Atelier Tanaka

Book 2: Chapter 25 (2)

Book 2: Chapter 25 (2)

Conflict 3

well, I think that covers everything.

Thank you very much for answering my questions. I learned a lot.

Really? I dont think Im very good at explaining things.

It was very easy for me to understand. Youve helped me a lot.

Thats good then.

Its incredibly helpful to finally have the basic world knowledge Ive been lacking since being reborn into this world. If Im able to return home from the front line in one piece, it will all be worth it just to gain this knowledge.

Ive learned that the continent were currently on is made up of ten nations of varying sizes. Among them, the Penny Empire is one of the larger nations thats located in the upper region of this continent. Although there have been many skirmishes between the Pussy Republic and the Penny Empire over the last century, the two countries were originally one, many years ago.

I also learned that elementary schools, or at least something resembling them, exist in this world. Obviously, learning early on in childhood is very important. I want to do it with one of these students.

Thanks to Gonzalez, I at least now know the basics.

I was actually worried I was asking too much.

Then, the Dark Elf, who had remained silent this entire time, spoke.

how have you survived for so long in this world without knowing any of that?

Im just unfamiliar with some of the mechanics of this world.

I immediately felt embarrassed after hearing her question.

Having to ask all of these simple questions even though Im a middle-aged man, its enough for me to want to hide away in shame.

Are you trying to say youre from another world?

No, I didnt mean anything like that. Its just that.

I need to change the subject.

I dont want to bother Gonzalez anymore.

Gonzalez, you and your clan really helped me out this time. It really gave me courage when I saw you and your other fighters charging towards the enemy with no fear.

It really wasnt a big deal. Everyone that was there had their own reasons for fighting. Someone to protect or glory to gain. You did more for us than we did for you.

Someday, I hope that we all can see the end of this war.

That sounds good.

The muscular bald man showed another bright smile.

His calm and gentle nature really make him approachable.

Still, his face is scary.

I still cant join your clan, but Im glad that were fighting on the same side.

I feel the same. Your magic really is something else.

Thank you for even considering having me join.

Well, I hope you change your mind one day.

Then, another voice could be heard from my side.

Unlike Gonzalez deep voice, this voice was somewhat higher.

We have decided where youll be heading next.

The government official has returned.

This will decide on how we need to prepare ourselves.

The Twilight Company will return to the previous battlefield where they will assist in constructing the forward operating base. As for you other two, there is another urgent matter that involves you both returning to the front lines. Ill give you more details once were in the carriage.

And Im being sent back to the front lines.

[Sophia-chans point of view]

This is a dragon. This is the back of a dragon. Im riding on the back of a dragon.

Im being carried by a dragon.

The black-haired girl that visited the dormitory with Fahren-sama was actually the dragon Tanaka-san fought against. It seems she used her magic to transform into the shape of a human. Her magic is truly amazing. She can do anything with it.

The girl transformed back into her original form, that being a massive dragon, in Fahren-samas garden. She really is a dragon. She appeared to be even larger compared to when I last saw her in the mountains.

The dragon came to the city looking for Tanaka-san for some reason. She seemed to have recruited Fahren-sama as a guide and visited the dormitory looking for Tanaka-san. Anything beyond that, I was unable to ask about. The second we arrived at Fahren-samas garden, I was thrown on the massive back of the dragon and we went flying into the sky.

We were heading to the city of Tricklis, the town where Tanaka-san is supposed to be.

Tricklis is a city that lies near the border between the Penny Empire and the Pussy Republic. Ive heard of this city before, but this will be the first time Ive ever visited. Thats because Ive only ever left the capital once before.

This is the second time youve ridden on my back, you must feel quite honoured, human.

As the dragon spoke, there were vibrations caused by her voice that I could feel against my butt.

Her voice was incredibly powerful.

The dragons back wasnt exactly comfortable, but this entire experience has been quite draining so I napped for a little while. We must have been travelling for a while now. I guess it makes sense. It would take several days to travel from the capital to Tricklis by carriage. Yet, the trip is supposed to only take half a day on this dragon. Thats impressive.

Hmm, I think thats it over there.

Wait for me, Tanaka.

