Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 3 (8)

Book 5: Chapter 3 (8)

Dark Continent (3rd)

There was just one other thing Im curious about.

what is it?

Theres something about you that I cant comprehend. You appear to be human but possess power no human should be able to wield. Even our meeting here seems too impossible to merely be a coincidence. It feels like it was all arranged. Starting with the moment we met you in the inn to you saving each of us, earning our allegiance in the process. Only one person has benefited from it all.


I think I know where hes going with this.

And I cant deny that its suspicious.

Not to mention the pile of bloody Sylph wings stacked in the foreboding magic circle behind Goggoruchan and me. I told them the truth that this is her home, but it would be more believable to describe this place as the chamber from which you summon the devil.

You have to admit its strange. A being that protects the creatures of the Dark Continent, is capable of defeating a Phoenix with a fireball, and takes the form of a human while working with them.

What are you trying to say?

Are you the Demon King or a similar entity? I dont enjoy asking this of the man that saved my life, but it is my duty as a hero. Its not possible for you to be a normal human.


That was surprisingly straightforward. His entire investigation into the Demon King is based on the prophecy of a holy woman. He has nothing based in reality to prove that there even is a Demon King and yet hes still adamant that there is one and that I might even be him.

This is exactly the situation where Goggoru-chans power comes into use. She can tell them that Im not hiding anything.

Come on, please, I know youre listening.

youre right. He is the incarnation of the Demon King.

What are you saying?

Goggoru-chan, now isnt the time to start lying.

Wha!? I-It cant. It makes sense. How else can you explain the power he possesses!? Tanaka-san, t-tell me this isnt true! Please, tell me your heal wasnt the heal of a demon! That warm sensation that invaded my body cant be evil! It explains why hes so strong! Thats why he was able to defeat the phoenix so easily.

Everyone cast accusations at me with their eyes wide open in surprise.

Y-Youre wrong! Im just a normal human!

Why is Goggoru-chan doing this?

No, I guess it makes sense. I can understand her intentions without being able to read her mind. She hopes to drive a wedge between me and them so Goggoru-chan will be the only one left that wants anything to do with me. Our arrangement will quickly change to once every three days, then two, before eventually just being every day.

She did this to satisfy her own loneliness.


I glanced down at her. She returned my gaze and said one word,


I wasnt looking for you to confirm my suspicions.

Who knew Goggoru-chans lies could hit as hard as a punch from the loligon. It might actually be worse because I cant use my recovery magic to heal. With just a few simple words, she can end relationships.

This is bad.

Can you tell me why youve returned?

Even though the only thing tying me to the mantle of Demon King are the words of a small chocololi, the Hero of the West took it at face value. At least he didnt attack me without saying anything. This might only be due to him being thankful to me for saving him from the Phoenix, or maybe he realizes he couldnt win.

No, shes just joking, dont take it seriously.


Thats right. As I said, Im a normal human like the rest of you.


Goggoru-chan, follow my lead.

I wont ever come back if you dont. Im serious.

it was a joke. Sorry for lying.


Goggoru-chan glanced at the ground and lowered her head.

Being able to communicate without words is proving useful.

The Hero of the West once more spoke up in place of everyone.

is this true?

It is.

Goggoru-chan nodded as she replied.



Do they believe her?

It looks like you two are close. Whats your relationship with each other?

Thats only because she has read all of my thoughts and memories. Still, the idea of standing shoulder to shoulder with her like this causes no fear in me. I understand that she has been demonized for her ability but that doesnt make her a bad person.

I love you, Goggoru-chan.

Please, reverse rape me.

I dont want to.

You dont have to give me an answer now.

Youre just going to mess up the flow of the conversation.

If thats true, then what are you?

Goggoru-chan managed to put doubt into the Hero of the Wests mind and the rest of the party members looked doubtful as well. I may have moved them past the idea of me being the Demon King, but they still are suspicious of me. I dont think this can get much worse. Only a few days ago we were working hard together in the same party.

This is the Dark Continent, after all. Its natural to be suspicious of strange things. And whats more strange than a suspicious man hanging out in a cave with a small girl? Unfortunately, I dont see anyone that wants to side with me.

Even the Chara Bros couldnt look me in the eye.

There was only one person that decided to speak.

D-Dont let him fool you! This man is dangerous!

It was none other than the Dark Elf herself.

That thing has enough power to defeat even a High Demon!

She must be referring to the conflict with the Pussy Republic where I fought against Drill-chans masochistic demon servant. I almost forgot she was there with me. I dont need to read everyones minds to be able to tell what theyre thinking. Her words managed to lend credence to the Hero of the Wests accusation of me being the Demon King.

There was only a small glimpse of doubt on everyones face before, but now theres a clear murderous intent focused on me.

With them all teamed up together, theyre a more dangerous foe than the Green Sylph swarm. My invincible mode can protect me from a lot, but I dont know how it will be able to stand up to simultaneous attacks from dozens of strong opponents. Some of them may even possess instant death-class magic.

What are you suggesting?

I spoke in a low tone.

There was a moment of hesitation before she responded with a shaky voice.

If he is the incarnation of the Demon King, we should stop him now before he can grow to his full strength.

