Ascension of the Nephilim

Chapter 502 Friends With Neighboring Planets

The dark moon over the Planesworld had numerous changes. Portals were present inside the deep structures and had numerous masking powers that blocked the sights of even the gods and fallen!

Standing there was a gathering of the Eldrich leaders.

In the circle of seats, a few seats were elevated as thrones.

Seated to the side was an old eldrich of unfathomable powers. He was not an Eldrich noble by blood but is the King's, right-hand man.

Next to him was a green-eyed Eldrich with the force of a Cherubim. He had a noble lineage and sat with a sour expression. His son, a Crown, had died in the Planesworld, slain by Lea Olethros.

Below him were the avatars and clones that those who infiltrated the Planesworld left behind.

"We are here to discuss the future plans that we have set. It seems that we have successes and failures on numerous sides. I am growing impatient. Let us talk about the progress. The last time we met, some had volunteered to take care of numerous problems that plague the advancement of our plans." The green-eyed noble spoke.

"Indeed. I agree with Lord Desertlord! It feels as if nothing was gained!" A giant dark Serpent slithered to the side, coiled up, and listened to the meeting.

Next to the serpent was a Skeleton Eldrich, who kept quiet. A Vampire with Crown powers was also among them.

"Which is why... I am here." A handsome eldrich with green eyes, frost and wind swirling around him, says among the Eldrich.

"Our King... Lord Bolerax!" The group bowed.

"Let's start with you, Elderich skeleton Terrobim."

"I... have nothing but failure. The advancement in the Dark Shine Kingdom has met many... problems. First, the refusal of the Netherlands to join or help us. Even when I tempted them with the Half-Fallen Princess, they did not listen! I couldn't understand why! The return of Princess Lea Olethros created a strange reversal of roles among many! And her father follows her words as if she was a Fallen!" Terrobim reported.

"I tried my best to press on the Dark Shine Kingdom to send more forces and spies and conquer cities in the Lowlands with hopes to force the human kingdoms out of Airom. But a strong, powerful group known as the Steele family has hindered my advances! I even sent one of my bones to raise an army of undead there and attack the Addorant kingdom! But they were all massacred and slain!"

"And the orcs?"

"I tried to spur more orcs, but many orcs have betrayed their nations and served the reviving of a dead nation! Their royals are worthless, but the Commander that leads this kingdom, Grugnyr, is smart! And he is not the worse of the lot! Branze Steele! A name that is resounding all over the Lowlands has dominated it! I cannot attack and conquer it for now! And the support of the Highlands is huge! They allowed dwarven empires to be rebuilt inside the Lowlands, and they are arming the collaboration of human kingdoms! Now, I am creating a means to summon myself there with all the bones I sent in. But it will cost me greatly!"

"Our plans to invade Airom from the Dark Sea using the Dark Shine have failed. And our plans to create an undead army in Middle have also failed. Isn't that your report, Crown Vampire Einsen?"

The Vampire bowed in embarrassment.

"Don't tell me that the humans in Airom are taunting you with their Celestial Golem?"

"That... is one of the issues. It's one of the reasons why I cannot attack personally. But the main issue is the rising lizardman kingdom! Alpha Draconis, it calls itself. It has drawn many alliances and slain some of my strongest elites!"

"Einsen. By strength, you would not be allowed to sit here. You have shown great tact and Foresight in many cases, which allows you to sit among us. And now, you're telling me you cannot move?"

"I feel that... Someone with greater Foresight is there. Somethings happening in Middle that is hindering me from making my advance."

"Hmp. You both are lucky that even my brother failed. Well, he failed, but what we gained through his defeat could be counted as greater success." Bolerax sighed.

"Lord Breveros has failed? Was it... something unlucky again?" The old eldrich asked.

"He was unlucky. The moment my brother stepped foot in the Uninvolved Lands, thanks to our magic and weaker cultivation levels due to his many unfortunate incidents, he met an Incubus."

"An Incubus?!"

"Yes. One with the powers that could perhaps be charted back to Xermolipi!"

"An Incubus with the Corruption of Charm in the Planesworld?!"

