Atelier Tanaka

Book 3: Chapter 4 (4)

Book 3: Chapter 4 (4)


Edita Sensei guided me to the second-floor living room. I sat down on the sofa and waited for Sensei to return with tea. She came back carrying a tray with two cups and a teapot on it and sat them down on the table before taking a seat in the chair across from me.

She was wearing the same robe as always.

Her long legs that stretched out from the edge of her robe looked so smooth and sexy.

I really am sorry for disturbing your sleep.

So, what are you doing here? Theres no way you came here for no reason.

Edita Sensei crossed her legs.

I could see all the way up her thigh. Her most important place was covered in darkness, but this didnt stop me from getting an erection immediately. Theres a chance shes not wearing any. She usually does, but maybe shes not today.

Its possible.


Thanks to this, I was also forced to cross my legs in a desperate attempt to hide my son.

whats wrong?

N-Nothing. I really didnt have any reason for coming here.

The only thing I want to do now is worship her thighs. I want to lick them. My heart is still hurting from Sophia, so its creating an even stronger desire to lick them.

I need to come up with something to talk about.

Something, something. Theres nothing.

A-Ah, theres that.

Ah, right, there actually was something I wanted to ask you, Edita-san.

then just ask me already.

Have you heard about the Academic Conference, Edita-san? It seems to be an event held by the school that involves advanced types of magic.

Is that it? The Royal Academy holds that every year around this time.

Yeah, thats probably true.

What about it?

If you dont mind, would you like to come with me? Ive been given VIP seats and was told I could bring guests.

The noble mage did say I could invite people. Shes an excellent alchemist, so Im sure the noble mage wont have a problem with her coming. When we cured the Princess, her name was also given as someone that helped make the potion. Im sure shell be welcomed by everyone.

oi, are you serious?

Sensei sat straight up in her chair as she asked me this.

She looked serious.

I was taken aback by her sudden change in attitude.

Yes, I was invited to attend and was told I could bring guests. So, if you dont mind, would you like to go

Ill go! Ill definitely go!

So fast.

Are you that interested in it?

Of course I am! The Academic Conference is the peak of all gatherings of that kind! Its even prestigious enough to draw the brilliant minds that reside within the Academic City!

I-I see.

It seems that the Deputy Director wasnt exaggerating.

Im sorry for it being so sudden but youd need to be up early tomorrow morning at my dorm. A guide will be meeting us there.

Of course! Ill be there bright and early!

She seemed really eager.

Its too bad the noble mage will be with us.

But, i-is it really okay? The conditions for taking part in the Academic Conference are very strict. If youre not a nobleman or werent lucky enough to have your name drawn from a lottery, youd never get the chance to participate.


Dont tell me you didnt know.

Yeah, well, this is my first time attending.

youre as clueless as always. I dont know why Id expect anything else from you.

Im sorry for being so ignorant, but, in my defence, it hasnt been that long since I entered the academy.

Still, its thanks to you that Ill be able to participate this year. I really will, right? You cant take it back, okay?

Its a promise. You dont need to worry.

I know I can count on the noble mage.

Well have no problem getting into the conference.

I see. Thats good~

Edita Sensei stared off into space. An ecstatic look spread across her face. I was happy that I got to see this expression.

The noble mage unintentionally did something wonderful for me. I should keep this in mind when I help him with his relationship with Christina.

If you dont mind, would you like to stay the night at my place?


Its quite some distance from here to my door. Even if you took a carriage, youd have to get up before the sun.

Ill stay the night!

Another immediate response.

She really must be excited about the conference. Is it really that interesting? I dont know, but I guess Ill find out tomorrow. Anyway, thanks to the conference, Ill get to spend the night in the same place as my blonde loli sensei.

Then, lets do that.

I have a spare room for guests. Theres my own room, the living room, Sophias room, and an empty guest room. Sophia cleans each room every day, so even if nobody has stayed in it for a while, it should be clean.

R-Right. Im sure it will be fine.

Well, it may be a little cramped compared to your atelier.

Is that supposed to be sarcasm?

No, Im being serious. Im just sure someone like you is used to having a lot of space to yourself. Ah, dont worry about that either. My roommate is a girl so we wont be alone.

you live with a woman?

It depends on how you say it, but we are living in the same place.

Ah, Im starting to feel sad again after thinking about Sophia-chan.

Even though I had forgotten thanks to Edita Senseis thick thighs.

Does that mean youre married?

Not even close. That would be like something out of a fairy tale.

Marriage is far from where were at.

Im beginning to doubt that will ever happen.

T-Then youre not? Y-You know married. I assumed given your age and the fact that youre human.

Dont latch on to something that causes me such pain you loli elf.

Theres no chance Id be married with this face.

I could meet a billion women and never find one willing to marry me.

There are always people that havent married even if they want to.

is that so?

All right, time for the sexual harassment to begin.

Its something I read in one of Edita Senseis books.

