Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 5 (10)

Book 4: Chapter 5 (10)

FitzClarence Family

As I slowly pushed my way through the crowd, I finally arrived back in the ballroom.

I set my sights on my target and made my way over to her.

The idol bitch was smiling while surrounded by a dozen or so noble men. She seemed to be having a good time. As one would expect of an idol bitch like her. She has to put in the hours when in public to keep her fan base strong.

Im sorry to intrude on your conversation, Cyan-sama.

Baron Tanaka?

Your father wishes to have a word with you. I apologize, but if you could please follow me.


Shes just staring at me.

I know shes smart enough to understand what I want, but Im not sure if her idol bitch nature will allow herself to be taken away from her adoring fans.

I understand. Im sorry everyone, but if youll excuse me for a little while.

Great shes going along without any questions.

Thank you, Sophie-chan.

On the other hand, the crowd of gathered men were annoyed at my intrusion. However, due to me mentioning Sophie-chans father, none of them raised any objections. This is the common reaction of most herbivores.

Honestly, I was expecting them to try a little harder. There are several good looking guys among them. If they were around Ester-chan, Im sure that one of them could have successfully made a move on her. I stopped that train of thought there as I felt a cold pit forming in my stomach.

This way, please.

Yes, of course.

I escorted the idol bitch through several hallways, weaving our way through the crowd as we went. We continued on until we found our way outside and the crowd had thinned considerably. The final location I decided on was a secluded area of the garden located between the walls of the mansion and the walls surrounding the entire estate.

I dont think anyone will be able to hear us here.

Thank you for remaining patient, Cyan-sama.

Sophie-chan stopped on the spot and turned to me. 

The slight turn caused her miniskirt to lift up slightly. Every movement she makes is calculated. Furthermore, the words she said to me were ones that every man wishes to hear from the opposite sex at least once in his life.

and Sophie is fine.

Are you sure?

As long as theres nobody around to hear.

The feeling of being offered a special treatment by Sophie-chan was amazing.

The pure sexual aura that she emits is almost overwhelming.

If I didnt study in Kabukich, Id be in danger by just being near her.

Really? Good, I feel more comfortable this way.

Of course.

However, the reason I brought her here is serious.

I need her advice.

I need to know about Ester-sans parents.

Have you finally decided to marry her?

No youre mistaken. Her father invited me to dinner tonight.

youre serious?


Sophie-chans eyes opened wide. It gave her more of a cute look rather than her usual aloof one.

She always hides her emotions and its rare to be able to see a real reaction from her.

He might be planning something after all.


Her reaction worried me.

My father and I were also invited to dinner here once. I was around ten at the time, but I still remember that day clearly. Honestly, I try not to think about it if I can.

Im sorry, but could you tell me more.

I was young at the time, so I didnt understand the full extent of what was happening. However, I didnt need to understand their words to understand their difference in status. The image of my father prostrating to Esters father will forever be burned into my mind.


Oi, oi, the mood became serious again.

I belong to a prestigious family. We have held power and the title of Earl for generations now, but that was the first time Id ever seen my father bow down to anyone. I couldnt believe my eyes at first.

The idol bitch may have given me my answer.

Run away and tell Edita Sensei about all of my problems.

I want Sensei to embrace me.

Shell probably be confused at first, but I know shell want to comfort me.

Maybe shell let me lie my head on her thighs as she strokes my head.

Free of charge, of course.

Im sorry for making you relive those bad memories.

I dont mind.


This house, party, and everything you see today is nothing more than a facade to hide the true monster that is the FitzClarence family.


Its not just the members of the FitzClarence faction that are aware of this. Anyone allowed entrance to the imperial castle know that the head of the FitzClarence family holds tremendous power and is capable of committing atrocities without a second thought. He only took over as the head several years ago, but in that time, hes raised the FitzClarence family up from being one of the weakest Duke families to become the strongest in the Empire. That is who Esthers father is.


I know that there are very few Dukes in this country. Its safe to assume that, even though Sophie-chan described the FitzClarence family as being weak when Richard first took over, the muscular grandpa must be powerful as well if he earned the title of Duke. 

If there is one piece of advice I could offer you it would be this: Ive been close with Ester for many years, and all of the rumours about her fathers relationship with her are true. He would do anything for her.

I see.

Whatever your intentions are, maintaining a good relationship with her will make whatever path you choose to walk much safer. That is as long as its you.

As long as its me?

Ester and Allen werent that close just a few years ago, but I think it was good that they became as close as they did. And thats not just because of the relationship him and I developed.


Sophie-chan looked off into the distance.

