Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 4 (6)

Book 4: Chapter 4 (6)

Territory Pioneering 4

With so many new and unexpected visitors arriving one after another, time seemed to fly by.

And the deadline set by that Prime Minister draws closer with each day that passes.

I recently finished a new addition to the town in the north district. A home fit for the mayor of our city. In other words, a new nest for Christina to replace Mount Pepe. To be completely honest, Id like to call it my own home considering how much time and effort I put into that place, but I promised her Id make a home for her here so I dont have much of a choice.

I lost my first home here to its original owner Edita Sensei and Im essentially renting my land here and all of the buildings on it. Its not hard for me to imagine me being a renter for the rest of my life here. Still, Ill make sure that someday I own my own home. That is the dream of every Japanese man.

But I think for now putting my focus on avoiding a future as a slave is in my own best interests.

Wow, this is more than I was expecting.

M-Me too! Ill need to recount it again to be sure, but I think theres over 170 gold here!

I was currently doing some accounting in the office with Sophia-chan.

Managing our finances together like a married couple.

The town mayor was still out of town. Christina departed for Kalis with the noble mage on her back days ago but still has yet to return. What could she possibly be doing thats taking her this long? Maybe she got lost on the way back.

Or could it be possible that the noble mage finally took some initiative and furthered his relationship with the loligon in the capital? That would mean that I managed to fulfil our promise. Ill pray for their happiness as a couple. I know the noble mage is capable of making her happy.

Which is good.

Yes, its for the best.

Is this all from partnering with the Manson Group?

Y-Yes, I believe so.

Gonzalez and the Twilight Company are due thanks as well. Its because of them that Ive been able to continue improving the town. The western and eastern districts are close to being complete so we should finally be able to open them to the public soon.

The northern and southern districts have been the only tourist attractions so far.  The north is for the nobility and other wealthy individuals while the south is for the commoners. Theres a clear separation between the two districts and the quality of the services available as well as the fee required to enter each area.

Although the North District has seen almost no use. Im not sure if anyone other than myself, Ester-chan, and Drill-chan have been using the facilities regularly.

There was even another line of carriages trying to enter the city as well.

Y-Yeah, I was shocked! There are so many of them lined up out there!

Sophia-chans so cute when she speaks frankly.

Could I see our current balance?

Ah, of course! I-Its right here!

I was handed a stack of papers.

I was able to discover after having Sophia-chan work here for the last week that this timid maid is surprisingly good with numbers.

She told me herself that she was the one that recorded the sales at her familys restaurant. Not to be rude to her, but I figured this just meant she was capable of doing basic math. However, based on what shes shown me here, I think she must have been heavily involved in managing all of the finances of the restaurant.

Basically, shes showing a lot more skill than I expected. Shes tracking average attendance and the average amount brought in by not only each shop but also each type of business. Shes tracking individual variances, standard deviations, and there are even some categories shes tracking that I dont fully understand. 

What I wanted to know most about were what trends cause the rise and fall of some shops sales.

Thank you.

P-Please, verify whatever you need to.

I confirmed this with the noble mage previously, but the scientific and technological level of this world is equal to that of the Middle Ages before the arrival of Arabic mathematics. This is due to the convenience that magic brings to this world. Just by speaking a few words one can light a room, call forth water, conjure up a cool breeze, and rob the world of any need for inventions capable of doing the same.

Even the most elite of this world are incapable of passing the pons asinorum.

How did you come up with the numbers for this figure here?

There was a graph that seemed to track the total income of the city that began at the start of the month and went until the end of the current month.

The various numbers were carefully tracked every day.

Including a few massive sources of one-time income, by the end of the month, we wouldve brought in a total of 150 gold coins.

Of course! But, umm, those numbers are just guesses, so.

Dont be worried, Sophia-san. Im not going to hold you responsible if these numbers end up being inaccurate.

O-Of course, thank you so much for your kindness!

Sophia-chan was relieved to hear this.

It makes me happy that my sweaty maid is showing an interest in the task Ive given her. An intelligent girl talented at math is sexy. Id want to be reverse raped by a strong, intelligent woman.

