Atelier Tanaka

Book 2: Chapter 29 (4)

Book 2: Chapter 29 (4)


I know a lot of people get confused when they first start learning about this system, so.

The ikemen took a piece of paper out of his pocket and began writing something down.

After I waited for a while, he presented me the paper with a long list on it.

First off, this is what the ranks of the military look like.


  • General
  • Commander
  • Major General
  • First Captain
  • Second Captain
  • Third Captain
  • First Lieutenant
  • Second Lieutenant
  • Third Lieutenant
  • Warrant Officer
  • First Non-Commissioned Officer
  • Second Non-Commissioned Officer
  • Third Non-Commissioned Officer
  • Private First Class
  • Private Second Class
  • Private Third Class

I see.

Private Third Class is a rank given to fresh recruits that have zero experience. Most who join the military will actually start at Private Second Class. Adventurers ranks are used to determine their rank in the military. A B rank adventurer would be equal rank to Private First Class.

Is it always decided so straightforwardly?

It may vary from person to person but this is just generally the case.

I guess that makes me a warrant officer, but isnt that surprisingly high? I might get myself into trouble if I dont understand what my rank means. Will I really be okay? I feel uneasy just thinking about how I should act. I dont want to get beaten.

And here are the ranks of the Central Order.

Allen had finished writing out a new list on the same piece of paper.


  • Grandmaster
  • Vice Chief
  • Captain
  • Vice-Captain
  • Squad Leader
  • Common Knight

Those ranked as Vice Chief or higher are members of the nobility. About half of those ranked Squad Leader up to Captain belongs to the nobility as well. These people are usually lower barons or baronesses that hold small parishes.  A common knight is equivalent in rank to a warrant officer in the military. So if a common knight is serving in the military they may even be treated as a commander.

The more I listen the more I feel like Im in an advanced class at a prestigious university.

Now if were talking about regional knights, their rankings usually fall down a little. A squad leader in a regional order would usually be equivalent in rank to a Second or Third NCO. On top of this, the power of the lord that the regional order serves also affects the rankings of the knights.

This seems to be the most confusing aspect so far.

Yeah, I agree. And this is the rankings of the imperial knights.

Yet another list was added to the paper by Allen.

Imperial Knights

  • Supreme Knight
  • Senior Knight
  • Intermediate Knight
  • Junior Knight

Even though theyre knights they have different ranks than you, Allen?

The ranks of the imperial knights have various historical meanings to them. It doesnt matter if youre the highest rank or the lowest rank, each of these titles can only belong to a member of the nobility. Theres no way for any commoners to join their ranks.

No way.

I dreamed of someday becoming the Princess personal guard.

However, this doesnt mean Ill just let that dream die. Ill accept this challenge of becoming the Lucky Royal Lecher.

When working with the military a junior knight would be the same rank as a second lieutenant, and this is why most of the military ranked second lieutenant or higher are members of the nobility. However, each imperial knights personal affairs can drastically affect their ranks, so theres really nothing set in stone on their rankings.

I-I see.

So Mercedes-chan is the daughter of a noble family?

Then what was she doing inside that prison? I dont really understand. Well, its not really like I know anything about her background. This is actually a rather pointless thing for me to be thinking about so seriously, I should stop.

By the way, Allen, youre a nobleman, right?

No, Im not.


But I dont want to hide anything from you, Tanaka-san, so Ill tell you this: currently, I am a commoner. Depending on how some things play out, I may or may not be a commoner in the future.

I see.

In the near future, theres a possibility that Allen will become a member of the nobility.

Well, if he wishes to continue his relationship with Ester-chan, thats something that has to happen.

Allen really is trying his hardest.

Im a little impressed.

Aiming to reach the top in an organization that isnt accepting of those born outside the nobility, its an admirable goal. If he fails, he wont have anything left. To be with the one he loves, hes willing to throw everything away.

I think you may already know this, Tanaka-san, but there are several factions that have formed within the aristocracy. Higher ranking members like Esthers father, the Archduke, lead these factions. Those below the rank of archduke such as marquis, earl, duke, baron, all aspire to reach a rank high enough to lead their own faction. And of course, only those that are the highest rank of their house are capable of becoming faction leaders.

