Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 2 (3)

Book 4: Chapter 2 (3)

Territory Pioneering 2

A few days had now passed since I first started building my town.

I ran out of space to build within the boundaries of the initial walls I built and was now constructing buildings outside the main hub. I was setting a rapid pace. I had slept little over the last couple of days in order to get the planning done for the remaining facilities Ill need to build.

Despite this, Im not tired or burnt out. Im actually pretty thrilled with everything Ive accomplished in such a short time.

One more building with its own impressive bathhouse.

I was currently working on a three-story building. I had completed two stories so far and was currently finishing up the third. This place is already the tallest building in the area. Theres a staircase leading up to each floor and every floor will have access to running water.

Its my greatest accomplishment yet.

The entire building was carved straight from the earth using my all-purpose tool Stone Wall. It looked like a tower that had been ripped straight out of an RPG. The bleak stone facade is somewhat off-putting. I should ask Gonzalez to decorate the place later.

all right, whats up next?

I put the finishing touches on the three-story and had now turned my focus to the next building when a voice called out to me.

Oi, oi, oi, wasnt this place an empty field just yesterday?

Gonzalez was approaching me from the direction of the main gate.

There were several other macho men following behind him.

I was thinking I should expand the facilities a little more.


Yes, Im completely serious. Im sorry to cause you and your clan so much trouble, but I really appreciate all of you for helping me for the next month.

You really dont need to worry about us, but are you okay?


I heard from my men that you were up all night and day using magic. Is that normal for you? Most people would have collapsed from exhaustion after just a couple of hours.

Ahthats what you meant. You dont have to worry about that with me.

Really? If you say so.

By the way, did you all finish up the task I gave you?

Oh, thats right. I brought some skilled men and we brought what you wanted.

Gonzalez signalled to the men standing around him. They were all holding large leather bags and dumped them on the ground in front of me. I could see the familiar purple powder through the opening at the top.

Amazing. Just like I wanted.

What else would I expect from the Twilight Company?

Thank you. This is exactly what I wanted.

You wanted this specific grass because of that strange colour, right? What are you planning on doing with them, Tanaka?

You planned on relaxing in the baths tonight, right?

Baths? I was going to take one at the end of the day.

When I had first done this experiment with the pessari grass in the alchemy class, I refined the grass into a powder. I requested Gonzalez gather men skilled with tools so they can gather the grass I needed while I continued building. Since the grass we needed is growing in abundance here, it was just a matter of finding the necessary manpower to gather it all.

It wouldnt be an overstatement to say that grass is key to any success we hope to have here.

Well, if you say so then it must be true.

Thank you.

Well be going back in to help finish up the rest of the buildings inside. This has been far more interesting than I was expecting. I had grown used to working as an adventurer but theres a certain level of accomplishment you get from helping create a town from scratch that Ive never felt before. Its a very addicting feeling.

I know what you mean. Then, Ill be counting on you for your continued support.

Of course. Just leave it to me and my clan.

Gonzalez and his men retreated back to the castle walls before disappearing through the large gate. Once they were out of sight, I prepared my recovery magic.

All right then.

Pessari grass pigment. All of the leather bags were filled to bursting with the powder. I had previously converted it to this form during the exam before adding it back to water. Ill do my tests with it in this form first. Having it be in a solid form will make it easier to transport and should increase its value as well.

I thrust both of my arms toward the bags and began channelling my recovery magic.

One pulse, then another, and another.


Many more times.

Light was pouring out of the bags after the eighty-seventh pulse.

I remember previously when I used this same technique with my recovery magic on raw pessari grass, I had to send out over one hundred pulses to get a similar effect. Its possible my magic power has increased or the pessari grass in powder form is quicker to absorb my magic.

In addition to this, when I added the powder to water, the number of pulses I had to send out decreased to about twenty on average. If I were to continually refine it by turning it into a powder before dissolving it once more, I could potentially reduce the number of pulses even further.

If I talk to the super alchemist Edita Sensei, she may be able to confirm my theory. For now, when I consider the need to transport and store everything, it makes the most sense to leave it in powder form even if it takes more effort from me.


But if I think about it in practice, it doesnt seem very practical.