Youve never been married, Edita-san? Based on one of the books I read, it seemed that you had plenty of experience with men.

In her book [My Ex-Boyfriend and Me], Edita Sensei created many alchemic items to use on her ex-boyfriend that had turned into a stalker.

Ultimately, she came up with something that turned her ex into a woman. The ending of the book said her ex was now walking the streets of Kalis working as a popular sex worker.

I wanted to hear more about this experience from Edita Sensei herself. I especially wanted to know what type of person her ex-boyfriend was.

I wanted to know what type of man Edita Sensei is interested in.

Thats right. W-Well, Id be lying if I said I dont have a good amount of experience.

As expected of Edita-san.

But Id never be satisfied with an ordinary man!

I-I see.

Damn, she turned me down before I could even say anything.

I feel like my heart cant take much more damage.

Whats wrong? Do you want to know more? About what kind of exceptional man could satisfy me.

Im sorry, I wont ask.


For someone thats single like me, its hard to listen to you talk about your past experience with men.

I looked down at the ground.

Edita Sensei tilted her head and asked,

Arent most human men attracted to experienced women? I remember seeing a stage play in town where the men all demanded an experienced woman.

Well, Id say it depends on the person. If this play was performed in this large city, Id guess theyd tailor the script to match the ideals of most men that live here.


Y-Yeah, probably.

I see. Then, o-oi, what about you? What type of woman do you like?

Eh? Me?


Umm, well.

Theres really no reason for me to hesitate.

If anything, no offence, but I prefer someone inexperienced.

Actually, someone with no experience at all. For me, it doesnt matter if a girl has been with one guy or a thousand. If Im not the first, I hate it.

I held back on my more vulgar thoughts and conveyed my honest opinion to her.


Now that I think about it, this is the first time Ive ever talked about sex with someone of the opposite sex.

I felt defeated moments ago, but now I feel a strange sense of fulfillment in my chest.

This must be how riajuus feel all the time.

I-Is that really how you feel?

Like I said, it depends on the person. That play you saw may be how most men feel, but this is how I feel.

I see.

Is it possible the play you saw was intended for women?

There were a lot of women in the audience. That could be the case.

Im sure it must be.


Edita Sensei looked offended.

Is there a big difference between elven culture and human culture? Or is it that Edita Sensei was extremely isolated thanks to her alchemy studies?

She always seemed like an intelligent and experienced woman, but when I take her away from alchemy, shes a much more innocent girl than I imagined.

Regardless of the reason, I need to say something.

I dont want Edita Sensei to hate me.

Well, all of this is coming from someone with no experience with women.


Im ashamed to admit it, but, despite my age, I dont have any experience with women.

I confessed to the one thing I never wanted to admit.

Please, do something. Id even be okay with her laughing at me.

Please, bless me with the ridicule and mockery of a blonde loli.

Eh? You dont haveany experience? At your age.

y-yeah, well.

Dont repeat it.

Its already embarrassing enough.

Is thattrue? Is that really true? Youre a virgin?

Umm, I dont like how you say it so bluntly, but its true.


Is she disappointed? Probably.

I once took part in machicon in Ikebukuro and there was a section in the entry sheet that required you to write down your relationship history. I had to leave it blank.  This combined with me being over the age of thirty, led to all of the women I was paired with staring at me with the same incredulous look. (TN: Machicon is a large-scale matchmaking event)

Some of the women said, nearly word for word, what Edita Sensei just said to me. But, its somewhat pleasant hearing it from a blonde loli.

Im actually really pleased.

Its a welcome type of reverse sexual harassment.

Her sexual harassment will give me the strength to keep living.

I see, thats how it is.

Y-Yeah, thats how it is.

However, I dont want Edita Sensei to distance herself from me now that she knows.

I think I might cry if she told me she no longer wanted to stay at my place. What should I do? Coming out may have been a bad idea. Oh god, Im so nervous. I feel more anxious than that time the dark elf cut my head off.

Im scared.

Im so scared.

Then, sorry, I shouldnt have brought this up.

Should we go? To your dorm that is.

Eh? R-Right now?

Oi, whats with this elf changing the topic so casually?

I need a second to recover the damage my virgin mind has suffered.

Shes acting like I didnt just admit something horrible.

Or did you change your mind?

No, its nothing like that. Still, even though its not that late, its already dark out.

Then, we should get going, right? Unless you dont want me to come over.

Thats not what I meant. Id be happy if you did.

T-Then theres no problem, right? Lets go!


Are you worried about me seeing something at your place? Hmm?

N-No, its not like that.

Im feeling a weird sense of anxiety like nothing Ive felt before.

Honestly, I have no idea what shes thinking.

Still, if shes going to stay at my place, I couldnt be more excited. I have to show her a good time. Im sure Ill have plenty of opportunities to admire her panties while shes there.

Edita Sensei; this loli bitch is cute.


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