Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 2 (2)

Book 5: Chapter 2 (2)

Dark Continent (2nd)

Both the Chara Brothers party and the Hero of the Easts party have joined me. Thanks to that, weve become a large party of nearly twenty people. Our walk through the forest began gaining momentum. Our future was starting to look bright.

The Dark Elf was back in front, hacking away at any branches or insects that got in her way.

With her as our leader, we headed straight for the wall.

Youve managed to form a party with a true Hero, Tanaka-san! Youre so cool! Stories of this adventure will surely become legends! Theres no way it wont! This will become a legend! Thats right! I should take out my brush now to get started writing it!

But thanks to the Chara Bros this felt more like an elementary school field trip.

As usual, I wasnt able to say a single word to any member of the harem party. The Hero of the East and his party followed silently in the back. For each of them, theyre probably remembering what happened between us at Suzannes.

Which is making this teacher feel lonely.

I imagine this is how most teachers feel on field trips. Its bothersome and maybe even easier to have a normal class at school. I can understand why so many of my teachers were in bad moods on field trip.

Beautiful middle-school students whose curiosity about sex has just woken up, Hey, hey, teacher, what is a pssy? If the students were like that, I could see the teacher being motivated. Why are there no curious middle-schoolers on the Dark Continent?

I want to have sex with loli pssy. I want to creampie a loli  pssy.

You really are the best, Tanaka-san! Youre the strongest person Ive ever met! Ive already made up my mind to become your first follower! What are you saying? I was his first follower! Ha!? What are you talking about? Ive been by his side since he rescued me! He healed me too! I had a wound on my head! No, no, he was trying to heal me and you just got in the way! Besides, I was more injured than you! Who was more injured doesnt matter!

It would be nice if the Chara Bros were a little quieter.

Theyre definitely two people that would be terrible to sit next to on a plane. Theyre the type to keep the teacher awake on the bus ride home while hes trying to sleep. The teacher is old and needs his sleep, but due to them, hell still be tired tomorrow.

Tanaka-san, Tanaka-san, who was it!?

You were trying to heal me, right!?

I was just healing both equally.

I dont think I was focusing on either of you in particular.

Both of them craving my attention doesnt make me happy at all. They also have the exact same face and I still cant even tell them apart. 

But I was more injured, so he healed me more! That couldnt be more wrong! It isnt the size of the wound thats healed, but the thoughts behind the heal that matter! Isnt that right, Tanaka-san!? Ha? You dont know anything! What was that!?

We continued walking with the Chara Bros arguing on either side of me.

When, it happened again.


Another scream.

Naturally, everyone stopped walking and turned toward the screams. Due to the size of our party increasing, the reactions to the screams varied, but none of the sources of the screams have died so far and I dont plan on letting that change.

The scream ended and silence returned to our group. Everyones attention shortly changed to the Dark Elf and me.

They didnt say anything but they were waiting for our decision.

what are you going to do?

Even if you ask me that.

I dont see any choice but to go check out the screams.

With so many people now in our party, I cant ignore those screams without losing everyones respect. Especially when it comes to the Hero of the East. A globally known hero could do terrible things to my reputation if I gave him a good enough reason to.

I cant allow that.

If you piss off a celebrity, theyll use social networks to destroy your life.

Its essentially the same.

Wait here, Im going to go see what I can find.

This man is never going to learn.

I cant help who I am.

The Dark Elf gave me a cold stare.

The Dark Elf and I swapped positions once more and left the others behind as we made our way toward the scream. I proceeded carefully, pushing my way through the bushes as I went. On my way forward, I came across a colourful caterpillar resting on a leaf and I had to cover myself to avoid crying out.

After walking close to thirty metres, we found the source of the scream.

It was a wide clearing in the forest.

Dont die on me, Professor Journal! Please, dont diiieee!

You have to save yourself, Associate Professor Index.

A man, who I assume is named Index, was kneeling on the ground, cradling the body of another man (Journal) in his arms. The former looked like he was on the verge of death while the latter had suffered a wound to his face.

The man with the wound to his face caught my attention. What kind of attack would cause such an injury? A long line cut across his clear skin directly above and below his eye without actually damaging his eye. Even if it were to leave a scar, its the kind of injury that could be considered fashionable.

