Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 5 (1)

Book 5: Chapter 5 (1)


My horse-drawn carriage trip with Edita Sensei and Goggoru-chan continued.

We were headed for the capital of Kalis as a part of a train of carriages owned by Richard. As we made our way, I discovered the secret to the recipe for the Elixir of Youth and made our ride awkward for a little while. Luckily, that has passed now and were back to our peaceful journey.

However, we quickly ran out of things to talk about after only a half an hour. I entertained myself by occasionally glancing across the carriage at my plump thighed loli Sensei as we continued on our way. Around dusk, as the sun was beginning to set beyond the horizon, we were told that we would shortly be arriving at a nearby inn town.

I looked out of the window to see if it was in sight yet.

it would be faster to fly.

I understand what shes saying, but this is necessary for anyone that wants to survive a world filled with nobles.

Richard needs to be given opportunities to show off his wealth and power.


Yes, thats how the nobility works.

Its like going out to play golf with your boss.

I casually responded to the chocololi as I enjoyed the view of the setting sun. It may be a stretch to call this a vacation or a trip, but I can think of it as a tour. A horse-drawn carriage trip through the countryside.


Sensei had fallen asleep at some point. As expected, her sleeping face is cute as well.

The carriage ride was surprisingly comfortable and I felt like my mind and body, both of which had been drained almost completely after due to the turmoil of the last several days, gradually started to relax. I want to enjoy this quiet time watching Sensei sleep for as long as I can.


The carriage suddenly rocked to the side and Sensei let out a small noise.

Her head shifted to the side and she was now leaning slightly forward with her mouth open.

I could try taking out my penis while shes leaned forward. The thought of her soft lips moving back and forth sent waves of pleasure running through my body.



I fully enjoyed this delusion involving Edita Sensei knowing that Goggoru-chan was reading my thoughts.

Im okay with this.

The gentle rocking of the carriage combined with my delusions, helped transport me to another world. The cramped space inside the carriage may have also helped with this strange sense of wonder.

However, this moment of bliss didnt last long.

The carriage suddenly stopped and my fantasies with it.

The rhythmic sounds of the wheels turning is now gone. Have we arrived at the inn town? However, I couldnt see anything but the empty countryside from my view.

The sound of the wheels was replaced by shouting from outside.

Oi, hurry it up! Dont keep the Duke waiting! I know. Well get rid of it straight away! Do we have anyone that can use magic!? This will take too long if we have to do it by hand! I can use a little magic. The maid in the fourth carriage can use a decent amount of magic.

Something must be wrong.

I can feel my body getting stiff and getting out to stretch my legs doesnt sound so bad. I might as well check to see what it is. I got up from my seat and opened the door to see a large group of people running around.

Excuse me, is something going on?

I called out to a nearby man that was running by.

An ikemen in his mid-twenties that was dressed like a knight.

B-Baron Tanaka! Im sorry if weve disturbed you!

Dont worry about that, but is there a problem out here?

Right! There is a destroyed carriage blocking the road ahead and were working quickly to remove it. Im truly sorry for this inconvenience, but I assure you we will resume traveling shortly.

I see.

If thats the issue, I can probably help.

Would you mind if I lended a hand?


Staying in the carriage for so long has made my body stiff. I wanted to get up and move around a little before we continue. I can also use my magic and Im sure the Duke Richard will be happy if we can get moving quickly.

If I drop Richards name, Im sure this guy will just think Im desperate to make myself look good to him.

Right, I understand. Its just this way.

Thank you.

I left Goggoru-chan and Edita Sensei behind and followed after the man.

We travelled down the train of carriages before a destroyed, smoldering carriage came into view. It was blocking the road entirely with many arrows still stuck in its side, clear evidence of an attack.

They were the targets of robbery. It most likely belonged to a merchant.

That makes sense.

My new guide provided me with his insight.

Rescue the daughter of a wealthy merchant who was captured by thieves to ingratiate yourself with her father, or something similar. Its a tried-and-true quest from any sword and sorcery world. It wouldnt be far off to call it an essential first quest from any RPG or fantasy world. Something like a tutorial.

But it looks like we got here too late.

The flames that had engulfed the carriage were now mostly gone with only a few smoking embers left on some of the wood beams. The wood of the carriage had also turned black. The attack must have happened a while ago, but no more than a day considering it is blocking a main road. The attack must have either happened today or yesterday.

What are you thinking?

Can you ask everyone to move away?

Of course.

It wont exactly be pretty, but the easiest solution for me is to blow away the carriage using a fireball.