The money were receiving from the Manson Group is quite substantial. Its almost equal to the income received from the entrance fee. In direct response to the Manson Group moving in, the revenue we receive from sales took a noticeable hit. These two numbers are competing now and I cant say for sure whether or not the deal with the Manson Group will end up costing us in the long term.

That shouldnt be a problem. I plan on bringing in more tenants in the future. Were currently only selling mana potions and bath salt in most of the shops. Once we bring in more independent businesses, the overall rent brought in throughout the city will rise.

But, e-even with so few businesses to keep track of, I already feel like Im starting to get lost.

Is it because shes only used to managing a single restaurant?

Sophia-chan hesitantly looked out the window at the vast cityscape before her.

Well just take it one step at a time.

O-Of course.

The fact that the management of the town is on track is enough of a reason to celebrate for now.

When she first arrived in town, I felt like she was distant, but after only a few days, shes warming up to me again and were capable of having pleasant conversations like this. Its nice being able to speak with her normally as shes the person that Ive had the longest relationship in this world.

By the way, about the hall recently built along the town square

But this world didnt want my peaceful moments with Sophia-chan to last.

A shout from outside the room interrupted Sophia-chan.

B-Baron Tanaka! This is serious, Tanaka!

The voice of a macho man that I vaguely remembered.

I had no choice but to answer.

whats going on? Please, come in.

Oh, right, its that one member of the Twilight Company with the mohawk. The door opened and his hair entered first followed by the rest of him. I feel like Im seeing him a lot recently. I wonder if hes someone that Gon-chan trusts.

The Imperial Princess of the Penny Empire is here!


Royal pussy has arrived in my city.

That certainly is serious.


Our destination was the reception room in Christinas new home. As soon as we stepped in we were met with the sight of our visitor. Just as the mohawked man said, its the Princess of the Penny Empire.

This is the first time weve seen each other since the Academic Conference.

At a glance, she just looks like a normal, albeit beautiful, teenage girl. She wore a gorgeous dress decorated with frills and gold embroidery. The curves of her body were apparent even from a distance. Her chest and butt were both large while her waist was slim and tight.

She had the perfect body that almost any man would love.

The Princess was calmly sitting on the sofa waiting for our arrival while her personal butler, Sebastian, standing beside her. He stood completely motionless as if he were a statue built to watch over the Princess. As with almost every other man I meet in this world, he was incredibly handsome.

Im overjoyed that you would bless us with a visit so far from the capital, Your Highness. What assistance could this remote baron possibly offer you? Whatever it is, I will do my best as a fledgeling baron to aid you.

The moment I got close to them I dropped to my knees and bowed my head.

This way Sebastian wont have any complaints about my manners.

You may raise your head, Baron Tanaka.

Thank you, Your Highness.

I raised my head but kept my knees on the floor.

The glorious royal pussy was right before me. The only thing protecting it was a few thin pieces of fabric.

She really does have a killer body.

Were already familiar with each other and even attended the Academic Conference together. Such formalities are no longer necessary. Would you please take a seat here?

I greatly appreciate your consideration.

The next thing I heard was Sophia-chans voice.

I-I-I-Ive brought tea.

Please, enter.

The door opened and Sophia-chan entered carrying a tea tray. She was shaking so violently that the cups on the tray looked as if they could fall at any moment. She was doing her best to hold a straight face, but I could tell she could burst into tears at any moment.

The Princess is certainly the most important person shes ever made tea for before. First it was Ester-chan, then the noble mage, and now the Royal Princess. If things continue like this, shell someday be making tea for the King.

I feel sorry that shes only being paid as a school maid. Ill need to find some time to speak with the noble mage about a pay increase.

Thank you very much, Sophia-san.

O-Of course!

Is she your maid?

She was carefully observing Sophia-chans face.

Something like that.

Shes a very cute girl. I wouldnt mind having her for myself.


As soon as she said this, Sophia-chans face fell into despair.

Im sure shes struggling with a complex mix of emotions right now, but, above all else, I know she wants to refuse. Shes great at her job, but I could never imagine she has a desire to rise to a position like that.

