Atelier Tanaka

Book 4: Chapter 1 (5)

Book 4: Chapter 1 (5)

Territory Pioneering 1

[Sophia-chans point of view]

That was a wonderful presentation, dont you agree?

This was the first thing Fahren-sama said after returning to the box seats.

The excitement was clear on his face as he entered. I kind of want to tell him to calm down, but I know just how obsessed he can get when it comes to magic. Its probably best if I just stay quiet.

The person that responded was actually the Elf-san. She got up without me even noticing, and her chair is furthest from that door, so how did she get over there already?

I agree. That last presentation was impressive.

She appears to be an acquaintance of Fahren-sama as well as Tanaka-san.

She closed her eyes, maybe thinking back on the presentation, while nodding.

The increase in magical fighting power that she mentioned at the start doesnt seem far fetched at all. There were a lot of presenters that didnt fully understand their own research, but there were at least a few that impressed me.

She sounded satisfied with the conference as a whole and I recall seeing her nodding several times during some presentations. She may able to control it better than Fahren-sama, but I can tell shes just as excited as him.

Shes the type of person to that can completely lose herself in whatever shes interested in. Well, Fahren-sama is the perfect person for her then.

Right? So you see how the level of this academy has.

Im sorry to have to say this after being given such great seats, but it is far inferior to that of Academy City. Or at least compared to what I heard about that city in the past. My speciality is alchemy, but even I was able to notice plenty of mistakes.

Thats an accurate assumption. The quality of our teachers is declining every year and subsequently, the students will graduate knowing less than those that graduated the year prior. More and more of the students joining the academy have been doing so to use it more as a place to increase their connections rather than receive a proper education.

Fahren-sama seemed to be apologizing.

Id think most students wish to use school as a place to meet people, but all the noble mage ever cares about is magic and learning about magic.

But seeing a commoner speak as an equal to a noble is a rare sight.

Is the Penny Empires decline the reason for this?

Well, considering the history of this country, it may be a fate that cannot be escaped. The public are told that our academy produces the finest graduates and highest-quality of research in the world but that couldnt be further from the truth. Its strange as well. The budget given to the academy increases every year but the quality continues to fall.

Did I hear correctly the other day that youre the current director?

Yes, and I hope that I can turn things around during my time in charge.


The atmosphere between them wasnt great.

I took a small step backwards to put some distance between us.

But the Elf-san didnt press the issue any further and changed the subject.

Anyway, overall the presenters were wonderful despite being in such a tough environment. If everything shown in that last presentation is true, then it should be ready to be put into practical use.

Yes, thats true. Honestly, that one presentation saved the entire conference. If she can resolve the taste issue, I plan on mass-producing her potion as soon as possible.

Its true that the pure pessari grass pigment can have a horrid taste, but I thought turning it into a powder would resolve that issue. Considering you were the one that tasted, Id have to assume that it didnt.

It still needs to be resolved, but even as is the potion can be used in an emergency.

I see.

In the blink of an eye, they were talking about magic once more.

They really are well-suited for each other.

Thanks to this, Fahren-sama hasnt even noticed me.

Thank you, Elf-san.

I got to see an interesting show. I need to thank you properly.

You should thank that man whenever you next see him.

Youre right. I should thank him.

She seemed to be looking to some far off place as Fahren-sama continued.

By the way, has he still not returned?

Both of them were thinking about Tanaka-san.

Besides indirectly causing me unnecessary stress, I wonder what my master is doing right now. A normal homebody suddenly disappeared without notice.

I havent seen him since the first day.

So he still hasnt come back.

Fahren-sama turned to me after hearing the elfs answer.

I knew this was coming.

Fahren-sama, Im scared.

Has he been back to the dorm at all? What about Richards daughter? They went to the castle together the other day. If we ask her, Im sure she can tell us where he went.

I-Im sorry, but Ester-sama hasnt been back to her dorm either.

She hasnt been back either?

N-No, she hasnt.

Im sure that neither of them has been there. Every day and night Ive been lounging around in the living room eating good food and sleeping. I wouldve noticed if they came back.


Ester-sama may have finally achieved her love revolution with Tanaka-san. Theres a good chance of that. Ester-sama has been throwing herself at Tanaka-san lately. I dont think any man could resist her for long.

Thats fine then. Please, contact me as soon as he returns.


I gave him a big nod as I answered.

Its only natural that a commoner like me would stumble over her words when speaking to the nobility, but the Elf-san spoke to Fahren-sama as if they were equals.

Im surprised that thered be someone else interested in studying the pigment of the pessari grass. Its even more surprising that a noble from the academy would be interested in it. I assumed someone else would eventually discover the potential of the grass, but I thought it would be a commoner.

Oh? You were also studying pessari grass?

Theres one thing you should tell that presenter. When shes distilling the pessari grass, she said the heat from the fireball causes the desired reaction, but the heat isnt whats causing the reaction. The effect of the potion is actually allowed to increase if its able to cool under the light of the fireball without being heated.

I see.

Still, I do have to compliment her for the rest of her methods. I never thought pressurizing the powder then rehydrating it would increase its effects exponentially. So simple yet extremely effective.

So the light is causing the reaction, not the heat?

Yes, thats right. Heat would actually reduce its effects. I actually take quite a lot of pride in my ability to provide light with no heat, so Im sure of this fact.

plant pigment that reacts to light. Very interesting.

Are you really interested?

Are you surprised? If its okay with you, Id like to sit down for a chat with you and that man.

Mu~ nu~s-sit down for a chat?

Is that a problem?

No, I dont have a problem with thatbut, umm.

