Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 5 (7)

Book 4: Chapter 5 (7)

FitzClarence Family

[Sophia-chans point of view]

This maid is working hard today just like every day in recent memory.

Todays work takes place in the office in Dragon City.

Keeping the books is fun to me and I prefer it over the more menial maid work I had grown used to, so I have no complaints on that front. With the city continuing to grow and new businesses starting, the amount I have to manage increases with each day that passes. Im happy with this part of my new responsibilities.

However, with Tanaka-san still away, Ive been the one in charge of dealing with anyone that comes to his office with any complaints or requests. This is the type of job that a maid is ill-suited to deal with. Tanaka-san has so many acquaintances.

Which should be obvious. He created an entire town with the help of many people. His large number of friends makes me realize how few I have.


As I was working diligently, scratching down numbers on the papers in front of me, the door to the office opened.

This is my first visitor for the day.

Anego! The shipment from Manson Group just arrived!(TN: Anego = Honourable Sister/Elder Sister)

T-Thank you!

One of the men possessing a scary face burst in without knocking.

His most distinctive feature was his hairstyle.

I think Tanaka-san referred to it as a mohawk.

Here are the papers the merchants brought with them! Take a look at it when you have time!

O-Of course!

Well put the materials in the south warehouse, like usual!.

I grabbed the bundle of papers to quickly confirm everything looked in order.

All of the materials and goods well need for this month have arrived. Previously, the Twilight Company was in charge of bringing in these materials, but starting this month, the Manson Group has taken over those responsibilities while Gonzalez and his group are solely focused on finishing the remaining buildings.

I t-think everything looks good.

Roger! Thank you for confirming!

After nodding to him, I received a loud reply.

He then lowered his head and bowed deeply.


Is something wrong, Anego?

I-Its nothing.

Its unexpected, but this isnt that bad. At first, I felt uncomfortable being called anego by all of these muscular men, but Ive grown used to it after having heard it so many times. Its like Ive become some sort of outlaw celebrity among this group of ruffians.

Im sorry for interrupting your important work!

The mohawk man left the room as quickly as he had entered.

The door slammed shut behind him, leaving me alone in the once more silent room.


He had a nice body.

His arms were so muscular.

This isnt everything I look for in a man, but I do find men with good bodies more attractive. A simple town girl like myself cant help but be thrilled seeing these men show off their muscles. Muscles are nice.


I wonder what Tanaka-san would look like without a shirt.

No, it wouldnt be the same. I think his arms are about as large as my own. Ive never really thought about it before, but the rest of his body might not be that bad.

Muscles come naturally if you work hard like he has been every day.


Aa~h, I shouldnt be thinking about this. I still need to finish totalling out everything for this week.

With Tanaka-san gone, Im the one that will be held responsible for any mistakes. A misplaced digit or comma will not be allowed. 

Ester-chans attendant will come at the end of the month to check over my work to ensure there are no mistakes, but it would be better if Im careful to avoid making mistakes in the first place.

I just need to do my best for a little longer.

After I get done here, Ill grab some food and soak in the bath.

That should be enough motivation to get me through the day.

When, suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Excuse me, its Neumann.

Ah, of course.

An official I recently started working with. Hes the only real official in Tanaka-sans territory that he and Ester-sama recruited from the capital.

Hes a tall and good-looking man.

Unfortunately, hes married and has children.

D-Did you need me for something!?

I wont take much of your time. I just wished to confirm the order for supplies tomorrow.

Oh, if its about that, it actually arrived a day early.

I see. If thats the case, we can begin distribution. Well need to contact Gonzalez-san to determine which facilities need resupplying. Towels and other supplies we run out of quickly at the baths need to be replenished first.

Sales in the Southern District have increased substantially. We may need to consider increasing the number of supplies we purchase in order to keep everything stocked. If we dont have enough money to purchase more supplies, I think we can cut some of the supplies sent to the Northern District. The business there seems to be stagnating.

How much do you think well need?

The number of admissions has increased by around 60%, so Id say about the same amount.

I understand. Ill make sure the Manson Group knows.

Eh? U-Umm, but I dont think I can make decisions like that on my own.

The Lord and mayor are both gone. Who else would make these decisions?

No, b-but, umm, Im just a maid.

I let myself get carried away.

Im sorry.

Please, forgive my insolence.

A 60% increase would be more than the annual income of my parents. I cant decide something like that on my own. If Im wrong, I dont even want to think about the punishment Ill receive. It could lead to the death of Dragon City.

If thats everything, Ill take my leave.

Ah, wai umm.

I couldnt think of anything to say.

Just like with the mohawk man, he left as soon as his business was finished. I could hear his footsteps fade down the hall before the distant sound of a door closing signalled his exit from the building.

I was left alone again.


Even though the number of people around me has increased, I feel more alone than ever.

I just want someone to talk to about something other than business. But neither Ester-sama or Tanaka-san is here. Its lonely when theres no one to talk to. There are only strangers around me. This sense of uneasiness just made me more anxious.

My new job and responsibilities offered me little time to pity myself.

Not long after Neumann-san left, the door opened again.

What is the meaning of this, Sophia! Sophia!


Drill-sama has arrived.

A viscount from the Pussy Republic. Doris-sama.

And she forgot how to knock.

It was there! It appeared again!

Umm, w-what do you

Obviously, it was that ghost again!

The ghost has appeared in the bath again.

How many times has this happened now? I have yet to see it, by the way. Doris was only wearing a bath towel and it seemed as if her large breasts could spill out from the towel at any moment.

How can they be so big? Im so envious of her.

I dont think Ive ever seen bigger breasts than those.

Come with me! Its the only way Ill be able to bathe in peace.

U-Umm, dont you have a servant for this.

Geros!? He had to leave to take care of something personal.

T-Thats too bad.

Hurry up! Im starting to get cold!


Do you only follow Lizs orders? Maybe youd rather come work for me. Fufu, Im sure that girl doesnt pay you enough. I would be happy to give you a raise if you agreed to be my servant.

N-No, thats not necessary!

A bigger salary would be nice, but whats more important to me is a healthy work environment.

Thats the most important thing Ive learned since leaving the safety of my parents home.

Ufufufu, ufufu, I can imagine the look on Lizs face when she sees Ive stolen her precious maid. What do you say? I could double your salary. And if thats not enough, I could quadruple it. Ill give you time to think about it.

T-Thank you.

Thanks to this exchange, I remembered my position.

I still need to finish my work here, but I cant possibly refuse the request of a noblewoman. There was nothing I could do as Drill-sama dragged me from the office.

We passed by several members of the Twilight Company as we walked through the halls of the mansion. I noticed them staring at Drill-samas body as I felt an overwhelming sense of embarrassment accompanying this exhibitionist.

Tanaka-san, please come back soon.

All I want to do is drink tea in the office.

Please, come back.


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