Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 4 (12)

Book 4: Chapter 4 (12)

Territory Pioneering 4

Not long after Sophie-chan had made her decision.

We were standing side-by-side at the entrance to the baths. A pool of steaming water sat before us as a naked idol bitch stood next to me. A mass of naked men surrounded us. Each of them was watching the edges of the towel Sophie-chan was covering up with, waiting for the moment it may slip and give them a glimpse of what was hidden underneath.

This is a mixed bath.

With both men and women naked and bathing as equals, theres nothing immoral about the situation.

I-Im going in.

Sophie-chan tossed her towel aside and challenged the mixed bath in only her birthday suit. Im not sure if her goal is to challenge Mercedes-chans meat toilet or what, but shes doing it while attempting to keep an imposing air about her with her breasts and vagina fully exposed. This definitely wasnt working, however, as her entire body was visibly trembling.

By the way, the idol bitch had a shaved pussy. What a wonderful sight. I personally prefer a little hair as it gets me more excited, but there was something about hers that excited me in a different way. It was immaculately maintained to the point that it only made sense that she must groom it every day.

One step after another, the immaculate pussy advanced forward.

As I watched her walk towards the water, I felt a strange sense of netori. Speaking of the bath, this is the first time Ive heard of a bath like this existing in my city.

Umm, Sophie-san.

I was still in my clothes.

It was exhilarating watching a completely nude Sophie-chan with my clothes on.

Please, dont try to stop me.

All of the men in the area had turned their attention to Sophie-chan. Even the meat toilet was looking at Sophie-chan while still sucking away at any penis she could get her mouth on.

Sophie-chan slowly walked down the steps of the bath.

The water enveloped her feet then her knees followed by her thighs and waist.


She moved forward until the tips of her hair were brushing up against the waters surface.

Soon, all but her head will be submerged in the water.

But Sophie-san seemed to have realized the true state of the water she had entered.

what is this?

She scooped up some of the water in both of her hands.

And was greeted with the miracle of life floating inside.


The moment she realized what she was standing in, her entire body trembled violently. It reminded me of how Edita Sensei had been twitching in her sleep. Her eyes were left wide open in shock.

As if she needed one final check to confirm what she already knew, I noticed her nose twitch slightly as she took a smell.


In the next moment, she retreated up the stairs and out of the water.


Goose bumps covered Sophie-chans skin.

Mercedes-chans meat toilet was now putting her entire body to work.

Todays show at the second district mixed bath is truly wonderful. I dont want to be a noble anymore. Who is the genius that created this wonderful bath? Oh, it was me. Then why am I the only one that cant use it?

I-I-Im leaving!

Just as she said, she quickly made her way back into the dressing room.

Sophie-chans trembling naked body was adorable. The streaks of water running down her back and over her ass complimented her beauty. It was as if a work of art had emerged from the waters.

This reward makes all of my hard work worth it, and it is also why I cant stop.

I wonder how Sophie-chans semen bath will have changed her come tomorrow.


The following day Ester-chan and I left for the capital.

Of course, we took the express air route.

And, just like before, I held her in the princess carry. Using my hands to hold her chest and legs close to me is the perfect way to get away with sexually harassing her in a way that seems innocent.

We took a short break at an inn town on the way to Kalis.

I wanted to get to the capital as quickly as possible, but flying at full speed while carrying someone exhausted me. By the time the capital came into sight, the sun had already set and the lights from the streets of Kalis emanated a warm glow on the edge of the horizon.

It sure creates a beautiful scene from up in the clouds.

With this sweet thought filling my mind we landed at our destination.

We landed at the entrance of the school dormitory. Ester-chan had proposed we both stay at her familys home, but I refused in favour of staying at the dorm.

An encounter with her family would prove to be fatal to my happiness. Im sure of it.

We made our way inside the dorm and stopped off in the cafeteria for a meal. 

Well head to the imperial castle first thing tomorrow morning.

I understand.

A waiter brought out a tray with two steaming plates of food to our table.