Following Fahren-samas instructions, the dragon began to descend.

From my position in the sky, I could see that we were fast approaching a large castle. I assume its the residence of the lord. Its nothing compared to the castle in the capital, but, for a commoner like me, it was an amazing site.


My body began to lift from the dragon as she descended.

I couldnt help but let out a scream.

The dragon is headed straight for the castle.

In response, many of the soldiers on the ground began to panic. I really cant blame them. If I saw a massive dragon like this diving straight towards me, Id run away in an instant. In fact, the majority of the soldiers are doing just that.

Some of the more brave soldiers are firing magic into the sky. However, all of their spells were completely nullified by something invisible in front of the dragons nose. Im guessing its some kind of barrier. I feel like I remember hearing something about that on the airship.

After a short while, the dragon landed.

I could hear a loud rumble as her large frame landed in the courtyard.


Another small scream leaked out of my mouth as the shaking stopped.

The back of the dragon is still level with a three-story building. I cant use flight magic, so I cant safely get down from here. If I were to fall off now, it would be the end of me.

Even if Ive been on her back before, I just cant get used to it.

By the way, Ive gotten up here, and down before, due to Fahren-samas magic.


Ah, my body has started glowing again. It seems Fahren-sama is ready to get down now. I instinctively started waving my hands and feet trying to touch any solid object. However, there was nothing in reach as my limbs were only able to cut through the air.

Before long, I fell butt first on to the ground.

Wa-Wait! Whats all this commotion!?

Many people were gathered in the courtyard, curious as to why a dragon had just landed.

Amongst the crowd of people, there was someone I knew.

It was Ester-sama.

Beside the imposing figure of the dragon, she stood surrounded by a contingent of knights and mages. The normal uniform she had been wearing in school was gone, in its place, she was now wearing clothing that made her look like the noble she is. She actually looked really cool with her knight escort surrounding her. I wish I could switch places with her. I wouldnt mind being surrounded by all those men.

Shes wearing a gorgeous coat, embroidered with gold thread, that hangs down to her knees. Shes wearing a white shirt underneath with a matching scarf around her neck. With her large mantle, cape, and thick boots, she really reminds me of a male aristocrat.

It looks good on Ester-sama with her dignified appearance. Her glossy blonde hair looks beautiful. If Mercedes-sama was here, I doubt shed be able to control herself. Ester-sama would definitely be groped.

Im here, Richards daughter.

Fahren-sama didnt seem to even notice how she was dressed.

He casually greeted her as if he was greeting a colleague at work.

Why are you here, Fahren-sama? More importantly, w-whats with the dragon?

Tanaka-san is nowhere in sight. If the dragon is unhappy to hear this news, the city of Tricklis will be gone before the Pussy Republic can even attack. Actually, the whole of the Penny Empire may be destroyed.

Where is he?

He? Who are you talking about?

Tanaka. Who else would I be asking for?

Eh? Ta-T-T-T-Tanaka? W-Whats that supposed to mean!?

Hmm, so you dont know.

Ester-sama began to panic after hearing Tanaka-sans name.

To be honest, I really cant understand her. I mean, hes certainly strong, he treats men and women equally, he has a gentle personality, huh, now that I think about it, it would be amazing to see an attractive person with these characteristics.

Still, hes not my type, so it doesnt matter. I would much rather be with someone like Allen-sama. Hes so cool. I hope once hes over Ester-sama Ill have a chance.

After all, a mans face is the most important feature.

Ill be the breadwinner in our relationship. Ill take care of him.

I-Is he coming here? Is that what youre saying!?

This maid said he received a summons and left for this city.

He was conscripted?


W-Wait, Sophia!? Whats this supposed to mean!?


Another involuntary scream escaped my mouth.

Im a little scared.

S-Sorry. Tanaka-sama left me a note that said he was headed to the guild after receiving a letter notifying him that he had been drafted. He left a few days ago and Fahren-sama believed he was headed to Tricklis.

I see.

I-I-Im very sorry.

Even though I know her, Ester-sama is a high-ranking noble.

She still scares me.

I was beginning to feel relaxed around her, but I need to stiffen up!

