silent and focused on him.

Were not in Dragon City. Right now, he is the most powerful person in the town. He is the leader of the faction I belong to. Whatever he decides is law. If Richard-san were to decide Goggoru-chans skin was white, it would be white.


Its a figure of speech, Goggoru-chan.

But Im not too worried.

This person is Ester-chans father.

After considering all of the facts.

His calm demeanor reassured me. Based on his tone, Id expect him to allow the sisters to return to their father. With this, I will have helped the merchant find his daughters, and Ive also found the identity of the sisters. Killing two birds with one stone.

Before Richard could finish, the sisters suddenly spoke to their father.

Papa, we learned something from the maid onee-chan. Can we tell you about it?

What did she teach you?

The husband spoke in a softer tone than what he used with us.

His daughters hesitated for a moment before speaking.

We can use the bathroom on our own now.

Our maid onee-chan taught us that its normal for girls our age to use the restroom on our own. We dont need to ask you for help anymore, Otou-san.

Amelia? Emily?

I guess its not that strange for young children to suddenly change the subject.

Still, wasnt that a bit sudden? However, now this lolicon is curious. After all, its pee. Girls pee. With these two young girls suddenly talking about pee, everyones attention was focused on them.

We arent supposed to let someone else touch our privates whether its in the bathroom or not.

Otou-san always touched our crotch in the bath, but our maid onee-chan taught us that a girls privates should never be touched by someone else.

I like Papa, but when youd touch our privates in the bath, Id get a weird feeling so I think it should stop.

Otou-sans rubbing always made me feel uncomfortable.

They were innocently glancing between their father and us. They were completely ignorant of the other intention that their father may have had. I can imagine how Sophia-chan reacted when the sisters first told her about it.


The husbands face turned white.

It was as if all of the blood had left his body.

The conversation was close to ending on a good note too.

Papa, whats wrong?


The innocent upturned eyes of the sisters looked towards their father.

The papa/otou-san/husbands face froze under the pure gaze of his daughters. His eyes locked on his daughters as if he was scared to even blink.


Why do I feel this strange sense of camaraderie now?

His desperation is starting to make more sense now. I thought it was entirely based on the love a father has for his daughters. I kind of wish wed have said goodbye before any of this was revealed.

I think we need to clear something up.

w-what could that be?

Is what theyre saying true?


Richard confronted the husband turned lolicon.

The husband was left speechless.

Instead, the daughters stepped up to Richard.

Papa, were we wrong?

Did our maid onee-chan teach us wrong?

Do you need to rub our privates?

You have to be the one to do it?

The eyes of the sisters, who were too innocent to know any better, remained locked onto their father.

The moving reunion between a parent and his children has now turned into an interrogation. If Richard and the others werent here, I would close my eyes and forgive the husband. A father who doesnt lust after his daughter is no father at all.

What did you do?


This is what can scare even me when it comes to Richard.

He is very sensitive when it comes to the word daughter. Since this busamen became involved with his daughter, hes become even more sensitive. The timing for this couldnt be any worse as the incident with Ester-chan is still fresh in his memory.

As a father with a daughter of his own, I cant look past this.

W-Wait a minute! I have nothing to hide! I was just trying to make my daughters happy! Its not at all what youre thinking about, Duke FitzClarence! Its a misunderstanding!

So what did they mean by rub their privates?

Richard, dont say something like that with such a serious face.

Im unsure of how to react.

I-Its so I can thoroughly clean them.


This was the first time Id seen the husband so clearly lying.

It was obvious that he was starting to panic.

The area that hes talking about is completely unknown to a virgin like me. Im envious.

Was maid onee-chan wrong?

Tell us, Otou-san.

The husbands face grew even paler.

That is the face of a man who has given into temptation. Its the face of a man who could no longer resist the cute charm of his daughters and has begun dabbling in sexually mischievous ways. Its the face of a man that enjoyed doing this and that and the reactions of his daughters.

With the guilt so clear on the husbands face, Richard made his decision.

He turned to the sisters and showed them a more gentle look.

I know you have just reunited, but your father needs to discuss business with us. Can I ask you two to wait for a bit? Well bring you a lot of delicious sweets and drinks while you wait.

Eh, sweets and drinks!?

T-Thank you!

The blonde loli meat toilet slave sisters were ecstatic about the idea of sweets.

Theyre at the age where good food is more appealing than sex.

Their father was taken away by the knight as they were focused on Richard. The knight received instructions from Richard before he left. I was left with no choice but to silently watch this all unfold.