"It's not surprising. We have long sensed that Xermolipi's legacy is somewhere in the Planesworld. This man likely found it. This is also the man the Greater God Sheolrah sought for. Cracky Batcheeks. In any case, this man forced my brother to delay searching and release the seals of the Half-Fallen Princess. And he defeated my brother. But it seems his intentions in attacking us was only to get our attention."

"So he wishes to join us?"

"Yes. He offered me quite an interesting proposal. One that will naturally help resolve all our delays. He can attack the Lowlands and drive the people out of Airom. And he claims that he has a way to create a portal that will bypass the Golem Celestial!"

"Impossible. We have tried to create teleportation magic from inside the strange pocket realm where the Undying Lands are and move our forces to the Planesworld! All have failed!"

"Yes. But remember that this Cracky Batcheeks did appear in Airom? He managed to sneak in before the Golem Celestial was awakened and left a blood clone inside. He claims he has seduced some princesses that will allow him to create a physical portal line from Middle toward the Planesworld. He is quite skilled in spatial magic and energy conversion circles that he said he could create a permanent portal at great cost."

"...That is possible. A physical channel will bypass the magical barriers. But why come to us? Doesn't he know that a Greater God is looking for him?" Desertlord agreed.

"He didn't know Sheolrah was chasing him." Bolerax had a strange expression as he recalled his conversation with Nightwing.

"He suddenly took my brother hostage when I spoke of it. He didn't give me any room to negotiate. There are... other interesting things he told me about the Greater Gods. Apparently... there is a war going on between them. And it has spurred my interest. For now, I have no plans of telling the Greater God that we have found the being she sought for."

"My lord. Is he an ally? Something seems rather... suspicious with this Cracky Batcheeks." The old eldrich spoke.

"Indeed. My King, is this man of Destiny?" The green-eyed Elderich noble, Desertlord, asked.

The others had curious expressions when they heard this question. They didn't understand what this meant.

"...No. But he is also not of Fate. He called himself a True Challenger."

"True Challenger? There is such a thing?" Desertlord asked again.

"It seems so. In any case, we must get my brother and aid them in conquering the Midlands. This Cracky Batcheeks was defeated by Steele and wants revenge. He also revealed he knew of the portals in Midlands. So we help him open the portal and bring my brother back here. And this is why we need to send several people with great ties to Destiny in the Planesworld again. This Incubus is the key to leading us back to Xermolipi. That is a Corruption we must aquire! We will need this Incubus alive."

"But the Highlands have activated that spell! So the Planesworld now will sense if an Elderich or those with our marks enter!"

"That's why we don't send our forces! Instead, I called a meeting with the other planets nearby and revealed the legacy of the Half-Fallen. It's about time we become friends with the neighboring planets, who were always being pushed around by the strongest planet in this system. If Necros Olethros don't help us even if we speak of that legacy, then those of the other planets will! They will be the ones to aid Breveros. For the Midlands, those who are Conquerors should be enough!"

"Conquerors in Middle... That will indeed ensure our victory!" Terrobim agreed.

"Yes. Though the Steele family is strong, they aren't strong enough to defeat Conquerors!" Einsen also agreed.

"For now, all of you is to find a way to stop your respective enemies. Airom is getting stronger. The lizardman army in Middle should not become any stronger! If you cannot fulfill your missions, weaken your enemies and force a stalemate! We wait and see if this Incubus is worth the trouble! Now go!"

"By your command!"

The avatars and clones of the serpent, the vampire, and the skeleton disappeared.

"That Breveros... Why is he always unlucky? To think he couldn't even create a clone to warn us immediately!" Desertlord sighed.

"My King... Is this alright? Will Lord Impyernos agree?" The old eldrich asked.

"I spoke to my father. It seems that the legacy of Xermolipi is very important to Lord Impyernos. This is Lord Impyernos's order. Because of that Greater God Sheolrah, who broke through the barriers all those months ago and disrupted the barrier, the backlash he received was lighter. So he can afford to make this attack. Come. Let us call on the leaders of each planet and offer our friendship."

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