Ascension Of The Immortal Asura

Chapter 867 The Fated Fight Begins

John and Asuros appeared before each other like ghosts, their speed beyond shocking. Both of them punched out with their fists towards each other, the first test of their might against one another.


Two fists collided, and the world seemed to shake. The arena shook with violent energy, as if it were about to fall apart. A leg swept out, met by the others leg as well.


The arena shook with violent energy once more, even more powerful than the first exchange.




In a few seconds, hundreds of attacks were exchanged between the two, both using only their physical body in the exchanges.

The other geniuses watching, as well as everyone in the divine city watching the stone stele had their eyes wide and mouths agape. In just the first few seconds of the final battle, they were already shocked to their core, and for multiple reasons.

They were shocked that the two pinnacle geniuses of the realm, and perhaps the entire world, had requested a life and death battle without hesitation. Clearly the two had history with each other, and that history was one filled with irreconcilable hatred.

They were shocked by the brutal power of the attacks being unleashed. Despite the attacks being pure physical attacks without weapons, each punch and kick was powerful enough to shatter mountains and destroy kingdoms. It was like watching two primordial beasts fight, their physical might incomparable to anything else in existence. Despite watching the battle through the stone stele, they could almost feel the impacts course through them. They could understand the apocalyptic power of the battle.

They were shocked by the brutality of the battle, which had just begun moments ago. Both John and Asuros had expressions of menace and hatred on their face; their teeth were gritted tight and eyes were wide with rage. But despite this obvious hatred both felt, neither had opted to use a weapon yet.

Fists slammed against flesh and bone as the two fought with brutal barbarity. It was as if both John and Asuros did not want the battle to end too quickly, and wanted the other to suffer as much as possible. A weapon could take a life in an instant, but a fist would brutalize an opponent for some time before their life would fade away.

It was also as if both were trying to establish their superiority from the start, proving to the other that they did not even need a weapon to dominate the other.

Lastly, they were shocked to their cores by what had appeared before their very eyes. John and Asuros were no more, or at least they did not appear as they had just moments ago. Both had undergone hellish physical transformations, appearing more like demons than humans.

Their bodies had turned black and red, their muscles had grown larger, their eyes had turned blood red, and horns pierced out of their heads. Asuros had many horns on his head, like a crown made of horns, while John had two, both slightly curved and piercing out of the upper part of his forehead.

Not a single word was uttered as the makeshift city fell dead silent, too stunned to speak, or even make a noise. And most importantly of all, everyone knew that this was just the start. What was to come would no doubt shock them further, although they were almost unable to believe that was possible.




The arena trembled ceaselessly as John and Asuros flashed about the arena, appearing in different places like ghosts as they exchanged dozens of attacks each and every second. Fist crunched against flesh and bone as both landed attacks on the other.

It was as if neither was concerned about defending, and only wanted to brutalize the other with utmost haste. Blood flew about the arena as both created wounds on the other, although the wounds were hardly worth noticing.

Thanks to both John and Asuros having unlocked the Limiter of Healing, they both healed those small wounds in nearly an instant, although Asuros seemingly healed faster thanks to him having unlocked the Limiter of Life while John had yet to do so.

It was a barbaric fight devoid of any tactics or thought, as if it were truly two mindless beasts fighting for supremacy.


Another exchange occurred, both John and Asuros landing a calamitous punch on the other's face at the same time, neither concerned about blocking the other's attack. Both of them flew backwards through the sky like meteors, and slammed into the opposite sides of the arena's formation barrier.

The formation barrier lit up brightly as both collided into it, and then fell to the arena floor below. The crowd held their breath as they watched with bated breath, unable to peel their eyes away for a second.

They could tell that the force at which both had collided into the formation barrier would kill even a Dao Transformation expert, and yet both John and Asuros stood up without hesitation, and if the damage they had sustained meant nothing; if they even sustained damage at all.

For the first time since the battle started, there was silence in the arena. John and Asuros stood on opposite sides of the hundred-mile wide arena, staring at each other with menace. Asuros smirked.

"Not bad," he praised mockingly. "You seem to have improved since we last fought. It appears I won't be able to kill you with my fists alone," he said as his massive saber suddenly appeared in his right hand.

John remained silent as his scythe appeared in his right hand, and his body dipped slightly as he strained to hold it steady. Asuros did not miss this fact, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You're using a scythe so heavy that even you cannot wield it properly? Are you stupid?" he asked mockingly.

"Why don't you come over here and fight out for yourself," John replied, speeding forward the next instant. Asuros' smile widened into a menacing grin as he sped forward with equal speed and power.

The two met in the very center of the arena, both weapons slashing out towards the other, both using only their pure physical might in the exchange.


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