She has a good work ethic from working at her familys restaurant from a young age. But I dont believe she has the right temperament to be constantly surrounded and attending to unfamiliar nobles. I think shell get used to other nobles with time, but its important that this comes over time and not as a sudden change.

Im sorry, but shes special to me.

Ara ara, would you refuse a request from your princess?

Its more about the fact that shes voluntarily serving me rather than her being someone I employ.

Lies are sometimes necessary. Its the only way I see to protect Sophia-chan.

Id be lonely if we no longer lived together.

Is that so? Thats too bad.

Im terribly sorry that Im unable to satisfy your request, but if there are any other maids that catch your eye, I would be willing to listen to your request.

Ufufu, of course. It takes a lot to find someone that suits my tastes.

I see.

With the talks shifting away from her, Sophia-chan made a hasty retreat with the tray clutched tightly against her chest.

After confirming she had left, I turned my attention back to the main topic.

Now then.

Why exactly is the Princess here?

The daughter of a noble family would never come to visit some remote territory of an unknown baron on a whim. Especially when you consider the fact that shes the daughter of the King and how much he must love her. When I thought back to when she was cured of her disease, the King embraced her and looked afraid of letting her go; as if he believed that he would lose her again the moment he did. I dont see how he would allow her to freely leave to someplace so far from home.

This also made me think of the Princess as a secluded girl that has very little real-life experience.

Your Highness, what aid could a simple baron like me offer you?

Yes, of course. I actually heard some rumours about you.


Members of the nobility that participated in the Academic Conference spread word of a wonderful city that existed along our borders.

Ah, I see.

It seems that the nobles brought by the noble mage have been talking favourably about our city in Kalis. These rumours would have spread to the castle and eventually reached the ears of the Princess.

If this goes well, we could end up with the endorsement of the royal family. This would bring in more members of the nobility which would increase our revenue dramatically.

The entrance fee for the noble district is significantly more than that of the commoners district. The income we get from the south district is large, but it can vary drastically on a day-by-day basis. If we could bring in a new stream of noble customers to town, wed be able to generate a steady income that would dwarf all of the combined revenue were currently bringing in.

Personally, I believe it would be better if we were able to focus on and bring in a consistent stream of nobles.

Ive heard that there are baths here that can heal the body.

Yes, its our most popular attraction.

My body still remains weak from my past sickness. I persuaded my father into allowing me to visit your city in the hopes that these baths can help heal me.

So thats the reason.

I feel like shes either lying or not telling me the whole truth.

Considering how much the King cares for his daughter, I dont see him allowing her to go on such a grand adventure.

My father is so unreasonable, you know. When I first brought up the idea to him, he told me the castle had plenty of hot baths and it wasnt necessary for me to leave the capital. But I believe its important to go out and experience the many nearby locales firsthand.

His Majesty is just concerned about your health.

You think so?

Us nobles value the health of our king and princess above our own.

Is that true?

Yes, and it would be a waste for you to have come all the way out here without experiencing our baths. If that is what you wish, then all of our baths are open for you to use as you please, Your Highness.

Ara ara, ufufu. I really like your attitude. Its like a breath of fresh air.

Thank you for your kind words.

I was taken straight here after arriving by carriage. I didnt get to see much of your city. Would you mind being my guide and showing me around on the way to the baths?

Whatever pleases you, Your Highness.

After you.

I turned my eyes to Sebastian.

He remained as statuesque as always, but I took his silence as a confirmation that I could continue. I assume if a problem ever arises, hell finally break his silence and step in.

Lets head out. The bath I have in mind isnt far.

Of course. After you, my escort.

I guided the Princess out of the mayors house and headed off to the most luxurious bath available in the north district.

Im sure the Princess has other attendants with her besides Sebastian. With this thought in mind, I asked the mohawk man who we passed in the streets to take care of them.

The mohawk man informed me that there were already two rows of carriages outside the city walls waiting to get in. The Princess also spoke up and asked the mohawk man to send her personal attendant to the baths ahead of us.

I was happy to hear about the long queues. Each carriage that entered was like a sack of money walking through my citys gates.


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