However she sees Allen and how she feels about Ester-chan ending her relationship with him, she must have genuinely been worried about what may happen to him if Ester-chans father found out about his true relationship with her. The relationship between a commoner and a noble would not be approved of in this world.

At the very least Sophie-chan considers Allen a friend, but theres no denying her attraction to him as a man. She may have claimed to be willing to accept almost any man to sleep with, but its obvious that the idol bitch would be happy that she has an opportunity to get closer to Allen.

Ah, please, pretend you didnt hear that.

She did reveal their relationship to her father after all.

Have you given up on Allen-san?

Of course not.

Really? I feel like Im starting to understand you a little bit more.


How is Allen able to get both Ester-chan and Sophie-chan to love him? I guess its natural, isnt it? That guy is so handsome that its only inevitable that many beautiful women would gather to him. As always, Im envious of him.

I didnt mean to be rude; its just that you seem to be more open with who you want to be with if youre considering a serious relationship.

what are you saying so suddenly?

Im not sure either. I just feel like I can be open with you.

It doesnt make me happy at all to hear you say that.

How disappointing.

It doesnt sound like youre disappointed at all.

Dont fall for her charms. Its all just a scam, she doesnt have a hymen after all.

Yes, its all a scam.

How can a woman thats already lost her virginity speak so casually to a busamen like me? She treats me as a person, shes smart and good-looking, yet she lacks the most important feature: a hymen.

Still, its not wrong to say that, as you are, youre not doing anything to further your relationship.

You think so?

Oh, is the idol bitch coming to her senses?

Honestly, Im not sure what I really want for myself.


Thats actually quite philosophical.

Im not sure how to respond to that myself, but Im the one that brought it up so I should at least be able to offer her some advice.

If you worry about it too much, it will just become harder to figure it out. You can take your time to think about it and not rush into anything. Its not like you need to be worried about this at your age.

At my age?

Youre still young. Youve got a lot of time left to figure out what you want out of life.

A woman only has a few key years before she begins to lose her charms. Im already passed the turning point.


Shes as perceptive as always. 

Which explains why shes been idling.

Things may be different here, but in my hometown, women in their thirties were still considered beautiful and the average age for marriage was around twenty-five.


The idol bitch stared at me with her mouth agape.

That confirms what I already suspected. Teenage marriage seems to be common here. As a lolicon, that makes me happy. If you get married so young, that means youll have another twenty or so years of youth to enjoy.

I could love her honestly until the day I die with no need to lie to myself.

I-Is there something wrong with the men there?

The country has low birthrates and over forty percent of the population is considered elderly.


The idol bitch was left astonished again.

It was nice seeing a real reaction on her face, but I feel like if I tell her anymore of the unfortunate truths about my country my chest will start to hurt.

By the way, Sophie-san, I have something I want to ask that only someone as cute as you could do for me.

I dont need any of your meaningless compliments. What is it?

Im sorry to ask this so suddenly, but, will you go out with me?

come again?

Sophie-chan was completely dumbstruck.

Again, she looked cute.

But shes used. Remember that shes used.

Ive told Ester-san that I have someone that I like, and its true that I do, but Im not sure if Ive made any advances toward furthering that relationship. To be honest, I dont know if it will ever happen.

In other words, youre asking me to be your scapegoat?

She immediately regained her usual composure.

I appreciate your ability to understand the situation so quickly.


Theres no chance I can win a fight against Ester-chans father head-on, but if I choose to further my relationship with Ester-chan, Allen will lose the one thing that protects him from her fathers wrath. Therefore, in order to protect both of us and our positions in the country, the idol bitch netori plan begins.

However, the idol bitch looked reluctant to agree.

What do I get out of this?

Eh, umm, thats hard to say.


Shes just quietly staring at me with her upturned eyes.


Why is Sophie-chan so cute today?

Was some of the food that I ate an aphrodisiac?

I cant do it.

is the idea really that terrible to you?

I cant put the Bitch family in a dangerous position for a favour. Ive already told you how much the Duke dotes on his daughter, so you should be able to understand what Duke FitzClarence would do to punish those that betrayed his beloved child. If you actually want to marry me, youll have to take down the FitzClarence family first.

I shouldve known that things cant be resolved that easily.

Of course not.

It was useless.

Now I have to come up with a new plan.

is that everything?

Yes, thank you for speaking with me.

All right, then Ill be going.

The idol bitch turned on her heel, raising the hem of her skirt as she did so.

Be careful.


I had no reply to give her.

Her figure disappeared around a corner and I was left alone in the garden.


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