The ikemen then went on to say,

The success of the nobility is due in large part to the success of these individual factions. As for the total number of factions, they hardly ever change unless there is an increase in the land the empire controls or in the number of titles. If there is ever a large scandal or a house that has failed to manage its territory properly, a new house will usually be formed to compensate for this.

That makes sense.

Members of the higher ranking factions are always trying to find new ways to control these newly formed houses. If the seat were left vacant, even a commoner would be able to fill it. Theyd need to prove that they have the proper qualifications and receive support from other families to do this.

So that means there are ways for a commoner to join the ranks of the aristocracy.

Of course, that would be quite the undertaking for any commoner.

Theres a very small chance of this happening. A commoner must prove that theyre qualified to have such a prestigious position. To do this, they must receive the acceptance of several noble families. Any commoner that wishes to travel this path will usually try to work closely with noble families for several years before even speaking of their lofty ambitions. This is why its very rare for there to be someone that will take over a vacant house that is not a known commodity amongst the nobility.

Based off his tone, Allen seems to belong to this group of people.

Even so, I still believe that even having a small chance of joining the nobility is better than no chance at all.

I agree.

There was a distant look in Allens eyes.

The road hes set himself on isnt an easy one.

Im sure its caused him great frustration.

Maybe this is the reason hes felt the need to have two or even three girls service him at a time.

Tanaka-san, are you a nobleman?

No, Im just a commoner. Im much better suited to the life of a commoner than that of a nobleman.

Is that so? Thats surprising given everything youve accomplished since weve met.

No, its definitely the truth. Even in the organization I belonged to before meeting you I was the lowest ranking member.

If so, isnt this your opportunity to succeed?

Allen had dropped his usual ikemen persona and now seemed generally concerned about my future.

Maybe I misjudged him.

He couldve easily jumped on this opportunity to belittle me for my past failures, but, instead, hes honestly trying to get me to improve my life.

He actually appears to be a good person. I cant even bring myself to hate him anymore.

Thank you, Allen. But Im not really interested in that right now. Ill put all of my efforts into supporting your own dream.


I could see the ikemens shoulders began to tremble.

E-Excuse me. Im not deserving of such kindness.

No, Allen-san, this is thanks for teaching me all of this.

As always, honestlythank you so much.

I still cant get over the thought of Sophia-chan and Allen alone in my dorm. The place where I go to rest after a tiring day. I dont think Id be able to stay there if they actually did anything. Id drop out of school, run to Edita Senseis house and beg her to have sex with me.

Id have to do something to protect my fragile psyche after such a terrible event.

This pathetic virgins dream of a beautiful romance would be shattered in an instant.

In the first place, have they actually done it? Did he break through Sophias hymen? When I return home is there going to be a red stain on the living room sofa? If so, Id lock myself away inside my room for half a year.

The fact that theres no way for me to be sure is so painful.

Ill need to find out when I return home.

Thank you for everything you told me and so much more.

N-No, Im sorry for souring the mood. Is there anything else youd like to ask me about? As long as its something I know about, Ill answer.

I think if I try to learn anymore my head might explode.

If youre fine with it, Tanaka-san, Id be more than happy to answer any of your questions once we return to the capital.

Really? That would be a great help.

No, its really no problem for me.

Allen had become Allen Sensei and I was now enrolled in his class, Introduction to the Penny Empire Caste System. I think that by learning from him and reading through Edita Senseis books, I can survive in this world without attending many classes at the school.

What a generous ikemen.

Seriously, his personality is the best.

If the lower portion of his body had any self-respect, we would probably have been friends from the start.

Anyway, its about time, so.

Oh, Im sorry to have kept you here for so long.

I dont mind.

Well, thank you very much for your informative lecture.

Im very happy to be of use to you.

Of course.

I waved to Allen as he walked away into the heart of the camp.

He eventually disappeared completely as he entered one of the few wooden huts that had been set up.

He showed no indication of returning.

I wonder what hes doing.


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