Atelier Tanaka

Book 5: Chapter 1 (13)

Book 5: Chapter 1 (13)

Dark Continent (1st)

Within minutes, the Evil Ropers were all dead.

Just like the first one, the second was incinerated by a fireball.

The monster let out an agonizing scream as it died. After I confirmed that the creature was dead, the Dark Elf left her hiding place in the bush. Just as I had instructed, she remained hidden while I took care of them.

you really did it.

She spoke in her usual disinterested tone.

Yeah, somehow.

Fu~n, what do you mean somehow?

My only party member murmured something softly before turning away. I can never understand a womans heart and I wonder if such a day ever will come. Honestly, I cant imagine it will.


what is it? Is there something you wanted to say?

No, its just.

The leader of the harem party spoke to Boo-chan.

Youre really in a party with that guy.

Perhaps she saw our exchange at Suzannes.

The harem leader is talking to the Dark Elf about me as if Im not here. Maybe she thinks its easier to talk to the Dark Elf than me. 

what of it?

Unfortunately for the harem leader, the Dark Elf isnt exactly easy to deal with.

Shes a beautiful woman but all of her charisma has gone towards her breasts and ass.

N-Nothing, I just didnt think youd actually partner up with someone like that.

Havent you seen enough to understand how powerful he is? He could easily destroy everything in this forest on his own.


Even if the harem leader speaks politely, the Dark Elf still acts like shes wasting her breath even acknowledging her. Although, she did treat me just as badly in Suzannes. Like I was just some guy trying to hit on a girl at a party.

Actually, when I think about it, isnt that basically what I was doing?

Id say it only accounted for about 80% of my motive.

I did want to join a party full of beautiful women, but I also didnt want to go into the forest alone.

One is just as true as the other.

No, I dont think I could do this alone. The Dark Continent is a dangerous place for even the strongest of fighters. Thats why I choose my party members carefully.

That massive wall is a testament to the truth of my words.

It was a desperate measure I used to escape.

Those are some nice words.

Theyre also true.


The Dark Elf immediately turned her back to me.

But, thanks to her, everything else went smoothly.

Umm, theres something wed like to ask you.

A question from the harem leader, Ilona.

Whats that?

Would it be possible for us to join your party? I thought we had gained some experience fighting here, but I must have overestimated our abilities. I dont think wed be able to make it back to the coast on our own.

I dont really mind, but the others.

If not, can you at least take those two? Please, if nothing else just protect them. I dont think were strong enough to protect them on the way back.

I followed where Ilona was pointing and saw the only two male members of the party. The desperation they showed earlier to protect those two was real. Even now, theyre prioritizing the safety of the two ikemen over their own. 

Well give you anything you want. All of our gold, equipment, even our bodies if youll just take them. Please, I know its rude to ask something like this so suddenly, but were desperate.

If you say something like that so suddenly, my virgin heart that was already rejected by you once may not be able to handle it. Ever since arriving in this world, Ive wanted to accept sexual favours as a form of payment. Thank you for the wonderful offer.

I really dont mine. They can join and so can all of you.

Im not really interested in bringing the ikemen along.

Rather, its only the women that Im interested in, but I dont think I can have them without the ikemen.

Are you sure? The way I treated you at Suzannes.

Dont worry. A sense of camaraderie is important in a place like this.

Still, whenever I hear the name Suzannes I cant help but think how strange it sounds. Rodriguez couldve given it a better name, but he probably wasnt thinking about how popular it would become.

Unless youre still against being in the same party as me. I wont force you to come.

O-Of course none of us feel that way!

Then you are all welcome to come.

After jumping through a few extra hoops, I finally managed to form my harem party.

That makes me happy.


Its always great having more friends. Its even better when your new friends are almost all beautiful women. However, since they officially joined my party,I havent been able to talk to them. 

In fact, it was the two ikemen of the harem that wouldnt stop talking to me.

You really saved us back there. It was amazing watching you defeat an Evil Roper with a single Fireball. I was terrified, Tanaka-san. Im still drenched in sweat. You were so cool! Youre a legend in the making! He really is! A real hall of fame contender!

Why are these guys trying to flatter me?

Is this just how the popular men of the Dark Continent act?

Im not sure.

But theyre undeniably attractive.

They even look alike with similar hairstyles. They could be brothers or maybe even twins. Their longer hair thats tied in the back suits their good looks. They both had lustrous blonde hair thats impossible to achieve with hair dye.

To be an ikemen that can look good with long hair, how nice. I envy the both of them.

I really didnt do anything special.

Theres no need to be so humble, Tanaka-san! Im just simply admiring your strength! Me too! I cant remember ever being so scared before in my life. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and the noise was so loud I couldnt hear anything else! Me too! All I could hear was this throbbing noise in my head!

Both were about twenty years old which was younger than most of the adventurers in this area. They both had slightly upturned eyes which, coupled with their hair and the manner in which they spoke, completed the full ikemen look.

Is everyone doing all right? You all looked pretty banged up after that fight.

Were all doing great! After all, you used your recovery magic on us. More importantly, just being by your side, Tanaka-san, gives me all the motivation I need to keep going! Unless, were causing you trouble by being here. If you dont want us here, we can just return to town on our own.

Thats right! Well go, but Im begging you to let us stay!

This is the first time weve ever met, but theyre so desperate to stay by my side. Im just going along with the flow of the conversation, but I dont really understand these two. I was just hoping theyd introduce me to one of the girls. Maybe they started to pick up on the fact that I was interested in them.

I just want to talk to a girl.

No, its not like youre bothering me, but.

I guess I shouldnt be disappointed. I still managed to accomplish my original goal of joining the harem party. Still, Id prefer it if any one of the girls would be walking by my side. Its like Ive gone to a hostess club but one of the male patrons has decided to sit next to me.

Really!? Thanks!


Why do I have this overwhelming urge to kill the both of them? One of them would be bad enough, but with one on either side of me its like Im getting an annoying ikemen voice in stereo. I feel like I might be sick.

Seriously though, theyre so similar that Ive already forgotten which one is Philip and which is Alexander. It would become bothersome to constantly have to ask them which is which so I think Ill just refer to them as the Chara Bros. [TN: Chara roughly translates as someone that puts fun or good times above all else in this context.]

Oi, are you really bringing them with?

The thick Dark Elf sounded disgusted when she referred to the harem party.


She doesnt seem to like the idea.

I bet Sophia-chan would have been happy to have a larger party.

The larger our party, the better. If any problems come up, Ill reconsider.

youre free to do as you please.

Thank you.

With full approval of the current members, we started our journey once more.

Lets try to reach our goal as quickly as possible.

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