Its over.

Yeah, well, it may be over, but.

Goggoru-chan declared it was all over.

However, inside my chest, I felt an overwhelming sense of defeat.


The following day, we turned the husband over to a group of Richards guards.

The crime he was being charged with was fornication. A more modern culture would call it rape. The husband was on the verge of earning Richards forgiveness when this was revealed to us all. Richards ethics would not allow him to forgive such an act, so the husband will be taken to the capital and thrown in prison.

As he was being dragged away, he was screaming at us that he would be back for his daughters. There was a crazed look in his eyes as he glared at everyone around.

We can finally continue.

We stood together in front of the inn beside our carriage.

Richard had a big smile on his face.

Im very sorry for the delay that Ive caused.

I was left with no choice but to apologize.

All of this was caused by my own mistakes.

Nothing to worry about. It didnt take as long as I expected, so it isnt anything to apologize for. I also got something out of this ordeal and it allowed my men a day off. All in all, not a bad day spent.

Im happy to hear it.

I felt relieved after hearing his words.

There were plenty of nervy moments in this town. It was supposed to be a peaceful carriage ride through the countryside, but it turned into an adventure. I want the rest of the journey to go by without incident. I want to enjoy the scenery without worrying about being accused of any crimes.

Hey, theres something Im curious about.

Edita Sensei spoke from beside me.

What is it?

What were you doing in the Succubus Nest?


My plump thighed loli sensei is more astute than I expected.

I was hoping to avoid that part of the story. With everything that happened with the husband, I thought my nighttime excursion would be forgotten.

What were you doing there?

I still dont have any memories of what I did last night.

Its true. I cant tell her what I dont know.

It really is true.

I was hoping this would settle the matter. However, as if she were waiting for the perfect time to strike, the chocololi, who had played a pivotal role in this ordeal, spoke up.

He put the young girls in his room and was trying to find someplace else to stay.

I-I see.

Oh, who knew past me could be such a gentleman.

I bet I just earned points with Sensei.

On his way through town, he was approached by a prostitute with large breasts and quickly changed his destination to downtown.

I see.

Yeah, that sounds more like me.

Well, if I flew back to the inn with the sisters in my arms, its only natural Id be looking for something like that. Its unfortunate that I cant remember what they felt like. I must have flown them back from the bandits hideout in the forest. One in each hand. I had to resist the urge to sniff my hands.

This is how he ended up at the Succubus Nest.

Well, I-I suppose a man has n-needs.

Sensei nodded with a worrisome expression. I could tell she was disappointed in me. As a virgin, Im happy to hear shes so open-minded about sex, but at the same time, I feel a small hint of loneliness mixed with anxiety.

But thanks to Edita Senseis question, Im starting to understand.

The path this virgin took last night.

I turned down the offer to join the bandits and secured the girls they had captured. I left the sisters at the inn and travelled to the Succubus Lair which is where I encountered the man I had fought with earlier in the tavern. We started talking and put our differences aside. We had a few drinks at the bar and that is when the husband first spotted me.

Thats right. [Rocoroco]

The husband, who was trying to find the whereabouts of his daughters, asked me to help get rid of the bandits. Im sure thats why he was in that area to begin with and its probably how he first met the woman acting as his wife.


Goggoru-chan confirmed everything.

Now that I was finally able to remember everything clearly, my heart and mind both began to feel relieved. My virgin dream still exists. I think I can better understand the thoughts of the husband who so desperately wanted to reunite with his daughters.


No, wait a second.

This is strange.

Rocoroco-san, something about this doesnt make sense.

Whats that?

How can you know all of this by reading my mind if I couldnt remember myself?

If I cant remember, how can she read memories I dont have?

Her ability allows her to read thoughts and memories that another person has. She shouldnt be able to pull out memories that are absent from a persons mind due to blacking out or amnesia.

She even said the prostitute that spoke to me had big breasts.



I was starting to get a little scared.

She hesitated for a moment before speaking in a low voice.

Ive been following you ever since you left your room yesterday.


A criminal confession from Goggoru-chan.

Shes a stalker.

And shes smiling about it.

So Im certain of all of this.


Dont worry, youre still pure.

Ive always been most concerned with her incredible physical strength and speed or her ability to read minds, but thats all starting to feel somewhat trivial. This side of her could be much more dangerous.

t-thank you.

Youre welcome.

The smile she showed me seemed to confirm my suspicions.

End of Volume 5

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