Lets do it tomorrow night. Does that work for you?


Fahren-sama pushed forward without any real regard for how the Elf-san felt. Anyone could clearly see the moment he started talking about sitting down for a chat she started to get nervous.

She was fine talking to Fahren-sama but the thought of sitting down in a more intimate setting caused her to get nervous.

Is she just a shy person?


Actually, even though Fahren-sama has been speaking with the Elf-san this entire time, Ive noticed that he keeps glancing over at the Dragon-san. Hes even talking about his favourite subject in the world but still paying attention to her.

Even the noble mage whos famous throughout Kalis for his strength is scared of her. Theres no way the Dragon-san hasnt noticed, but shes just casually drinking juice that was brought to her exclusive chair in the VIP box seats.

It must be nice to be feared by everyone. Im envious of her.


A couple of days have passed since I arrived in Radius Grasslands.

When I first arrived here there was nothing but vegetation as far as the eye could see. But now a mass of structures have appeared seemingly out of nowhere. There were more than a dozen in total and the small city I created resembled old pictures I had seen in history books of long-forgotten cities.

All right.

I pumped my fist in the air and struck a triumphant pose.

I couldnt help but be proud of my creation.

Looking at it from up high, I couldnt help but be reminded of Mohenjo-Daro.

I remember watching those history shows where theyd use CGI to restore old crumbling city ruins to how theyd look when they were still active.

It was a bit of a rushed job as I needed to get everything done before the Twilight Company arrived, but Im still satisfied overall.

I feel so accomplished.

The windows and doorways were the only holes in the stone walls, and the ceilings were all completely level. It gave off a feeling of a small village built by some old civilization.

Even if it looks simple, I can add a sewage system and we have a water supply. Showers may not be possible but baths should be. This is all thanks to me finding creative ways to use my new Engineering Magic.

For example, when I needed to make the pipes for the sewers I just made a large platform then just cut out a hole that went all the way through. It was similar to how I cut out the frames of the windows.

After repeating this simple task over the last couple of days, I was left with a beautiful bathing area complete with a proper drainage system.

I also gave all of the buildings a floor as well. Of course, this was made using Stone Wall, but I guess they really arent walls anymore. Ill need a pump to fill the baths, but I expected this so I added some necessary materials to Gon-chans shopping list before I left.


I was filled with a swarm of emotions as I looked down at my achievement.

Honestly, Stone Wall is an all-purpose tool.

I know I didnt get Civil Engineering Magic as I wanted but I might as well have considering how many uses that one command has.

I used it to create the first wall I built here and the more than a dozen buildings Ive now created, each of them with their own public bath. Half of the buildings were positioned in a shape with the large public bath positioned in the centre. This is the outdoor bath.

The other half of the buildings have smaller indoor baths. I didnt know how to go about making tinted windows so I made the windows to these baths smaller and higher up in order to avoid peeping. However, this is a world of magic and these windows will just challenge those that see them to find a way to peep. The indoor baths will definitely be used for mixed bathing. Naturally, theres nothing in this world that can purify the used water so the water is drained as is into a nearby river.

The water from the baths and even the water used in the toilets drain through a pipe into a river thats technically within the Pussy Republic territory. My short-lived prison life taught me just how disgusting it is living without toilets.

Im sure the Pussy Republic will complain at some point but I didnt have any other option. Im sure if I say Ill allow Christina to go have some fun in Drill-chans town theyll let me do whatever I want.

this is far better than anything available to even the nobility.

Stone Wall is fun to use.

Ive finally gone beyond the limitations of my Fireball.

This new magic is only limited by my own imagination.

Ive simultaneously become an engineer and developer.

This is what it feels like to be a real man.

Should I consider expanding a bit more?

The first wall I created was now filled with buildings, plazas, and paved roads. I couldnt really add more without tearing down these walls. I decided to add an outer wall around this first sectioned off area.

These outer walls were taller than the first and my small city was now starting to look like a citadel.

I really want there to be some kind of slum.

It wouldnt be any fun if there wasnt a slum area. In every erotic RPG Ive played thats where around 90% of the fun exists. But, at the same time, I dont want people visiting my town and getting trapped in the bad part of town. If there were to be slums though, I could have the chance of witnessing a girl get lost there and tricked into joining a crime ring where she has to sell her body in order to buy food.

All right, lets get the key feature finished.

I found a new source of motivation.

I just need to send out three or four pulses of healing magic to get the grass back to the state it was in before.

With this thought in mind, I flew to the outside of the walls where I spotted someone I recognized.

O-Oi, Tanaka, what is all of this?

Oh, if it isnt Gonzalez-san. Thank you for going to all of that trouble for me.

Is this really Radius Grasslands? When I was here before. Where did this wall come from?

The surprise was clear on Gonzalezs face as his mouth hung wide open while he stared up at the wall. The members of the Twilight Company that he brought with were similarly stunned. He ended up bringing a large number with him. Id guess around two hundred or so.

It feels even better to have other people appreciate your work.

Admire it. This soy sauce faces hard work.

If youll follow me, I can show you the entrance.

E-Entrance!? You mean theres something inside?

Yes, I hope you like it.

It looks like they brought everything I requested. There was a long row of covered wagons going off into the distance. I had used the remaining two hundred gold I got from the Dragon Extermination to pay for all of this. One hundred gold to the Twilight Company and the remaining hundred was used to purchase everything.

There was furniture like shelves, tables, and sofas as well as the pump materials I mentioned earlier. There was also expendable items like soap and towels which were bought in bulk to save money.

The main gate is just over here.


With the members of the Twilight Company following him, he walked around the walls until he reached the main entrance.


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