Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 3 (3)

Book 5: Chapter 3 (3)

Dark Continent (3rd)

Nothing but constant sexual harassment of the highest form.

Goggoru-chans mind is likely to break.

Im more dangerous than any monster she may encounter.

It would probably be best if we were to say goodbye.

I am curious about one thing. The Goggoru tribe are known to be quite knowledgeable, however.

The noble mage was examining the chocololis room as he said this.

He was looking at the pile of various objects near her bed that I had noticed previously. A pile of dead grass in a box and various food that she eats to survive.

My cute loli that suffers from hunger and poverty.

Higi mushrooms, boko grass, and even these Ramei horns are all extremely poisonous. Even the most powerful creatures on the Dark Continent would succumb to these toxins. Do you use them for hunting?

When she first heard this she showed a surprisingly human reaction. Her shoulders trembled for a moment as she glanced over at the boxes before looking at the ground. Im sure she felt embarrassed having her way of life singled out.

Of course that would be the case.

The noble mage drew attention to her bed and the food she was storing.

Hes drawing all of our eyes to the intimate areas of her home.

If possible, Id like to learn all you know about the various poisons of the Dark Continent.

The noble mage doesnt understand delicacy.

He began searching through the boxes she had stored by her bed.

Im sorry, Goggoru-chan.

Its still a strange feeling having my thoughts read, but shes having parts of her life exposed as well. And its different for a girl having such things exposed.


The loligons patience was growing thin. She was constantly tapping her foot and glancing around the room. Her abnormal eyes made me feel nervous whenever she stared at me. This was very stressful combined with the thought that at any moment she could launch a punch at my stomach.

This thought forced me to try to get the noble mage to stop.

Fahren-san, you shouldnt look through another persons belongings.

R-Right, I did it without thinking.

That may sound funny coming from the person thats invading the chocololis privacy by constantly mentally sexually harassing her in every way possible. But this is at least a two-way invasion of privacy.

I think the noble mage has got everything he needs.

We should stop intruding on Goggoru-chans home.

[Oi, are you done yet?]

The loligon could no longer stay silent and spoke to us.

Perfect timing.

Its like shes trying to help me.

She has a point. We still need to travel all the way back home.

The noble mage should listen if its the loligon saying it. However, what she said next was beyond my expectations.

[Just activate the magic circle and we can go back immediately.]



The noble mage was just as surprised as me.

I already told the noble mage that I tried to activate it but nothing happened. This is what led to me worrying about how I was supposed to return home over the last few days.

Christina-san, I told you before, this magic circle activates as only a one way transportation device. It didnt respond no matter how much mana I poured into it. Do you know of another way to activate it?

The loligon responded matter-of-factly.

[Ha? It says so right there. It can be used to travel back and forth between the circles. You only need to wait a night before you can use it again. The writings left by the demons are clear.]

She was looking at a section of the magic circle that was indistinguishable from the rest by me.

Just mysterious scribblings that must represent some language.

Eh, is that so?

Y-You can actually read the magic circle?

I was a little surprised, but the noble mage couldnt believe what he was hearing.

Christina looked back and forth between us.

[humans cant read magic circles of this level?]

She really can read it and shes acting like its common knowledge.

I cant read any of it.


When I nodded, Christinas expression changed from shock to smug satisfaction. She started smiling and her cheeks puffed out.

I never thought Id be so happy to lose to the loligon.

[Fufu~, so youre not even aware of what this magic circle really is?]

Aside from it being capable of transporting me here, I have no clue what it does.

[But I can. I understand every inch of this magic circle!]

Every inch? Wow, thats amazing.

[O-Of course, its me after all! Understanding a magic circle of this level is childs play to me!]

The loligon was brimming with confidence as she puffed out her flat chest.

I can tell shes not wearing a bra. I can faintly see her nipples poking through the fabric of her dress.

[So!? Im amazing, arent I!? I have so much knowledge!]

You really are. I cant understand any part of what Im looking at.

As expected of an Ancient Dragon.

[E-Exactly! So, maybe, I-I can teach you some of it? If you learn even a fraction of my knowledge, youll be more intelligent then the rest of the humans!]


[B-But Ill only teach it to you if youll continue recognizing my intelligence for the rest of your life! How about it!?]

That condition came out of nowhere. How can she possibly guarantee Ill fulfill my side of the agreement? Well, whatever, seeing her excited like this is worth it.

Id greatly appreciate it. You are now and will always be intellectually superior to me.



[T-That much goes without saying! Obviously! How could I ever be inferior to a human!?]

She looked like she was doubting herself for a moment there. That lack of confidence on her face was also cute. The noble mage chose a good woman.

Recently, Ive started noticing the loligons charm points more. Im not sure if this is because its been a few days since Ive seen her. Unfortunately for me, the noble mage was the first person to notice her charm.


Ill have to comfort myself with Edita Senseis panties when I get home.

