Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 5 (1)

Book 4: Chapter 5 (1)

FitzClarence Family

It was now the day after I had officially earned my title as a baron.

I was awoken by the streams of sunlight hitting my eyes from the nearby window. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and as my blurry vision began to clear, I noticed a maid in the corner of my vision standing next to the bed. At first, I thought it was Sophia-chan doing her usual morning greeting, but I remembered that I was in the school dormitory while Sophia-chan should be back in Dragon City.

So who is this maid?


The mysterious maid began to move once she noticed I was up.

Ara, are you awake?

It was the lolibitch, Ester-chan.

And, for some reason, she was dressed as a maid. It was the exact same style of uniform that Sophia-chan wears every day, but compared to my usual maid, the chest area looks a little lacking.

Aside from that, the rest of the uniform looked great. Her skirt was the perfect length, and even when she was standing normally, I could catch a glimpse of her panties and thighs peeking out from under the hem of her skirt. This helped draw out the charm her petite figure possessed and made up for her modest chest.

I-Ive heard that men have a phenomenon that causes them to get erect in the morning!


But shes still Ester-chan. Rushing towards the finish line before the starting gun has even been fired.

I dont even remember giving her a key in the first place.

Now that I think about it, she had been coming in almost every day before as if she lived her. And even if she didnt have a key, Im sure shed find a way to get in. At this point, I have a hard time imagining a future where the lolibitch isnt constantly by my side.

Im sure it was Sophia-chan that gave her a key.

Id like to see it firsthand for academic research.


Despite her attempts to suppress it, I could still hear her breathing heavily.

And her eyes were bloodshot as if she had been up all night waiting for this moment.

How perverted can this lolibitch be?

My desire to accept her proposal was strong and the devil on my shoulder was telling me to go for it despite her not being a virgin. We had bathed together only days ago and I came close to giving in at that time.

But my will wont be broken so easily.

I made a promise with Allen.

An unbreakable oath between men.

I just need an opportunity to enter sage mode so Ill be able to think clearly. Just one shot is all it will take for the devil to be kicked off my shoulder by the angels. This is a tried and true method I have practiced for decades.

Im sorry, but I have plans to head to the office of the Order of the Knights this morning.


Ester-chans body trembled after hearing my response.

Excuse me, I need a few minutes alone to change my clothes..

Ah, wait a second!

I pushed the lolibitch out of my room and locked the door.

The pleasant warmth of the lolibitch transmitted to my hands was put to good use while I was alone inside my room.


I got ready and decided to head out to visit Allen.

I hadnt arranged to meet with him, but I had already confirmed with Ester-chan that he was still a member of the Order and I assumed if I went to their headquarters Id be able to find him.

But that wasnt the case.

Instead, I was able to get some information from his fellow knights that I didnt like the sound of.

A carriage from the Bitch family was sent to retrieve Allen from the headquarters but no one knew where it had taken him. The Bitch family, of course, is none other than Sophie-chans family. I feel like Ive been hearing her family name used a lot recently.

That idol bitch is a member of a high-ranking family. Gonzalez told me that the Bitch family and FitzClarence family have a close relationship and both are powerful noble families.

I wonder if Team Orgys past has come to light.

If Ester-chan and Sophia-chans families found out, that carriage could be carrying Allen to his death.


I should go check on him, shouldnt I?

I havent seen Sophie-chan since she had that breakdown in the semen bath and Id be lying if I said Im not worried about her. Id also like to watch the capital version of her panmoro show. I wasnt able to find her in Dragon City after she left the bath, and her stage was left empty the next day.

If I need an excuse for visiting their home, then I can use the fact that Ester-chan is sponsoring me as a reason for wanting to visit. Its natural for two members of the same faction to meet and its respectful of the junior of that faction to want to properly introduce themselves to the senior.

All right, lets do it.

If they wont allow me to enter, I can just bow my head and go home. I could buy them a gift as a show of respect. The nobles of this country seem to value both respect and material possessions equally.

I suppose buying something expensive would be best, but I dont have much money. The fifty gold I received from the King will be necessary for me to properly continue running my territory. If things dont go well this month, that fifty gold might be all I have to pay Gonzalez and his men. Theres no reason to risk my future for a gift to please the nobility.

After leaving the Knights headquarters, I was walking with my head down when I suddenly realized something important.

Where is Sophie-chans house?

I have no idea. For now, I decided to head towards the centre of town where most of the noble houses are, but I dont believe any of the homes have nameplates. I wonder if theyll just tell me if I ask.

This worry was lifted from my mind when the little girl guide made her reappearance.

Ah~, oji-chan!

Oho, we meet again. Yep, its your oji-chan.

Its been a while since weve spoken so it feels a little awkward.

Her innocent smile healed my heart of all the pain and worry I had been suffering from over the past few weeks. This is something even Edita Sensei isnt capable of.

Whats wrong? You look lost.

In fact, your oji-chan is lost.

Hmm~, really? Where are you trying to go?

Im trying to find the home of Earl Bitch, do you know where that is?

Nn~? Well, thats, umm.

After thinking for a moment, she finally nodded and spoke.

Go that way for a little bit then turn and go down aways then itll be straight ahead!

I see. So go over there and then there and itll be in front of me?


Perfect instructions as usual.

But I believe that this girl will always lead me to where I need to be.

Thank you. And, as usual, your reward.

Yay! Thank you, oji-chan!

I placed a few copper coins in her hand and cherished the brief moment my fingertips touched her palm.

Ah, thats right. Oji-chan, this is for you!


She reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out a small pebble.

It was beautiful and shined brightly in the light.

Whats this for?

I found it! Its my precious treasure. Dont you think its beautiful!?

I cant take your treasure.

Its my thanks for always paying me, oji-chan!

Hmm, then I guess I have to accept it.

Take care of it!

Of course. Your oji-chan will cherish it forever.

Isnt this the first time Ive received a gift from a girl? It is. I just lost my gift virginity. And my partner was the little girl guide.

Such a pure and warm feeling like this cant be beaten. Its the best.

This is only a fraction of what it must feel like to lose your virginity. I need to slowly start escalating the virginities that I lose. Next should be lips and then its my sons turn.

Im taking off~!

See you and be careful not to fall.

Of course!

She ran off with a smile on her face.

I watched her until her figure faded away into the crowd.

I found out where I need to go and I also got a present.

I have nothing to base this on, but I feel like everything is going to turn out okay.


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