Its what Sophia-chan would call a noblemans meal.

As usual, the food was delicious and the booth and decor matched the exquisite food. The cafeteria reminded me of a luxury restaurant.

If I were to book a restaurant in Tokyo where it would cost tens of thousands of yen per person to eat, I would expect to have a similar experience to eating in this cafeteria. And this meal was only the first part of the course. More food was brought in as soon as we had finished.

By the way, Ester-chan, theres something Id like to ask you.

You want to ask me something!? Wh-What is it?

Is Allen still a member of the knights?

Eh? Allen?

Yeah, I thought it would be nice to say hello to him while Im here.

I-I see.

Her eyes looked like a dead fishs for a moment.

I feel bad for Allen.

If its Allen, then yes, hes still a member of the knights.

Thats good.

I was surprised to hear that she knew what Allen has been up to. Does she still keep in touch with him? Then that means theres still a chance they can get back together. If she wasnt interested at all, she wouldnt care to know the slightest detail about him.

Thats exactly how Ester-chan was to me when we first met.

Thinking back on it caused a sharp pain to run through my chest.

Im glad to hear that you and him still keep in contact.


The moment I said this, Ester-chans face hardened.

She made a strange noise and dropped her silverware on the top.

Y-Y-Youre wrong! He doesnt mean anything to me at all!


Yes, really! Ive only heard about him indirectly from other people!

I see.

Its almost like I accused the lolibitch of two-timing me.

I guess with the lolibitch two wouldnt be enough to satisfy her anyway.

Whatever the case, Im glad you know where hes been.

As soon as the matters involving the King are taken care of, Ill see if I can meet up with Allen.

Y-Yeah, as long as it helps you.

I took a few small bites of the meal while watching the complex mix of emotions wash over the lolibitchs face.

It wasnt a very comfortable situation. Despite the late hour, the cafeteria still had a large number of students eating a late dinner and it felt like all of them were watching us. I could clearly hear a few of them whispering too. I had never experienced this before as Sophia-chan always brought my meals to my room.

I need to do that from now on. I dont need anyone misunderstanding our relationship and there are already enough rumours about us without me adding fuel to the fire.

I should just finish up this meal as quick as possible and go to my room.

Ester-chan didnt appear to notice all of the eyes on us. Its quite impressive. Maybe nobles become used to living in this type of environment.

We left the cafeteria and headed up to our rooms.

We walked upstairs and down the hallway until we ended up in front of our respective rooms. It was the first time I had stood here in a few weeks but it felt like much longer than that. I guess thats due to the long hours I spent at work in Radius Grasslands creating Dragon City.

We stood in front of our doors.

When Ester-chan suddenly spoke up.

B-By the way, Baron Tanaka!

She looked like she was preparing herself to ask something huge.

What is it?

There are no maids here today!

I guess thats true.

So, if youd like, w-we could stay together.


I was at a loss for words.

This was an invitation in to have sex.

Even a virgin like me can understand that.

The lolibitch is inviting me in to have sex.

No, Im tired after that long flight and Id like to get some rest to be ready for tomorrow. I dont think Id be giving off a good impression to His Majesty if I showed up with bags under my eyes. Thank you for the invitation, but I have to refuse.

Then, j-just once! Well only do it once!

No, thats still.

If Im doing it with you, I know I can finish right away! You can finish wherever you want outside! Ah, but, if youd like, you can finish inside too! No, Id be overjoyed if you finished inside me!

It looks like shes given up on all subtlety.

She also sprang this on me so suddenly, that I didnt have time to prepare myself. 

Shes getting dangerous. I need to reunite her with Allen as soon as possible.

Her proposition is very attractive.

I put a high value on your chastity Viscount FitzClarence. To steal Doris-sans words, you should not offer your body so willingly to the opposite sex. Your body is precious.


Now, have a good nights rest, Ester-san.

If I say any more than this I know Ill give in.

Its also true that I want to be rested for our meeting with the King tomorrow.


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