[O-Oi, humanwhy arent you saying anything!?]

I was just stunned into silence by your endless wisdom.

[What-thats right! Of course you were! Youre finally starting to learn your place!]

The loligon had a smug look on her face.

She still has a strong desire for approval.

If Goggoru-chan is reading my thoughts right now, this could be the end of my friendship with the noble mage. I cant even look at her to check. Please, please, if youre reading my thoughts, never reveal any of this to that ossan, Goggoru-san.



Shes not giving me any answer. Are you a sadist, Goggoru-san?

A silent, cool beauty.

[Ill give you something else to admire and lend you my power! I know that the mana required to use this circle is impossible for you humans to possess. Ill show you the overwhelming power of an Ancient Dragon!]

The loligon headed toward the magic circle while retaining her smug look.

Shes going to show us how its done. Just as she said, it does take a lot of mana to activate the circle and the chocololi and the noble mage would probably be incapable of activating it.

I never knew the loligon could be so generous.

[Ill activate the circle now.]

Thank you, Christina-san.



Us two ossans stepped into the centre of the magic circle as instructed by the loligon. After we were positioned, the loligon stood on it as well.

The only one left outside the geometric diagram on the ground was Goggoru-chan. She was left standing in the doorway of the room staring at us. As usual, she had no emotions on her face.

Sorry for intruding on your home.

Thank you for returning my lost pouch to me.

This might be our final goodbye.

Im not sure if well ever meet again.

I shouldve said this earlier, but Im sorry for all of the trouble Ive caused you.

Before I could finish faint words, barely audible in the silent cave, left the chocololis lips.

can I come with you?

Eh? um, eh? No, I dontumm.

How stupid am I? Such beautiful words leave her mouth and I cant give her a proper answer.

I stumbled over my words and now she thinks I dont want her to come.

I thought she didnt like me.

Its been fun talking to you. Being alone ishard.


Shes telling me her honest feelings.

What should I do?

No, really, what should I do?

I never expected to hear something like that coming from her.

Being alone ishard.


Thats how she truly feels.

The expression on her face hasnt changed much, but there has been a slight change in her cheeks and mouth. Theres a small amount of emotion slipping through her mask.

What she said reminded me of when we first met. It was a series of questions and answers and I only now realize that might be what she wants most of all.

No one wants to have their mind read. This must have led her to her life of solitude. Maybe shes lived like this for a long time. Alone for years until she met me.



She probably had small interactions with members of the nearby village whenever shed go out to get supplies or clothes. But she would still be considered an outsider to these people.

This grey zone she existed in would just further increase her loneliness. True loneliness isnt being stuck on a deserted island by yourself. True loneliness only exists within yourself and the only cure for it comes from another person.

Its possible Im entirely wrong with this assumption but I cant imagine this hasnt affected her to at least some degree. She still possesses her pride, but she was desperate enough to ask that in front of the three of us.

[Thats not a good idea, okay? Shes not coming with. If she gets close to me, Ill immediately kill her! Ill kill her before you can do anything. Thats why shes not coming, okay!? Shes not coming. Dont even think about stepping into the circle!]

The magic circle began to glow as she poured her mana into it.

The loligon is clearly against the idea.

But this didnt stop Goggoru-chan from continuing to speak in a barely audible whisper.

And this slight leak of emotion that escaped her mask led to the dam breaking.

I dont want to go back to being alone. I want to talkmore.

The first time I had seen real emotion on the chocololis face.

The look in her eyes wasnt terribly different than normal, but it invoked a certain feeling in me I couldnt identify. Her eyes didnt convey anger, impatience, or sadness; they simply captivated me. 

It was hunger.

I think Ill remember the look in her eyes for the rest of my life.

The look of someone starved for an essential part of life.

The look of someone that cant take another day of this starvation.

I want to talk to you. I know what you want, so letstalk.

Christina wasnt going to give me any time to respond.

It was also my fault for hesitating.

[This is goodbye! You can die alone in your cave!]

After hearing Christinas reply, my vision went black.

I was so nervous, I couldnt bring myself to speak.

What a useless man I am! But, maybe this is for the best. I dont like to allow myself to get close to people. My friendship with Sophia-chan and Edita Sensei is about as close as I get. But the chocololi is different. She would see the real me. Everything I keep hidden shed know.

Despite all of this, I still desperately want to cream pie her.

Please, say something.

A strange sense of dizziness overtook me just as it had a few days prior.

Before I could even realize it, my surroundings had changed.

Goggoru-chan had disappeared.


I couldnt say anything.

I couldnt help but recall the box next to her bed, the one the noble mage started rooting through. He pointed out how everything in it was poisonous. After hearing Goggoru-chans declaration, I finally understand their purpose. The box is nearly full of poisonous plants and fungi capable of killing any creature on the Dark Continent.

Maybe I just didnt want to think about what she may use them for.


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