My guide ran ahead to tell everyone to move back as I got ready. The men that had gathered to try to move the carriage quickly cleared the area. After confirming that everyone was clear, I conjured my fireball and got ready to fire.


A fireball around 30 cm in diameter shot forward and hit the broadside of the carriage.

There was a loud explosion that sent the carriage flying in the opposite direction. The large carriage, which appeared to still be sturdy, splintered into pieces as it flew clear of the road.

Ooh, such power with no chanting. As expected of the Baron Tanaka.

No, its really not a big deal.

I dont feel like I did much, but its still nice to be praised.

If I start to get used to this, Ill turn into a terrible person.


We continued on our journey, the burnt out carriage being the only eventful moment of the trip.

I heard some people say we may be attacked by bandits from the surrounding lands, however, nothing like that happened. Im sure the average bandit would be terrified by the size of the Duke of Fitzclarences convoy.

Thanks to this, we were able to arrive in the inn town on the same day that we left. It was a town of reasonable size with the main road running directly through it. It was a town that anyone travelling to Tricklis from the capital would have to pass through. This also meant that there were a decent number of people around.

Our group disbanded shortly after arriving at the inn to make preparations for the following day.

Richard, who was financing the entire trip, told me he had work he needed to handle and went straight to his room after arriving. Im surprised to see that such a famous Duke in this world is such a diligent worker. I started to like him more without even realizing it.

I was left with nothing to do and it was too early to go to bed, so I decided to head out and see what there was to do in the town.

It was easy for me to leave because I was given my own room separate from Edita Sensei and Goggoru-chan.

Its a feeling thats always hit me in situations like this. The desire to explore an unknown downtown area at night for no reason in particular while Im on a business trip. I get so much enjoyment out of walking the streets of a new city or foreign land at night.

Ive spent countless hours over the last ten years doing this without incident. But this is a different world entirely. Maybe tonight will be the night I get my long awaited red ticket. Aah, those are the business trips Ive always dreamed of. (TN: A red ticket is given for a more serious offense in Japan.)

I suppose a bar or restaurant is a good place to start.

I might be able to try a local drink or food.

I started off by asking at the inn for some recommendations.

Maybe Ill encounter a girl that only started working last week.


After walking for a short while, I set my sights on my first destination. It was a sizable restaurant that seemed to be popular based on the number of guests I could see from the outside. I could hear the bustling crowd from out on the streets. They all looked to be enjoying themselves and I could hear the voices of many young women.

Theres something romantic about a cozy old-fashioned shop, but places like that tend to be owned by elderly people with regulars that are of a similar age. There are a surprisingly large number of cafes and snack bars that are funded by pensions or retirement funds.

Excuse me, a table for one please.

I entered through the western style double doors.

Without a moments hesitation, a voice responded back.

Welcome~! You can just follow me right over here!

Oh, the waitress is a young girl.

Her energetic personality is adorable.

She looked to be in her mid-teens and had brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had Sophia-chan class breasts that swayed excitedly with the slightest movements. Her slim waist added to her overall lewdness. Her big ass also added points.

This is something I think every bar needs to have. Some countries have birth rates that are declining and an aging population, which makes this much more difficult. Its easy for a shop to get featured in the media purely due to their cute, youthful staff.

Ill take whatever you recommend for alcohol and some small snacks.

Right away~! Ill be back soon!

Her lovely voice is amazing.

Im expecting the alcohol she brings me to be equally amazing.

I started to get in a good mood as I sat at the table.

I glanced around to get an idea of the customer base. To my right, macho; to my left, macho. The men were all macho, and the women were too. I also noticed many of the tables had swords and spears leaning against them.

Even without the weapons, I get the feeling that this shop regularly serves a rougher clientele.

Still, it was recommended to me by the clerk at the inn Richard is staying at. It cant be that bad of a place. The waitress here is too cute for that. It must be a popular place for adventurers. Maybe the owner is a former adventurer.

Im sorry for the wait! Here is your drink!

Ah, thank you.

She placed a glass down by my hand that was filled to the brim with liquor.

I hope you enjoy it!

Ah, sure.

I toasted the waitress ass as she walked away.

I quickly gulped down large amounts of the liquid.

The foamy alcohol was ice cold as it flowed down my throat. The flavour was subtle and it had just the right amount of bitterness. I guzzled down half of it in one gulp as if it were water.

that hit the spot.

This place is close to Dragon City so I expect Ill be visiting often.

Ill need to be sure to travel by carriage more often. Theres no doubt that flying is faster, but Id never discover places like this that offer such amazing experience.

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