Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 6 (2)

Book 4: Chapter 6 (2)

Slave Sister

I guided Oman to a corner of the noble district in the north that was currently unoccupied. I had intentionally left this area blank with the intention of building a large structure. In fact, my plan was to bring in slaves from the start and this seemed like the perfect area to start that business.

I began the process of creating a new building using Stone Wall.

A larger building like this will take me a few minutes to complete. I listened to Oman as he explained the exact layout he wanted. I pulled slabs of stone out of the earth to create the walls and ceilings as we went. I have fun building houses however I like, but building something following someone elses plan isnt so bad either.

That should be everything on the outside. What do you think?

t-thank you. You really did build it.

Oman couldnt hide the surprise on his face as he looked at the building.

A freshly built four-story all stone building. The entire lot was close to two hundred metres2 while the actual floor area was closer to one hundred and ten metres2. I cant know the exact cost, but a building of a similar scale in the capital, depending on its location, would easily cost over a thousand gold.

This took longer than I thought. Sorry about that.

Dont be absurd. This gave me a chance to witness your incredible abilities first hand.

Im glad to hear it. Ill send my knights by later to fit the doors and windows. Please, feel free to ask them for anything else you need, and if there are any issues that arise once youve moved in, let me know as soon as possible.

Ill do just that. Thank you, Baron Tanaka.

We can discuss the matter of your taxes once youve settled in.

Yes, of course.

Oman responded with a bright smile.

He seems genuinely happy with the building I made for him which, as the one who built it, makes me happy.

Incidentally, Baron Tanaka, do you think I could begin using this building today? I heard rumours about the city you managed to build in only a few days, and brought a few goods with me in anticipation of such an event.

Oman glanced over to his wagons parked near the building.

There were around a dozen or so wagons. He clearly wasnt lying when he said he was on a business trip to the Pussy Republic. Im assuming he at best thought hed be able to sell off a couple slaves in Dragon City on his way through.

Yes, it is yours. Use it however you wish.

Thank you, Baron Tanaka. This will be a great help.

Oman smiled once more before signalling toward a man standing next to his wagons.

Oi, get to work. He said it was okay to unload.

The man near the wagons knocked on the side which appeared to be the signal to everyone inside. A ramp was slid out from the lead wagon followed by a train of muscular men marching down it. 

Not including the guards Oman brought with him, there were around a dozen workers that exited the carriages. Considering the cost of his cargo must be quite high, Im surprised to see him travelling with so much all at once. Does he not have somewhere to store it all in the capital?


I only noticed this after watching them for a little while.

Omans product was almost exclusively large men.

Is something bothering you?

Ive just noticed a slight bias in the products youre carrying.

Ah, I shouldve explained earlier. I heard about your city being built and thought it would be useful to bring a stock more suited for manual labour.

I see.

How do I describe this feeling? Im incredibly grateful for Oman bringing his business to my city, but what is with this empty feeling in my chest?

Im glad I have the Twilight Company helping me, but with them here the rate of macho men swarming my city is already quite high. My city has already reached the maximum macho men capacity that I consider acceptable. Ive even heard rumours that some of the baths turn into a more depraved version of a gentlemans club at night. Of course, Ive never been invited. Its truly regrettable.

But, clearly, these men arent needed. You obviously possess the magical ability to create any building you wish. What you really need are skilled craftsmen that can add the final touches inside and outside the buildings you create.

Yes, I guess that is true.

Ill make sure to make a note of that for next time.

Im sorry for wasting your time.

Theres no reason for me to stay here now.

Ill build some of the stuff that needs to get done and then Ill head back to my room. I need to remove the image of those rippling muscles from my mind as soon as possible. Sophia-chan is the perfect cure. And dinner should be ready by the time I get back.

I turned away from Oman and began to walk away.

Im sorry, but I have some other business to attend to.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, a flash of blonde hair appeared.

I stopped dead in my tracks.

The blonde hair belonged to two young girls that were being led around by a chain attached to a metal collar on each of their necks. This clearly marked them as slaves. The most notable thing about them was the fact that I recognized them.

It was the two slave sisters that Sophie-chan gave me as a gift.

Two beautiful blonde sisters.

Where have they been since they left my home? Id be lying if I said I wasnt curious, but I doubt they were sent back to the slave market. Ive always assumed that Sophie-chan was taking care of them.

Oman-san, what about those two there?

I asked this question without even realizing what I was doing.

