Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 4 (7)

Book 3: Chapter 4 (7)


We were now a little ways into the conference. Based on whats been happening on stage, this conference seems to be about different magics and magical technologies. The noble mage gave a short speech to start the conference and he confirmed that this event is held here every year.

There were several other teachers at the academy that spoke on stage. They each spoke about how the quality of this years presentation would show why the academy is deserving of its title and the right to hold the Academic Conference for another year. Apparently, there were some disappointing presentations last year and a lot of the teachers were fired.

This echoed the words of the Deputy Director.

This is essentially an annual public examination of the schools teachers. Originally, this entire event was held internally. Teachers would only show off their findings to their fellow teachers and other notable figures in the academic world.

Eventually, they allowed others to view their presentations. Year after year, they invited more people until it gradually evolved into the grand event it is today.

The noble mage is also one of the organizers of this event. Hes actually the director of the academy. This is the reason why he was able to get me into the academy so easily.

At this moment, one of the teachers from the academy was giving their presentation in front of the large audience. Even though I didnt quite understand what they were talking about, the ability of this teacher to give an impassioned speech in front of an audience of over four hundred was still impressive.

Hou~, so they inject it with mana? Then they agitate it. Impressive.

I glanced over at Edita Sensei who seemed enthralled by the presenter.

Thats good. She seems to be enjoying herself. Im glad I decided to invite her.

While on the other hand.

why go through all that effort? It would be nothing compared to my power.

Christina looked as if she was here just to kill some time.

However, I think Christina is more interested than shes letting on. Every time a new speaker comes out, shed talk out loud to nobody in particular and question why theyre even bothering when her own power is so great.

This coupled with her strange appearance was very eerie.


Its not like she even understands what theyre talking about.

Once one teacher was finished with their presentation another replaced them. Edita Sensei seemed genuinely interested in everything they were showing, but I was worried her experience might be ruined by the loli dragons snarky comments. Its not like theres anything I can do about her.

Things continued like this for a while as we watched the conference from our VIP box seats.

Then, there was a short break in the action on stage.

Umm, would you mindif I sat here?

Someone suddenly called out to me.

I looked to the side, in the direction of Christina, and saw that the Princess seat was now empty. At some point, she had got up and moved closer to me. Shes within arms reach right now.

Oh, Princess.

I threw myself from my seat and got down on my knees.

Im sure Sebastian is watching me from the doorway. If I were to show any signs of disrespecting the Princess, Im sure he wouldnt hesitate to throw us out. I need to be polite.

Please, get on your feet.

The Princess showed me a beautiful smile.

Her amazing body was noticeable even though she was wearing an elegant dress. Her chest and butt were both big. On the other hand, her waist was thin.

Is that okay for an ordinary man like me?

Are you not the man I met before in the castle?

Im overjoyed that youd remember a commoner like me.

So it really is you.

Another smile appeared on her face when I confirmed her suspicions.

Thanks to the medicine you made, Im able to freely move around once more. I wanted to thank you properly.

If you wish to thank me, then your father has already done so. You dont need to waste your thanks on a man like me, Princess.

But I havent thanked you.

That may be true, but.

This is troublesome.

Sebastian is already starting to look annoyed about the fact that I dare even speak to the Princess. I wish the noble mage wouldve told me that the Princess would be here. I wouldve declined his invitation immediately.

How are you involved with the academy?

Ive actually registered as a student thanks to Lord Fahren.

In the hopes of improving Sebastians mood, I spoke the noble mages name.

I glanced over at him and saw his expression change slightly. Did it improve? Yes, I think it did.

Well, then this must be fate.

why would you say that?

I plan on attending the school starting next year.

She did appear to be in her mid-teens, so shes of the appropriate age. However, Im surprised that the Royal Princess would take classes at the academy. Id expect her to receive private tutoring.

By the way, even though it seems like a while ago, Ive only been enrolled at the academy for a little over a month. If she plans on attending next year, that means she wont be there for nearly a full year.

Thats actually why Im here today. I wanted a chance to observe some of the teachers.

Youre actually eager to start learning. I respect that.

If I wish to do well, I must take it seriously.

The academy truly is a wonderful place. Lord Fahren does an exemplary job of running the school. The academy is well known not only within this country but all around the world.

For a commoner, you are very well spoken. I really like that.

Im undeserving of such praise. Even now Im incredibly nervous and my heart is pounding.

