Atelier Tanaka

Book 2: Chapter 24 (4)

Book 2: Chapter 24 (4)

Conflict 2

Several hours have passed since I first joined the battle.

Our side had successfully been able to push back the enemy forces. Right now, theres no sign of any soldiers from the Republic of Pussy near our base and the scene around our camp is finally beginning to calm down.

I was finally able to take a break now that all of the injured had been healed. Henry approached me as I was sitting on the ground outside of one of the tents. His clothes were covered in blood and dust and they were ripped all over. However, he was still staring at me with a broad smile.

Good work, Tanaka.

Thank you for your hard work as well, Henry.

His face reminded me of a middle-aged man that had just finished a long, hard days work. Hes actually kind of good looking.

I wish I could be a good looking older man like him.

No, Ill look even better when Im able to regain my youth.

Its all thanks to you, Tanaka, that we were able to win here today. Thank you. I dont even want to imagine how bad the situation wouldve been if you werent here.

We were only able to win due to everyones efforts.

Certainly, everyone worked together well and they were a major factor in our victory, but you were constantly supporting everyone from the back.

The same could be said for you, Henry.

I wouldnt have been able to support our fighters on my own. If it was just me, Im sure we wouldve failed.

While speaking, he glanced at the patch of grass next to me.

Can I sit down with you?

Sure, go ahead.

He moved next to me and lowered himself to the ground.

Due to how were sitting, the area directly in front of us is the field the battle was just fought on.

Dozens of craters covered the land. For every patch of grass thats been burnt and blackened, there are just as many areas that have been frozen solid. Even worse than this, there are numerous bodies that have been mangled beyond recognition. The bodies that were left on the battlefield have quickly turned into food for the birds.

It was a terrible scene.

For those that were either unidentifiable due to injury or just had no one to grieve for them, we all said prayers for them in a group. There were countless dead enemy soldiers left on the battlefield and no one chose to pray for them. Given how warm this area is, the bodies will soon start to decay and Im afraid of how bad the smell will be.

Im really thankful for you being here.

I feel the same way for you.

Henry was speaking seriously, so I responded with my honest feelings as well.

I was enjoying this moment of peace after spending the past several hours witnessing the horrors of battle.

Which Adventurers Guild are you from?

I came here from the capital.

Kalis, huh. That must be nice. The capital is gorgeous and there are so many different people that live there.

Where are you from, Henry?

I was born and raised in Tricklis. Though, Ive spent most of my life in a monastery outside the city.

Youre not an adventurer?

When I heard that my hometown was under attack, I had to come here and help. Despite my age, I knew I must come here.

Thats amazing. Not many people would volunteer to fight in a war. I actually respect you even more for that.

It was actually quite easy for me, being a priest and all. It was really nothing compared to the men that were forced to leave their wives and children behind to come here and fight.

T-Thats true. Sorry.

You dont need to be sorry. Ive been in the monastery for a long time now. The only reason Ive been able to save so many lives is due to me joining the monastery. Thats why Im glad that I joined.

I see.

Even if he seems content, there was also a sad undertone to his words.

A messenger from the city arrived today.

What did the letter say?

It seems that there will be a change in personnel on the frontlines. Were to return to the main base.

Im happy to hear that. Im exhausted after today.

Well, my recovery time is significantly shorter than everyone else. As long as I spend a full day resting, Ill be ready to go. However, a large-scale battle that lasted several hours was incredibly draining. Im sure the several days spent on the carriage travelling here didnt help me at all.

Even if my body is healed by magic, it doesnt heal my heart.

I wonder how many times Team Orgy had sex to regain their energy.

Once this war ends, if you want, Id like you to come to the church.

I understand. Ill be sure to come by someday.

I extended my hand out to him.

He grasped my hand hard and smiled.

Ah, I was always longing for a friendship like this.

I could feel the warmth spreading throughout my chest.

Its so warm.

As we were doing this, another voice could be heard from behind me.

Is that Tanaka?


I looked back over my shoulder to see the large, muscular man staring back. I remember this guy. Hes the ultra-masculine skinhead that kept regenerating the lower half of his body and showing it off. His eye tattoo just makes his face even scarier.

The man slowly made his way over to us before kneeling down in front of me.

He kneeled down and stared straight into my eyes.

I came to thank you on behalf of my clan members.


Were the Twilight Company, have you heard of us? Its a pretty well-known name in Tricklis, but weve also been taking jobs in the capital city recently.

Im sorry. Im kind of a wanderer myself.