In order to give the baths that soothing feeling I desire, Id have to send eighty-seven pulses of my recovery magic into each bath. Basically, if its anyone but me, this would be impossible.

Well, it should be fine for the short term.

I need to do whatever I can to earn that fifty gold. If I fail, Ill end up becoming Ester-chans slave and forced down the breeding route. One part of my body is excited by that prospect, but that will be the last resort.

For now, I should continue trying my hardest.

Gonzalez isnt the only one that thinks creating a town is satisfying work.

This should cover the bath additives well need, but I still need to construct more buildings.

It still wasnt enough.

The bathing area needs to be improved further.

I want to create something special. I still need to increase the facilities available in the main plaza. Restaurants for each class of citizen would also be a good addition. I also need to drastically increase the number of baths and living quarters available. But achieving what I want this place to become isnt too difficult when I have my secret weapon.

Stooooone Waaaaaall!

I think Ill start with an inn.

An inn with extra thick walls where Allen can have all the orgies he wants.


[Sophia-chans point of view]

Ever since the final presentations at the Academic Conference, the pain in my chest hasnt subsided. My entire body hurts and I havent been sleeping. I cant think straight due to my mind being filled with a mixture of anxiety and fear.


Im currently eating my normal meal fit for a noble in the dorm room.

This would normally be a time filled with absolute bliss.

But Im struggling to keep each bite down and it tastes like nothing.

I dont want to die.

The only thing I can think about is my painful future.

I was simply going through the motions as the day passed. I only bothered getting any food in an attempt to distract myself from these lingering thoughts.

I stood up from the table and walked toward the kitchen.

I started the fire on the stove and placed the tip of the fork in the flames. After holding it there for a while, it turned bright red. The utensils in the academy are made from denis ore. Its designed to not melt at high temperatures.

I pulled it out of the fire and held it close to my skin.


The heat coming from the red-hot utensil was pleasant at this distance. That old man had a metal pole forced through his body that was red-hot just like this. It was much thicker and longer. How badly must that have hurt?

I dont know.

It reminded me of Tanaka-sans fight against the dragon on Mount Pepe. It was almost like he was a completely different person during that fight, but Im sure he was in a lot of pain. He was being continuously burned by the dragons flames.

Maybe I could bear that pain too.


I pressed the hot fork against my hand without giving myself time to reconsider.


A wave of pain ran through my body the moment it touched me.

I could hear my flesh sizzling.

I couldnt bear the pain anymore and I dropped the fork to the ground. I didnt care where it landed as I covered my hand and tried to soothe the pain.

I crouched down on the floor and started blowing on it, but I inadvertently knelt down on the fork.


A two-hit combo.

I rolled over onto the floor.

I rolled up into the fetal position to protect my knee and hand. Honestly, what am I doing? Im such an idiot. Is my life meant to be a tragedy or a comedy?


It hurts.

It hurts so much.

I dont think I could stand any more pain than this.

My vision is already blurred by my tears.


It hurts so much more than I imagined.

My hand and knee are throbbing.

Thats right.

Ive burned myself plenty of times working in the kitchen at home. Every time was as painful as the last. I already knew how much it hurt so testing it like this was pointless.

And when Im killed it will be far more painful than anything else.


I cant stop trembling from the fear and pain. The burned parts of my skin are starting to look like jerky and the pain isnt stopping.

The more I think about my future the worse it gets. If the me from a few days ago saw me like this theyd laugh.

But this is the reality Im facing.

I-I dont want to die.

Pangs of regret wracked my body. Why did I ever even attempt to stand against a noblewoman? So many emotions were running through me but the pain in my hand was always at the forefront of my mind.

And this pain will be coursing through my entire body.

Just thinking about it makes me want to die before I ever get to that point. Id probably die if I jumped from the dorm window. Yeah, from this height Im sure I would, and that seems like a better option than facing whatever my future holds.


Im too scared to even do that.

This feeling is overwhelming.

Especially when Im here alone with only my thoughts to accompany me. The burn on my hand just drove my anxiety even higher. All I managed to do was bring a small example of the pain Im going to feel in the future to the present. This will definitely scar too. Im such an idiot.

But it wont even matter if I die.

Should I try to escape?

Leave everything behind and just run.