I see shes improved her betrayal skill since the last time we met. The boyfriend view of her cleavage when I was standing at her side now seems so far off. Still, I cant say I was shocked considering shes betrayed me before.

Do you think you can?


When I offered a challenge to the Dark Elf, she quickly backed down and fell silent.

I want to lick her dark skinned bubble butt.

It seems like none of you have anything else to say. Maybe we should call it for the day.

I cant hurt any of them. Theyre all major figures in the cities and countries they come from and killing them would cause countless repercussions across the entire planet. People with as much power as Ester-chans family would be after me. I wouldnt be able to return to Dragon City. Id be forced to flee to live in some remote corner of the world just like Goggoru-chan.

Which is why you shouldnt do anything to hurt them, Goggoru-chan. Absolutely nothing.



Im serious.

If you do anything, there will only be one outcome and it leads to both of us dying. Of course, youre a shunned Goggoru and Im a repulsive busamen, so if youre willing to consider my offer of reverse raping me, Im willing to try to create a world for just you and me.

I see. (chocololi)

Thats right.

She was definitely considering it.

Its good that I put an end to that thought process quickly.

Theres something Id like to ask.

This time it was the Hero of the East.

He approached me as if he was approaching a great dragon that he was ready to slay. The serious look on his face just added to the cool atmosphere surrounding him. His purple plate mail looked like it offered incredible magical and physical defense. Even though he has a sword on his hip, he looks like hes capable of using devastating attack magic.

His defensive stance revealed he held a mixture of suspicion and fear of me.

What is it?

Is it true what you said? Youre not related to the Demon King in any way?

Yes, that has nothing to do with me.

Do you have anything that can prove that?

Let me think.

Just like the Hero of the East, it seems like he wants to avoid a fight.

Just look around you. Im sure you can understand why the Elfs words seem more believable than your own. What were you going to do with the blood and wings of the dead Green Sylphs? Im sorry, but no matter who you ask, this looks like the scene of someone trying to summon something evil.

This was a reasonable assumption.

This looks exactly like the ritual needed to summon a demon.

A blood spattered magic circle with a pile of translucent wings and dead Sylph bodies scattered across the room.

I understand what youre saying.

I dont want to reveal what the magic circle is actually used for. Dozens of people would learn of a teleporter that leads directly into the heart of the Penny Empire. I cant reveal that information.

I could potentially be stripped of my title as Baron if it were exposed that I was the one responsible for it. Ester-chan rules over the town not far from where the teleporter leads. Its likely that she would be put in danger as well. 

I really cant allow that to happen. Although, the idea of Ester-chan being forced to flee her city and relying on me for protection doesnt sound like a terrible idea. However, I suppose I should leave that as nothing more than a delusion in my mind.

This is a confidential experiment being conducted by the Penny Empire. Im sorry, but I cant tell you anymore about it. If youd like more details, please, contact Lord Fahren of the Penny Empire.

Lord Fahren? Is that the noble mage the Penny Empire is so proud of?

It was Professor Journal who recognized the crazy mages name.

Hes the pride of the Penny Empire?

It must be true if his name is known across countries.

Yes, thats him. If you give him my name, Im sure he can explain everything.

so I did hear you correctly.

The noble mages name is proving its usefulness even here, far away from the country he calls home. Whoever is lucky enough to marry him will become the happiest woman in the world. Thanks to me bringing up his name, I might actually have a way out of this situation.

Sorry Dark Elf, but I plan on surviving no matter.

Again, Id like to ask you to consider where you are. This is her home. Youve entered a young girls room without permission and now youre starting to draw weapons and throw out accusations at her guest.

Was it necessary to bring up Goggoru-chans situation?

I think so.

No, it definitely was.

The one thing every world cares about is aesthetics. A face is everything.

A cute girl and a handsome man control the fate of the world.

youre right.

The Hero of the West nodded quietly.

Is the ikemen treating her with respect because he expects to get something out of it?

Thats not the case with busamen.

Busamen receive few opportunities to receive any thanks from beautiful women. The relation between thanks and sex is nonexistent. There are people that cant get sex no matter how hard they try. In modern times, these people are known as herbivorous busamen.

Thank you for understanding. Now, Im sorry, but.

I want to go home.

I was trying to say this when yells from outside cut off my words.

Gyaaaa! D-Demon! A demon has come! Run! Run away! Get ready to fight! Hero! We need the Heroes parties! Uwaaa! Please, r-recovery magic! I need healing!

Whats happening now?

The screams were coming from the top of the stairs leading down into Goggoru-chans home. The people waiting outside must have been attacked by something. Based on the size of the party yesterday, the total number must be getting close to three digits. Its impossible to hide a party of that size from the monsters of the Dark Continent.

However, I wasnt expecting to hear anything about demons. What kind of monster is it? I dont recall seeing any demons on the Dark Continent. There were many different monsters chasing me when I first arrived that formed a massive train behind me, but no demons that I can recall.

The shouts were replaced by agonizing screams as the demon made its way down the stairs before appearing in the doorway.


This is a surprise.

It was the masochist demon.

The long haired man.

Could he have appeared at a worse time?


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