You dont need to apologize. I just wanted to see you before we left. Im the leader of the Twilight Company, Gonzalez.

Gonzalez? Well, thank you for your hard work today.

Youve also got my thanks for everything you did.

Even his name is intimidating. Gonzalez.

Its a perfect fit for this massive guy.

His parents must have been able to see into the future.

His voice is deep and his dandyism is overflowing.

Hes the perfect Gonzalez.

The recovery magic you used was incredible.

Well, Im happy that I could be of help.

More than half of the fighting force sent here by the Guild were members of my clan. Fortunately, due to your efforts, the number of dead or injured was kept to a minimum.

I-I see.

Im guessing only the adventurers that met certain criteria were sent to this battlefield. They were all either good fighters or able to use support magic. So, in a way, its kind of a compliment. I dont really think hed take it that way if I said anything so Im just going to keep my mouth shut.

Lets just celebrate the fact that we both survived.

Well, we all fought our hardest to protect the women and children in town. Doesnt that make it more worthwhile?

Thats still.

This was really the reason why the ratio of men to women was so one-sided.

In reality, I wish there were a few more women on the battlefield.

The only reason it was like this is due to our rank. For those clans that are rank A or higher, they were all exempt from being sent to this battle. Unfortunately, our rank is only B. Im sure even after everything weve done here, our rank wont be increased any further.

Apparently, there are also subgroups in the Guild called clans.

And these clans all have their own ranks as well. If the rank of the clan youre in is above A, youre exempt from being forced to fight if your country goes to war.

Considering Im only a lowly rank D adventurer, I now have a reason to increase my rank further.

Due to this, I feared the worst when we were sent here. I thought God had abandoned us, but thanks to you and Henry Sensei, Im still alive. I couldnt be happier.

The macho man showed a broad smile.

It was well worth all the effort.

Some of our fighters died today, but its thanks to you both that the overwhelming majority are still alive. You two are lifesavers.

No, youre really just exaggerating too much. You were out in front risking your life, while I stayed back to provide support. The vanguard and the rear guard. It is a system that works no matter what world youre in. Its only due to this that we were able to win.

That may be true, but you were also near the front of the battle using your flying magic.

I think were arguing over something pointless. We should all just celebrate our victory equally. Neither of you was any less useful than the other.

Right. Sorry for being so troublesome.

Its no problem.

Gonzalez shyly responded to Henry while he was scratching his cheek.

Its quite the opposite reaction Id expect from such a macho man like him. It was actually kind of cute. Im not sure how to feel about me thinking this man was cute even if it was only for a brief moment.

I think he may have just ruined that cute expression for me.

By the way, did either of you see that Dark Elf that was fighting in the battle? I swear she looked unstoppable. Im surprised she was able to keep going without requiring healing.

If hes talking about a Dark Elf, theres only one that comes to mind.

It feels like its been such a long time since we first met.

So much has happened in such a small amount of time.

I long for the days of eating lunch made for the nobility in my dorm.

Would you be willing to join my clan?

join your clan?

Is this what they call headhunting?

Yeah. Id really like you to add your power to ours.

He was quietly staring at me as he remained kneeling.

If I were a woman, Im sure Id be wet in less than three seconds.

Hes the type of handsome man youd expect to see frantically running around with a machine gun in a Hollywood movie. While Im just staring at him in awe of his masculine charm wondering if I should consider training my body for the first time in my life.

Even if this is the case, his eyes are bright and shining like a childs.

I see.

Im being invited to the first clan Ive ever heard of. Though this guy doesnt seem like a bad person, I have places I need to go to and things I need to take care of.

I need to return to the capital city of Kalis and buy myself two beautiful blonde meat toilet slave sisters.

Im very grateful for the invitation, but Im sorry. I have important things I still need to take care of. I have to decline your invite, Gonzalez.

I see. Sorry for kind of putting you on the spot there.

Its no problem.

Just forget I ever even asked you. I didnt mean to cause you any trouble.

Well, thank you for your concern.

He responded to me without even showing a hint of anger at my refusal.

If youre ever in trouble in Tricklis, just look to the Twilight Company for help. Give them the name Gonzalez and theyll be sure to do whatever they can to aid you.

Thank you. If that ever happens, Id like to sit down and talk over a warm meal rather than such a terrible battlefield like this.

You got it.

Gonzalez showed me one more bright smile.

Like this, my last day on the battlefield was spent talking with Gonzalez and Henry as the sun faded beneath the horizon.

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