Ive hardly even touched the gold I received from the dragon extermination. If I manage to escape the Penny Empire, I could live a good life.

As I was contemplating my future, I heard someones voice coming from the entrance.

Im back! Are you here, Sophia?

It was Ester-samas lively voice.

She has a key to Tanaka-sans dorm so she can come and go as she likes. Usually, whenever I hear her voice, I sneak out the front door as quickly as possible, but I lack the energy to even get off the floor.

Ive become lethargic now that I have no future.

Sophia! Sophia!? Is she not here.

I heard her enter the living room.

Shes eventually going to check the kitchen where shell see my pitiful figure. Id never want her to see me in such a sorry state but I cant even force myself to stand at this point.

Sophia? Is something wrong?


Are you hurt somewhere? You look pale.

Im fine. You dont need to worry about me..

I was finally able to find the strength to stand.

Ester-sama clearly didnt believe a word I said.

What about your hand? Did you burn it on something?


I hid my hand behind my back after she pointed it out.

Just show it to me for a minute. I may not be able to do what he can but I can use simple recovery magic. I can heal a small burn like that.

No, I-I really am fine! You dont need to worry.

Pretending like youre fine when you really arent isnt okay. Now, show it to me.


Do I need to order you?


A commoner, the weakest creature in society, cant do anything to oppose an order from a noblewoman.

I have no choice but to show her my burns.

how did you even get this burn?

Well, u-umm.

It looks pretty unusual.


I cant come up with an excuse.

The outline is clearly a fork and its only a matter of time until she notices.

D-Dont tell me someone broke in and attacked you!?

In a flash, Ester-samas face had changed from the lovely appearance she usually had to the dignified mask she wore when facing other nobles.

T-Thats not what happened!

Then what happened!?

Well, t-thats.

Can you please tell me what happened? Or are we not as close as I thought? Id be sad to hear it if thats the case.


Ester-samas kindness made me feel warm inside.

I just had so much anxiety building up inside of me that made me think nobody would care about someone like me, but heres Ester-sama offering me a hand of kindness. A pitiful creature like me doesnt deserve it. I should hate a noblewoman like her but shes the only one even here for me.

Im a little envious of Tanaka-san. I decided to give in and tell Ester-sama about everything that happened the other day. I held nothing back as I described the pure idiocy that took over my life during that meeting. I must look so pathetic.

Still, she patiently listened until I got everything out. We moved out to the living room and Ester-sama made tea for us. I was so relieved to just get everything out that I was on the verge of crying by the time I was finished.

She only spoke after I had said everything.

ActuallyIve heard something similar.

Ester-sama was speaking in a low whisper.


Is this noblewomans name Lydia Nannuzzi?

Y-Yes it is.

I see.

Ester-sama closed her eyes and looked deep in thought.

I patiently waited for her next words.

I dont think this situation is going to have an easy solution. The Academic Conference is run by Lord Fahren and other nobles. The only evidence we have to prove she stole her research is your testimony.

t-thats true.

I dont plan on personally standing against whatever Fahren-samas decision may be, but Im not sure what hell decide. Hes overly obsessed with magic and this is a great discovery.


Yes, its just as Ester-sama says.

My only option is to escape the country. Travelling alone as a woman comes with its own dangers but it cant be any worse than the situation Im currently in. Its the only way I can see me living longer than a few weeks.

I was considering what limited plans I had for the future when Ester-sama said something that erased these thoughts from my mind.

But I believe you.


I told you, Sophie, I heard the same thing as you.

umm, are you being serious? Theyre just the words of a simple commoner.

You may be a commoner but we are friends, arent we?


If one of my friends is in trouble, Ill do whatever I can to help.

Th-Th-Thank you very much.

Ester-sama is so kind.

Shes the best.

Ill fall in love with her if she says anything else.

Im crying and my nose is runny.

Besides, theres something about your story thats got me interested.

What do you mean, Ester-sama?

Can you tell me in detail what happened at the conference?

O-Of course!

I told her everything that had happened yesterday at the conference. There was a lot that happened that I didnt understand but I didnt know what might help so I told her every last detail. My life was hanging in the balance so I was desperate.

The first evening since my encounter with Nannuzzi-sama passed with me locked away in the dorm speaking to Ester-sama.


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