Our respective social status is important.

Im sorry for yelling. Thank you, Sophia.

No, I-Im not worthy of those words.

It seems that Ester-sama knew nothing about Tanaka-sans recent travels. Even if she is the lord of this land, it seems very unlikely that shed know about one specific adventurer arriving here among the large number of adventurers that were sent to this town.

I have experience with something similar while working at my familys restaurant. If I were to find a specific cup that a customer drank out of, even if I had a general description of it, it would be nearly impossible to find it.

But what if Tanaka-san didnt even come here? The dragon is already becoming impatient. Even now as were talking amongst ourselves, the dragon is snorting and looking around restlessly.

My skirt is fluttering from the wind caused by her snorting. Its warm and damp.

What happened? Is Tanaka here?

Aah, she wants answers. What should we do?

Fahren-sama turned to answer her.

Apparently hes out. Well have to wait for a while.


Gururu The dragons throat began to tremble.

Every member of the surrounding crowd trembled without exception.

Without Tanaka-san here nobody will be able to stop her if she decides to go on a rampage.

I-I understand!

What are you planning to do, Richards daughter?

Ester-sama disregarded Fahren-samas question and turned to a middle-aged nobleman that stood at her side. He was around the same age as Fahren-sama, but his physique was the exact opposite. He was very fat and clearly balding.

His beady little eyes and drooping jowls make him look so creepy.

Dave, confirm the location of where you sent those conscripted soldiers from the Guild!

Apparently, his name seems to be Dave.

Eh? Umm, right now? Thats.

Right now! This is an urgent matter!

Hii, I-I understand.

In response to Ester-samas shouts, he deeply bowed his head while slowly backing away.

He turned towards the castle and began to sprint while looking blue in the face.

Ester-sama watched as he faded into the distance before turning back to Fahren-sama.

Is this okay?

Its fine.

Sir Fahren, will this situation be okay?


Its just thatit will be a problem if it stays like this.

Ah, her.

They each glanced over at the dragon.

I can understand what shes trying to say.

There are still people gathering in the courtyard trying to get a view of the dragon thats suddenly landed here. Considering her massive figure, this situation will continue to stay like this until she decides to leave. I dont even want to think about what would happen if some foolhardy soldier decided to pull his sword on the dragon.

As for that, theres a much more convenient appearance she can take.

what does that mean?

Dragon, can you change your form once more?

Again? I dont want to; that shape is too cramped.

If my mind serves me right, that man named Tanaka would really enjoy that form.


If you change back to that form, youd have an easier time negotiating with him.


Ill ask once more. Dragon, can you change your form?

I get it. Ill change.

A massive magic circle formed beneath the body of the dragon. The magic circle was so large that it could easily have engulfed the entirety of the dormitory of the school. I jumped out of surprise when the bright light being emitted by the circle shown beneath my feet.

In the next moment, the dragons body was engulfed in light.

It was as if the sun had fallen from the sky and landed right in front of us.

Everyone was forced to cover their eyes to protect against the blinding light.

The glow lasted for some time.

Eventually, the white light faded behind my eyelids.

Fearfully, I slowly began to open my eyes. The gargantuan dragon was no more and, in its place, stood the black-haired girl I had met before in the dormitory. She stood in the middle of the courtyard, completely naked.

As for why shes naked, if she were wearing clothes while transforming back into the dragon, theyd be torn to shreds. So, to avoid this, she took off her clothes before and I placed them in my bag. No matter how amazing her magic is, its difficult to have clothing that could expand to the size of a dragon and then back to the size of a small child.

Your clothes!

I panicked as I dug through my bag for her clothes.

Its my job to cover her up now.


I never thought Id be taking care of a dragon.

Just like in Fahren-samas courtyard, she raised both her hands so I could put them through the sleeves. Shes changing clothes in front of countless nobles right now, but the dragon doesnt care about random humans staring at her. She doesnt seem to even notice.

In her original form, shes completely naked anyway.

Sir Fahren, umm, is that little girl really.

You cant believe it even though you saw it with your own eyes?

N-No, its just.

Ester-sama was left speechless as she stared at the black-haired girl.

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