The real cause of this was Christina. She had stopped watching the conference altogether and was now focused on the Princess and me.

Im just waiting for the loli dragon to spew out some rude line directed at the Princess. She was now sitting straight up in the chair, glaring at the Princess back.

Its coming. Shes about to open her mouth.

No, no, no.

I cant let this happen.

I panicked and created a small fireball by the loli dragons calf. It was just barely touching her skin and not visible to anyone else in the box. Its a small fireball but its incredibly hot. Im just going to burn her skin a little.


The loli dragons entire body started to tremble.

She immediately closed her mouth and glared at me. She seems to have understood without me having to say anything. Christina may come off like an idiot, but thats mainly due to the fact that she doesnt know how to interact with people. Shes actually smart and on par with the noble mage.

Anyway, Im safe.

Barely but still safe.

Not noticing this exchange, the Princess continued.

Oh my, theres no need for you to be so nervous.

If you dont mind, Id like to speak with you outside of this venue.

Oh, an invitation from the Princess.

Im really happy.

But theres a problem. Christina. I dont even want to think about what would happen if I left Edita Sensei alone together. One of them would insult the other, punches would be thrown, and I think it would end with Christina exploding Edita Sensei and take this entire place down in the process.

And Sebastian is also here.

Im thankful that someone as great as yourself would deem a lowly commoner like me worthy of speaking to. Just speaking this little bit has me on cloud nine.

Ufufu~, I like a man thats honest.

However, I cant allow you to do something that would lower your own status, Princess. If my refusal has insulted you, Id be willing to leave.

You really dont have to act so cold. This is an invitation from the Princess.

But I am just a commoner. Just receiving such an invitation from you has given me a level of happiness that I never believed possible. It would be impossible for me to ask for anything more.

thats too bad.

Im sorry.

I bowed my head.

Im afraid if I were to even touch such a beautiful creature, Id be smited by the Gods.

Following this exchange, the break in the conference ended. The curtain was raised and a new presenter was on stage. A loud applause filled the room.

Oh, its resumed.

Princess, please take your seat.

At some point, Sebastian had appeared beside the Princess. He mustve been waiting for an opportunity to get me away from her. Hes great at his job.

His face had returned to its usual solemn look. Good. The name of the noble mage is quite useful.

After she took her seat, Sebastian stayed at her side, almost like a butler.

She didnt say anything else to me as the conference resumed.


My meeting with Ester-chan was just before lunchtime.

Im here to see you!


The door was thrown open and the loli bitch came rushing into our box.

She scanned the room for me but froze in place when she saw the Princess. Its clear she never expected to see someone like the Princess here. She lost all of her usual vigour she has when she comes to see me and entered noble mode.

Oh, Elizabeth?

Royal Princess. Its been a while.

Ester-chan instantly got down on one knee.

It has. Youre Viscount FitzClarence now, right?

Yes, thanks to the graciousness of His Majesty.

Ive heard the story from my father. Youve accomplished many great things since last we met.

No matter how great her father is, she still has to act polite around the Princess. I really wasnt exaggerating earlier when I said she was completely frozen. She never thought shed see the Princess here. But I am glad that they seem to be friendly.

But what are you doing here Angelica-sama?

Ill be attending the school starting next year.

E-Eh? Seriously?

Yep. Ill be grateful if you can look after me next year Liz senpai.

Yes, Ill be in your care.

Fufufu~, thats my line, Liz.

These two people from great families within the Penny Empire seem to have a good relationship. I glanced over at Sebastian, but he wasnt reacting at all. This must be an everyday occurrence to him.

By the way, Angelica-sama, we actually need to be leaving.


We have an audience with His Majesty. Im sorry for being so rude, but we really must be going.

Oh, is that so? With my father?


Well, then, it cant be helped.

Excuse us.

After excusing herself from the Princess, the blonde loli turned her attention to me.

I-Ive prepared a carriage for us outside! Do you want to come with me?

Yes, that sounds fine.

I know that I dont even have to ask Edita Sensei if she wants to come. Shes fine staying here. There was only one other person left, and there is no chance Im leaving her here unattended.

Christina, come with me.

Eh? Where are you going?

Just please come with me.


After saying it with a bit more force, she seemed to understand I didnt want to leave her.

Ill have to do more tests, but if I start acting a bit more assertive with her, I might actually be able to get her to do what I want.


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