The two slave sisters still looked cute even without any shoes and the chain connected to their necks.

Yes? Oh, those sisters.

Yeah, they look different than the rest.

Those two are slaves that Earl Bitch wishes to sell.

The description of these two particular slaves was rather terse compared to how he described the rest of them. Could he be that type of person? If so, I need to seriously consider my options here.

Is something wrong with them?

Its not that theres anything wrong with them, but any slaves sold by the Bitch family are difficult to offload to other nobles. I thought Id try my luck selling them in the Pussy Republic.

Why is that?

Baron Tanaka, Im sure youre aware that Earl Bitch is cautious about the company he keeps. This is just as true for his slaves. He decided to sell these two but gave me explicit instructions to only consider buyers I can trust wholeheartedly. Its possible that theres something special about these two.

I see.

Even if I managed to sell them, Id be in trouble if they were to reveal something they shouldnt to the wrong people. However, their appearance is quite good, theyre young, and they can both read and write. Id hate to have to kill such a high quality slave, but I may have no choice if I cant find any buyers which is why Im bringing them to the Pussy Republic where I should have a much better chance of selling them.

I think Sophie-chan and Allen said something similar.

It doesnt look like they were lying.


Was there anything else?

No, thats all. Thank you for the information.

It was no problem at all. Now, if youll excuse me.

Of course.

I turned to walk away while fighting every desire within me to run to the blonde sisters.


It was now the evening of that same day and my virgin self was lying in agony on my bed.


The source of this agony was the blonde beautiful loli meat urinal slave sisters I had abandoned.

Whenever I closed my eyes, the image of their fragile figures would appear in my mind. Their small bodies wrapped in ragged clothing. The rusted chain dangling from their collars. Marching forward with no shoes on as a group of men hold their chains.

I could feel my chest tightening with each thought of them that passed through my mind.

I already promised not to hold any slaves that would make Sophia-chan, Ester-chan, and Sophie-chan feel uncomfortable. I looked pretty cool if I do say so myself. Otherwise, I would buy them without a second thought if I could ignore all of the looks of disgust Id get.


Id be happy to even marry them.

Marry and have a threesome.

Is my new title among the nobility giving me increased desires to match that position? But I cant ignore my racing heart and my sons desperate cries for a new toy, even though hes never had a toy before.

Quit joking around, son!

Even your father wishes to play too!


And so, this father thought.

He thought long and hard all for the sake of his son.

With the rapid rate at which Dragon City is growing, were beginning to run low on manpower. The Twilight Company is doing their best, but there is only so much they can do on their own. Whats truly missing from our city is a feminine touch. The Twilight Company consists overwhelmingly of macho men, so isnt it only natural to try to bring in some women?

In fact, Id say the only logical step for the ruler of this city is to bring in women even if that means purchasing them as slaves.

Objectively speaking, of course, two talented young girls with many years ahead of them to grow and improve seem like perfect additions to our city. Theyre also acquaintances from my past. I can just call this an experiment to improve the quality of life in Dragon City. If it doesnt work out, I at least can keep the two of them around, and if everything goes well, I can bring in even more.


That excuse is weak.

Its just too obvious.

If that were my real reason for wanting to buy them, Gon-chan could just bring his loli harem from Tricklis or any number of female acquaintances he may have. I dont know if I could take the shame if someone where to call me out for my true intentions. I must avoid that outcome at all costs.

I need an excuse that will stand up to even the toughest interrogations.


Thats it. Oman already gave me my excuse. Hes taking them to the Pussy Republic. That means theyll have to leave the country where they were born and never have any chance of reuniting with their parents.

Theres no such thing as a family register in this world and its not like they have the ability to use a computer to help them find their parents either. If theyre taken outside of the country, that would be the same as them saying goodbye to their parents for the rest of their lives. This kind-hearted baron heard about their situation and felt compelled to purchase them so that they may stay within the Penny Empire and hopefully, one day, find their way home.

Eventually, these girls would be overwhelmed by the kindness of this baron and open their legs in thanks.


Thats it.

Thats the answer.

all right.

With a new found purpose, I rose from my bed.

With this excuse, theres no way Sophia-chan will look at me with disgust, Sophie-chan cant accuse me of anything, and Ester-chanwell, honestly, I dont think shed mind even if I told her the truth, but its still best to give her some excuse just to smooth things over.

My virginity may soon be a thing of the past.


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