Both were incredibly handsome.

The man being cradled was in his sixties and is likely to die to the large gash in his stomach. He could be described as an old-fashioned style of handsome. Back when he was in school, I could see him being an intimidating guy that still drew the attention of all the girls and the envy of the guys.

The one holding him was an ikemen in his mid-forties. He had a distinctive M shaped hairline, but his face was still cool. His receding hairline gave him a certain level of dignity.

In addition to these two, there were several other party members that fought the monsters alongside them. There was an even mix of beautiful women and ikemen. 

My magic has no effect!? Coppola Sensei, take the enemy in the front, kyaaa! Wha- M-Margherita! You all w-w-watch my back! M-Margherita! Hang in there Margherita! Leave her to me! I just need you guys to ugyaaaaa!

Doctor Allegro!

I was able to understand the situation pretty quickly.

Now that Ive come this far, I dont have any choice but to help. I feel a sense of duty to help now that Ive saved the two other parties. 

After watching silently, the Dark Elf came up beside me and asked,

Are you going to help? The enemy is a Meteor Turtle. And three of them.

I wonder.

The Dark Elf called these monsters turtles, but their size is closer to that of a box truck. In addition to its size, its tail has a large ball on the end similar to a morning star.

Its a monster that reminds me of a tank.

Ill start by checking its status.

RaceMeteor Turtle
RaceMeteor Turtle
RaceMeteor Turtle
JobHomeless Princess

Maybe this wont be so bad.

Their AGI is low, so if I use Stonewall wisely, I should be able to manage. I can lock each of them into their own individual cages using Stonewall and then deal with them one at a time using Fireball. Ill make use of everything Ive learned in my previous battles to finish this quickly.

Whats most notable is their high VIT. I want to finish them off in one attack if I can, so using full power is the way to go. I wouldnt want them to have a chance to counterattack. Well, thats how Ive been fighting so far, so this fight is basically to reinforce the basics.

Lets do this.

I dont know why I bother saying anything. Do whatever you want.

Please, look after the party members in the back.

After receiving a nod from the Dark Elf, I leapt out from my hiding place in the bushes.

As opposed to the last two times, I used Stonewall instead of fireball. A massive wall erupted from the ground in between two of the turtles.

Soon after, more walls surrounded each of the turtles before a final one sealed the top. The wall that I created yesterday was able to withstand the impact of several powerful creatures. These turtles shouldnt be able to break through.

For now, I turned my focus to the remaining turtle.

Its time for this turtle to face my only attack magic.


Well, technically, it isnt the only type I have.

The other magic I have Ive only ever used to banish Edita Sensei.

But thats for her exclusive use.

The words Editas exclusive use sound very nice.

I want to cherish those words.

Wha- He surrounded the Meteor Turtles with Stonewalls!? Impossible! Their tails are so powerful that they can even crush through steel! Thats right! No Stonewall could possibly contain them! But look at it! There arent even any cracks! Thats n-not possible! Is it really just a Stonewall!?

The professors were all screaming.

Even the dying Professor Journal was focused on my Stonewall. He was somehow managing to yell as well. Is he really okay to be doing that? I think half of his intestines are outside of his body.

The remaining two turtles can wait, my recovery magic is needed.


I activated my recovery magic with an appropriate yell.

The pain on their faces soon disappeared.

The large hole in Journals stomach disappeared and his intestines returned to their proper place. The flesh and muscles began to stitch itself back together before the hair on his abdomen even returned. I want to heal a girl with that same injury. Looking at an old mans exposed stomach isnt fun.

Well, whatever, time to finish off the other two.


I retracted the topmost Stonewall before launching a Fireball inside. Massive Fireballs formed above me before flying into the opening. There were a dozen of the Fireballs and the turtle was left with nowhere to hide in its stone cage.

I repeated this once more for the remaining turtle.

Boom, boom, two large explosions followed the impact of the Fireballs. The roaring sound reverberated in my ears and also caused the earth to shake. The surrounding trees were bent by the concussive force of the explosions and several branches and leaves were sent flying.

The series of explosions only lasted a few seconds.

After the smoke finally cleared, two completely cooked turtles were left in their cages. It was the same result as the first turtle that I roasted. An unpleasant smell of burning meat reached my nose.

that should do it.

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